Super cool!!
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Fyi here's the edited script:
Hello! I like the wave and jiggle effects of Super Text Mesh! I'm trying to get STM to work with Adventure Creator. I've got it working mostly using the supplied script here, but one issue I'm having is that all characters use the same text colour that's set in the STM SubtitlesUI prefab. Each character's dialogue should have their own colour text, and in dialogue boxes, it should be that any <c=whatever> should overwrite that colour, but by default, it would help if each character had their own default colour text as set in Adventure Creator's Player or NPC components.
I asked Chris (who made Adventure Creator), and he said the STM colour should be set to the following. Any idea how I can do that please?
superText.color = speech.GetColour ();
He also said "I don't have Super Text Mesh so I wouldn't know what the correct syntax is, but that asset's developer should be able to advise." Which is why I'm asking here. Thanks!
I know, right?!? I think it'd be a great competitive game. In the few situations I've seen it played, it creates a lot of laughs and cheers and is super tactical - I mean, a good player wipes the floor with other players with skillz. I prefer this to Super Smash Bros tbh, and almost feel it goes more to a player's innate skill instead of needing to learn intricate moves lists.