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A member registered Nov 18, 2016 · View creator page →

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Awh heel erg bedankt <33

Very fun! Love the creative bubble type mechanic, very original and fun to use. It feels like a new way of typing. The visuals are very pretty and coherent. Lovely game <3

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Cool seed:


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Cool seed I think:


beautiful game <33. There is a lot of love put into this.

So cool and weird!!!

Wat mooi!! Het is zo stylized en sfeervol, ik houd ervan <3.

THIS IS SO ABSURD AND COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cool!! It is very inspiring to see all the good work being done on the godot engine. Keep it up!! <33


mouse is cool

I love the ghost <333. I have a theory that the Rogzak is actually Dwynn and that her human appearance is a human suit! That is no human at all but a cyber manta ray!!!!! I think it is a beautiful game. 


i loved playing this game. I have gotten the full 10 coins ending. But I do not talk about how many gnomes I allegedly hit while mowing the lawn. No comment.

Gorgeous and super immersive

Promesa community · Created a new topic oh my god

I cant say much, im still processing my feelings. But this is beautiful, it made me cry and made me think of my grandma who passed away. She had dementia. my god this is so touching. woah

Very cool !!! Loved the concept and had fun playing it :D

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oh my god this was beautiful. It made me feel things and it gazed right into my soul in a serene and grey manner. I loved the interactive parts and the actions to get immersed with the character. It was amazing to experience <33

After this map gazed deeply into my soul, I gazed back. I saw what must be done. To destroy maps and such and build a new entity on it's ashes.

 Infinite potential

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cool concept

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Lovely mechanic. But I think the learning curve is waaay too steep, I am very curious to build a dynamic deck and use all the cards. But I feel like I can't reach that point because you get overwhelmed with enemies too fast. The amount of enemies is going up too fast I think. And it feels a bit frustrating that it involves a lot of waiting and that I have no influence on how fast my energy regenerates. I do think it has a lot of potential!! Very creative <3

Very fun to use, charming <3.

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Cool concept! It's fun to play. I do think the mouse sensitivity is too high and I think being able to turn while sliding would be cool. Especially because it gives the player a grace period to correct your move. Also I was expecting the blue wall to be bouncy, I don't know if that is supposed to be. But it would be cool. Maybe think about removing the ability to walk and the only movement being the bananas, that the player has to find out how to get to the end by using only bananas, or maybe even by using the least bananas possible. Cool game, keep working on it :D.

Bananas Are Bad speedrun using only 3 bananas (any% ((WR)no clickbait))

Fun game!!! To summarize what I said irl:

- Movement feels amazing, I think giving the player more motivation to constantly keep moving would be a good thing. Maybe make it more slippery or add a reward for keeping on the move.

- The point system has a good design and I think is complex in a good way. Rewarding the players for more interesting moves and trickshots is a good motivation for the player to get better. But the game lacks feedback for this, give more signs that points are being earned and that different amount of points are being earned. Gamefeel moment.

Furthermore the game feels pretty cool and I like the banana peels. The way you slip on your own and you can use them in your favor.

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Pretty fun! Duck game vibes. Maybe adding a score or a win condition would be cool. I think the levels are cool and the quick pacing of the game feels nice.

oh and I agree with the comments about the controls, they feel a bit off. But you have read that so old news amirite.

I think the overall concept is good. It's fun to sneak around and try to sabotage your co-workers, the game establishes a good world. I'm a dinosaur working at a dinosaur bomb defusing company, pretty clear /genuine. And cool setting I have got to say. The sprites are very expressive in the way they look. They feel lively. I also think dropping the player right into the action is a good choice, that way the learn the mechanic head first, and practically forces the player to learn the game. Which feels intuitive and logical.

I do however have some comments on the execution. It took me quite a while what the starting screen meant, I restarted the game several times because I thought I had missed something. This was not very intuitive in controls. I think adding polish would be obvious, but adding some text or a small clue could be prototype level of helping the player, if that makes sense. Furthermore the clicking is pretty confusing, it was not clear which parts were clickable. And when I finally found the bomb I had to sabotage I did not understand the sneak system. The game lacks feedback on when you are seen and when you are not. I also think it is a little harsh on the player, no room for mistakes. This was pretty frustrating having to start over all again when I did not realise what had gone wrong.

To end on a good note I do love the dinosaur sprites and the way the world looks. Really cute and coherent, also the dialogue system is pretty solid and multiple endings?? That's impressive. So overall good game but I think it needs a few iterations to get more intuitive and to make it feel better.


I feel like the Tf2 Demoman! Cool mechanic. Pretty fun to play and it is very usable with good player feedback. I do think the blast power gives too little movement to the player. It is not much more than the jumping height, and it's vertical as well as the jumping. A combination of horizontal and vertical blast movement would be cool. Also it is kind of ironic that the pretty bomb explosion is almost always behind your back, sad to see. Because it is pretty.

