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A member registered Nov 04, 2018

Recent community posts

Game is great, but the secret hunting makes me nauseous. I wish there was an item you could buy that highlighted all of the secrets on the current stage in blue.

hmm, maybe instead the player could control how much power goes to the left and how much power goes to the right. This would eliminate tha problem of important things happening offscreen with no indication, since a failure in power on one side of a grid wouldn't cause a outage on the opposite side of the grid. I just dislike dealing with the fact that building structures next to a generator will take away power from whatever's on the other side, even if the structure you built already gets power from somewhere else. 

oh, I'm on laptop. Maybe the trackpad disables shift. Oops!

How I thought of it was: If the left one is fully powered, the right one gets the excess. If the right one is fully powered, the left one gets the excess. if both are fully powered, it doesn't really matter where the excess goes

It's just an idea I had. I wouldn't be angry if you didn't take the suggestion of some random stranger. 

Oh, not to be the kid who says "what about the homework," but the descriptions of the defensive structures don't have the correct values for the energy requirements.  I sincerely hope that the descriptions are flawed rather than the implementation, because I don't know if I could get through the cave when the minimum power for a defensive structure is 20/s

Great game, but there are a few annoyances.

1. The game isn't very clear on how you need to progress. The only hint they give is if you bring a full-weight character to the cave, and that's something you have no reason to do and which takes a long, long time.

2. there doesn't seem to be a way to place multiple towers without bringing up the menu. This could be fixed by bringing back the system from the first game where you shift-click.

3. It's annoying that machines will still hog half of a generator's energy even if they only need like 10 energy. It would be nice if power consumption maxed out at the optimal level and anything after that went to the other machine connected to the generator. This could even be implemented as a suit upgrade, where it gives you the ability to micromanage where the power from a generator goes.

Oh, and the research station should draw 15 power even if a player is next to the generator. It's annoying not being able to research bc your fat ass is blocking the solar panel.

"Oh this is Resident Evil"

"Oh this is REALLY Resident Evil"

"Oh this is Baroque"

"Oh this is REALLY Baroque"

Godot. You can tell bc the icon is the Godot logo.

I still think it's worth it to argue. Many of these people have literally never seen an opposing perspective, and if they have, it's from people they consider "normies." It does them good to realize that fellow losers feel differently.

I deleted it, and I got out. I criticized the behavior because I find it repugnant. Now I'm only responding to what people tell me. It's not a good idea to stick your head in the sand and claim that you should never criticize speech. Even if you agree with this speech, you have to understand that it will be challenged.

Yes, I read your comment. You are telling me that I'm doing the thing I criticize others for. That is what a hypcrite does. You can't unsay things. You'll understand that when you're older.

That's a stupid thing to say. I don't live in an echo chamber. If I remained in an echo chamber, you wouldn't see me. Making a few negative comments isn't a fetish. I am well aware that my actions affect others. I maintain that interaction between communities is to be expected, and a policy of never saying negative things is not desirable. You're trying too hard to portray me as a hypocrite, and it's not working.

Anyway, based on your comment history, you're not exactly a ray of sunshine either.

Strategy: buy 3 of everything. This will get you well above 1 million by the time you have to start deleting stuff. The delete bug doesn't have much of an effect when you're abandoning items so quickly. I probably lost time on the part after you start deleting because of poor mouse movements and bad strategy, but I'm pretty sure of the early-game strategy.

He tries to stab her twice to get away, and she only gets him to agree by crushing him. The fact that this doesn't sound like rape to you is actually concerning. Just because someone consents to some act at some point doesn't mean you can do whatever you want to them. I want to know—are you defending this because you believe it's defensible or are you defending this because you like the game it's part of?

Well I did get that scene, and it must have played out differently for you. I don't care if there's a way to avoid it. If you don't tell the player how to avoid it, and you make it so that it can show a rape scene, that's a problem. It doesn't matter that there's only a chance that the player will see it. It doesn't matter if it's a punishment for rapophobes. It doesn't matter that only idiots can see it. If you put a rape scene in a game, you put a disclaimer, especially if the scene glorifies rape.

Wow, how astute. What tipped you off?

dubious consent? She put a knife to your throat and threatened to kill you! There’s nothing “dubious” about it, and It’s the first scene in the game.

Include a content warning, you piece of shit. I'm sick of people pushing their rape fetishes on normal people and acting like victims if people aren't happy. You make me fucking sick, and I hope some day you come to your senses and realize that your actions affect people outside of your echo chamber.

There's a bug where Foxy can game end you even when the door is closed if the running sound starts while the door is open.

