can we date him now on the updated demo or no xdd
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my heart fluttered when he said he would keep me safe lmao , thank you so much , tbh i played this game like maybe months ago and i remember the trauma from me being killed by him or his mobs so i read the guide this week and when i reached the church section i immediately closed it off saying there's no happy ending with him so it maybe my mistake since i didn't follow the guide properly lmao but i'm really happy , thank you a lot dear !!! i'm waiting for the next chapters but i would probably be out of my country by then gahhhh ( sobbb) ....
i hope you don't mind but i'm praying for your eternal success , cheering and i hope that won't put you off i'm simply loving your enthusiasm in writing and coding , i aspire to do the things i love without a pressure , i'm lost for words not in a bad way and please don't you feel the need to justify your works everyone have different taste and do please excuse my language and mistakes , i don't interact lots with foreign people so forgive me if i was being rude again .
thank you again and i'll work by your advice.
i don't think you would like it if anyone compared between your work so i will just get straight to it , i'm lucky to have played this version before the other one since this vn was longer than the other but lol i'm upset i played this before the new one , i mean like i knew what was going on but also it had rather much details like character details and the writing was captivating especially when you were describing the buildings lol and you really made me taste how the mc was feeling all along , oh and i got to see another face for my crush laurent , i'm afraid to read what you publish in the vn pages since i may spoiler for myself and that's absolute no good even though i'm sure you will warn us , as foreign to English language i get to learn many hard words lol and i'm really honored to play your wonderful games , they're just my cup of tea .
thank you for delivering to us these dark fantasy marvelous vn games , i love almost everything about them .
i'll be little shameful and ask for little favor , may you direct me into how i can start writing , i found out that reading and writing were good to develop my language given that i don't like private teachers since i had my share of them before but i also hate self study but i'v to give it my best , can you like send me links if it's not too bothersome into how i can start writing and engage myself into it ? thank you in advance my favorite developer .
i kindly ask you to be patient with me since i'm still learning , first of all i was using the browser to download the VN games but then yesterday i found out that i needed to use the app for the web so i can use the method of ( C : user etc etc ) , i did in fact immediately started using it but then an unfortunate problem occurred ( just my usual RNG ) , the thing is some of the games i downloaded were old games meaning i played them before but deleted them and redownloaded them using the app hence i wasn't able to delete them from the saved files ( i need to mention that some of them didn't have a folder names as saves or saved ) so i just used the method from the other kind person who answered me ( delete option from keyboard the right section ) , i still don't know if this was due to me playing it before or not .
right , i talked too much , do excuse me and thank you !
was my post that long and boring lol , i had to reread my post again thanks to you truly , anyway
i'm really thankful to you , the delete option had worked , you're life saver , i have to note that nobody told me that i had to use the app instead the web for me to actually to be able to use the option of the c: user data app etc etc etc , i had to find out the hard way after a search for 3 days in my free time , lol thanks again
i'm new to this website , for starters i searched answers from the devs and the forums in here , just one dev had answered me , i tried everything i can , i hope someone can resolve my issue since it's my first time in this area .
okay , when i asked the dev , they said navigate to : (PC: Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy and delete the Artifact folder ) ofc i changed the user to mine and that didn't help instead it gave me ( no items match your search ) .
i tried searching inside the game files itself and found inside the file called ( game ) _ ( saved ) , i deleted those , then i re entered the game and the saved files are there in their place , nothing got deleted .
in those games i've played , they don't have the option to delete the saved data from inside the game nor they're an auto saved .
i usually save my files into the D drive so i i don't know if that will make any difference but i copied them and pasted them into the C drive and repeated the process which going to (PC: Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy and delete the Artifact folder ) , i even tried the ( Windows + R ) to open the dialog box then i wrote ( %LocalApp% ) there i manually looked for the game but it didn't appear , it's like the game isn't registered in my device .
i tried to describe my problem with as much details as i can , there were no guides on you tube for itch it only redirected me to steam and steam saves in cloud so that won't help .
my native language is not English so i hope my explanation was easy and i hope this cursed issue get resolved .
thanks in advance .
thank you for answering , the first thing i did before asking anyone was the logical thing that came to my mind which is deleting the whole game and that didn't work , just let me note that i'm not heavy gamer and i recently discovered this wonderful web which led me to play VN , i had never deleted saved games or back up them before so the whole thing is new to me .
then i tried looking searching manually inside the game files for anything that looks like saved filles or saved data , and i only managed to find this one , i'll add the pic later since i can't see what i'm writing if i put it right now , after that i deleted them thinking they're the ones , and that didn't help either , to be clear i tried this in many VN i played i even restarted my laptop .
if i said that i don't save my games on the C drive will that change anything ?
i hope you can reply , i came from different game and it's VN game but i did as you said and it didn't work , most of the devs i asked didn't answer probably busy with their life , one of them actually answered and i better redirect it to you so you can understand better , i even sent a post , hope it doesn't get blocked .
if you hopefully were able to answer me i'll be able to provide you with much details , thank you in advance .
i'm new to this website , for starters i searched answers from the devs and the forums in here , just one dev had answered me , i tried everything i can , i hope someone can resolve my issue since it's my first time in this area .
okay , when i asked the dev , they said navigate to : (PC: Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy and delete the Artifact folder ) ofc i changed the user to mine and that didn't help instead it gave me ( no items match your search ) .
i tried searching inside the game files itself and found inside the file called ( game ) _ ( saved ) , i deleted those , then i re entered the game and the saved files are there in their place , nothing got deleted .
in those games i've played , they don't have the option to delete the saved data from inside the game nor they're an auto saved .
i usually save my files into the D drive so i i don't know if that will make any difference but i copied them and pasted them into the C drive and repeated the process which going to (PC: Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy and delete the Artifact folder ) , i even tried the ( Windows + R ) to open the dialog box then i wrote ( %LocalApp% ) there i manually looked for the game but it didn't appear , it's like the game isn't registered in my device .
i tried to describe my problem with as much details as i can , there were no guides on you tube for itch it only redirected me to steam and steam saves in cloud so that won't help .
my native language is not English so i hope my explanation was easy and i hope this cursed issue get resolved .
thanks in advance .
guys , i failed to comprehend how can i delete saved data from itch games , it's been weeks since i discovered the sweet genre games called visual novels , anyway , i'm in need of a detailed explanation of how to delete the saved data from my laptop , i'll start by saying that most of the ppl i asked told me of the same way which is to :
( navigate to C:\Users\[PCNAME]\AppData\Local and delete the Artifact folder)
yet it didn't work and i wasn't prepared to get attacked for asking further explanation so i'll just ask here and there until a kind soul answers me !
guys , i failed to comprehend how can i delete saved data from itch games , it's been weeks since i discovered the sweet genre games called visual novels , anyway , i'm in need of a detailed explanation of how to delete the saved data from my laptop , i'll start by saying that most of the ppl i asked told me of the same way which is to :
( navigate to C:\Users\[PCNAME]\AppData\Local and delete the Artifact folder)
yet it didn't work and i wasn't prepared to get attacked for asking further explanation so i'll just ask here and there until a kind soul answers me !