For some ideas: Obviously adding more levels would be cool. Something to think about is air jumping, requiring the player to detonate in the air to get a sort of double jump. Or maybe limiting the amount of mines you can use. Lots of ideas :)

I have achieved one of the speedrun times ever:

Loafet Doafey is fun! Its very playable and it gives pretty good player feedback. All trough the game I knew what to do. The mechanic itself is pretty fun also. Making your own path with bread is fun to do. Never knew that.

I do think its a bit confusing that there is no ability to fly, seeing you play as a bird. It looks bird like but is does not feel bird like. Furthermore I gave you most of the feedback IRL. But to add I think adding coyote time would be good, I often thought I jumped but then plummeted to the void.

Overall cool game, very fun.

Duiven (Columbidae) vormen een familie van meestal middelgrote, compact gebouwde vogels met volle, ronde borst en kleine kop. Ze hebben een snelle, meestal rechtlijnige vlucht. Ze kunnen in tegenstelling tot andere vogels water met de snavel opzuigen. De jonge duiven worden met duivenmelk uit de krop gevoerd. Het mannetje heet doffer en het vrouwtje wordt duivin of gewoon duif genoemd.



Een duif broedt zo'n zestien tot twintig dagen in een eenvoudig, wat rommelig gemaakt nest. Als de jongen geboren worden zijn ze blind en bedekt met dun geel dons. Na drie à zes dagen gaan de oogjes van de jongen open en na elf dagen krijgen de jongen veren. De moeder stopt het voederen na ongeveer zestien dagen, dan eet het jong zelf. Na 25 dagen kan het jong vliegen.

Gebruik door de mens

Duiven worden al lang gehouden door de mens; als pluimvee, om ze (in duiventillen) vet te mesten en op te eten, als sierduif en vooral ook als postduif vanwege hun fenomenale oriëntatievermogen. Al in de vijfde dynastie van het oude Egypte (2500-2350 v.Chr.) waren er tamme duiven. Hiervan zijn tekeningen gevonden in een graf uit die periode.

In vroeger jaren kende men onder het ancien régime het Duivenrecht. Alleen de adel en de geestelijkheid was het recht voorbehouden om duiven te houden.

In de Tachtigjarige Oorlog werd de duif al gebruikt om berichten over te brengen vanuit belegerde steden. In de Eerste Wereldoorlog gebruikten zowel het Duitse leger als de geallieerden postduiven en opnieuw - in mindere mate - in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.

Tijdens de Olympische Zomerspelen van 1900 in Parijs stond het afschieten van levende duiven op het programma. Er werden bij dit onderdeel ongeveer 300 vogels gedood. Het onderdeel werd daarna geschrapt. De vogels werden op de Olympische Zomerspelen van 1912 in Stockholm vervangen door kleiduiven.

Houtduiven zijn soms te koop bij de poelier. Ook wordt soep gemaakt van de duif.

This is really good haha, I am gonna give you some IRL feedback after Vincent is done. 

cool game. I think the player feedback is pretty good. I see what I do and I see what the things I do result in. The view of the player is also pretty nice, its quite clear where to go and challenging enough to walk around. So for a prototype to test it's very well made.

However I am missing a goal here. Once I had no more intestines to pick up, I did not know what to do except from crying about the building that where crumbling down all around me. Despair. So to add more of a satisfying experience a clear ending would be nice.

Goed gedaan Michael, leuk spelletje.

it has sound also :0 that is amazing

Cool game! The speed and the POV of the character definitely makes me feel like a tiny rat running around. And the concept of chewing to escape is cool.

I think that chewing mechanic should come back, make me chew more stuff to escape. Furthermore my goal was not that clear. I knew I had to escape, but not exactly how. After a while I figured out that the green cubes were keys and the grey wall was a door. I think making this more clear gives the player a clearer objective on what to do. And obviously making guards move around gives it more of a challenge.

The experiments seemed mysterious and cool as wel, but were not as clear as to what they do to me. Some more player feedback would be nice here.

Overall, cool game! Give your rat a name and find a model on the internet to give it more personality. I love the rat <3

i LOVE the concept of a castle/jail on wheels. The concept seems a lot of fun. But it's limited by having no place to make a mistake. In the first part of the level if you don't get all the wrenches you are stuck in game. I think this is quite harsh because the player is barely a minute into the game. Maybe give the castle a bit of gas or a jump mechanic to at least get a chance to try it again.

Apart from that, I think the mechanic is cool!! And am curious how the inside of a jail on wheels looks like.

Cool!! The car controls are pretty nice to use, making a turn is do-able after a few tries. My main point of feedback would be give the player a clearer sense on what to do. Add some context like: "drive away from the cops!" At first I just thought I had to drive around, which was fun too! But not the point I think.

Cool sex game


Really fun!