You might not have had all your leaders fully upgraded.

we gotta get an option to have the auto-learn function on the rate at which you gain levels rather than the level you're at. I'm sick of having to choose between never gaining levels in magic and only gaining levels in magic.

(1 edit)

Here's what I've gathered:

the amount xp per level is (kx)^10. For skills, that k value is about 0.01. Each job has a different k value. This essentially means that you need 1024x the xp to double a skill.

Most skills increase your stats linearly, and any skills that don't will instead increase your stats logarithmically. That means to increase the stat by 1, you have to multiply the skill by a certain amount. Each stat has a different base for the log. Bargaining's stat is a divider on prices, but the game only shows you the multiplier.

Alright, fine. I still think the creator is in the wrong for lying about the content of their game, and I think they will continue to be in the wrong as long as they continue doing it, and I don't think they'll stop until they're banned from Patreon. I understand that doing it will make them more money, but just because doing something makes you money doesn't mean it's right. 

I think if you have enough time to download and play a porn game, you have enough time to hate it.

If you want to know about my personal life, it's been fine.

If you want to know about my personal life in relation to this topic, I'm doing fine now, and I was doing fine then. About a week ago, I was not doing fine. You can tell me it's all in my head, but that doesn't matter when I'm stuck with the same mind for the rest of my life.

And you say I'm wasting my time

Is this a joke, or are you actually meant to collect 800 cans?

cool game but the mouse movement makes me want to vomit


May? What do you mean MAY!?

Since there was a condition for killing only 8 enemies, maybe enemies killed through brawn don't affect kill count. 

In my playthrough, I put a lot of points into brawn, wits, and agility for the skill checks. This meant I had to get rewards from areas I was severely underpowered in. 

My solution was to just run from every enemy and hope for brawn kills. My instakill chance was always around 40%, and my flee chance was around 75%. That means only about 27% of my kills involved actual combat.

I should've known this game's an oldie. It reminds me of Oddwarg's Animal RPG.

Does the amount of time taken to beat the game influence the ending?

Also, how does the game determine whether you're a shit soldier? 

80 reps? I don't work out, but that doesn't seem right. I guess sexual tension takes priority over time management sometimes

leveling is SO SLOW later on. The leveling formula should be a polynomial, like in Vampire Survivors where it's quadratic (xp required for each level is 8n^2, where n is the level). You can get this effect by adding to the needed xp each time you level up. It seems like right now you're multiplying it by some constant each level, which means the pace always feels like it's slowing down, since no computer can handle an exponentially increasing number of enemies for an extended period.

cool game. Are the two impossible doors supposed to be connected? (the one Legi couldn't open and the one covered by rubble).

Add a keyboard-only control scheme for laptop users. For the battle sections, the cursor could be controlled with WASD. Shift would make the cursor go faster, and enter would basically be left click. Right click could be ctrl + enter or maybe just alt. For the sex sections, A could be left and D could be right.

Also fix the itch page. It looks like this now:

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

wait you got the rickroll to work? I keep clicking the letters but nothing happens.


cool game, but (+max ammo) is a power down since the last loaded shell takes 0 time. Higher max ammo means less reloads get skipped.

You first have to beat the final boss. The code for the organic machine is at the end of the credits. The organic machine only does 2 things

1. fixes the shit ass fonts citizens of the expanse use

2. if activated at the start of the game, gives an early Glutton Emblem and EXP Scarab. As far as I'm aware, this is the only way to get all 4 EXP Scarabs.

Grinding is not necessary, but you will often have to fight a huge number of enemies while trying to unlock various secrets. Fights can drag on for a long time, especially on nightmare difficulty. Beating the game and all post-game content took me 34 hours! It would be nice if enemy spawns were halved and enemy rewards were doubled. A lot of the game is spent doing the same fights over and over.

(1 edit)

I've noticed the same thing happen on mission 2 in particular. I think the game gets a whole beat ahead of the music by the end of that mission.

I don't think it's really possible to sync the gameplay and music unless one actually affects the other. For instance, Mother 3 has the music follow the beat patten in-game. I think a more reasonable approach would be to have certain points where the game resets the beat by checking what timestamp it has made it to in the music.

Given this only happens with some tracks, I'd guess it has something to do with the tempo not matching up with the framerate of the game. Unless the BPM evenly divides 3000 (assuming a fixed update rate of 50), you'd need a different delay between each beat. Common tempos that fail this test are:

80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 104, 108, 112, 116, 126, 132, 138, 144

Edit: just checked. The offending song is 120 BPM. I have no idea what the problem is.

on god she's just a cartoon, no cap.

is that republican music in the background?

I honestly don't understand what this is supposed to mean. Are you telling me to kill myself? Is that what people do in Dutch hospitals?