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Metroid Studios

A member registered Dec 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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hi sorry just saw this now, will make the changes 


I am willing to help you out with the art

Oh sorry, I didnt see that

simple and nice. Also, the art style is very unique and quite good for something developed in just 5 hours. The mechanics of the game could improve but i think this is a clear 9/10 for this game

Short, sweet, smooth and crisp to nature. Its like describing a delicious jalapeño potato chip from Miss Vickie's. A solid 10 out of 10.

Liked the art for this entry! It was fun to play too but alas the RoboBird was too powerful. I kept dying at that point of the game... 8.5/10 for this game.

I loved this game. The mechanics are  smooth, the cyberpunk neon colors are eye pleasing and I loved the concept of charging ships as the  ain ship. It takes me back to the time I made a similar concept  for a game jam. Limitation could be improved slightly. Overall this game was a stress buster. 9.5/10 for this game  



I WOULD LIKE TO SUBMIT MY TWO GAMES-Splat and Spikes are the Enemy

Splat-The Great Escape-

Spikes are the Enemy-

Slava Ukraini!

not exactly, I ported the scratch part of the game to javascript and then continued from javascript coding onwards 

yes, you are welcome to do that. My page is

(2 edits)

Funny game and really great art

The funny thing is, I am CoderBroDev 

I like that other people have also contributed to the game in terms of art.

Great limitation concept as well. 

Just a suggestion- In case you will continue working on this game, push this game to STEAM. I would easily pay 5$ for a polished version of this game. In case you need help, let me know, I am up for help....

Again great game, loved it....

Best of Luck,

Metroid Games/CoderBroDev

Thanks a lot!

No I didn't, and I am chasing the title and things like that

(1 edit)


another indie game dev who I look up too...Thanks for your feedback. During post-mortem, I will definitely bring this changes in

Wow! This changed my life when you commented. Thanks Vimlark!

Yep, DM me on discord for the help you need at CoderBroDev #2187 

Hi there, I would suggest you to rework your itch page because the page looks very blank. In fact I can help you in setting it up

we are currently equipped with a programmer and a 2D pixel artist. We are looking for a music composer. Send me your  work or portfolio link if you are interested!

Laser by GrunkGrunk ( Here is the link


Hi there, I was facing issues in uploading my game entry due to the buffering of the WebGl build. I missed the jam by just 6 seconds just because of the issues caused by the WebGl build.

Can I still submit my game? I've been working on it for so long and it would really suck for network issues to be the reason I was not able to submit 

To be honest sir, your games are better than mine. I loved playing Samurai Dash and Planet Colonizer. These are some great games

Thanks for your kind words Sir. I was able to manage with whatever I could as I am in the 8th Grade and I had the exams. By the way,  sir this project has been made using Scratch

Hi dude! I fixed this issue a while back. Plus I fixed the buttons and also the jumping ability. Check it out

Hey gamedevs, hope everyone is about to start or possibly finish their game. With just 9 days remaining, you have to gear up you game jamming skills to finish within the deadline. Voting starts on 1st of June. If you want to be a streamer, please fill out the google form provided in the section of the jam  page

hey this is my game-

Oh thanks for your suggestion. I will update the software once the jam ends. Apologise for not meeting the requirements.