Inspiring. Having myself lost in an infinitely growing city sounds intruiging.
Maybe Great
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FYI: picked up by Nice! Looks like a fun game, with a theme taking more than positively.
I made the entry in hopes of forcing myself to finish up. Well that didn't happen as you can see. Got held up on trying to perfect my vector maths!
Thanks for the encouraging comments. I still like the idea (and the name that goes with it) so might give it a whirl and do my own little jam next week! I
Really solid jam entry. Good tempo in progression from level to level, going for an epic finale and well showcasing the potential of the concept.
The constant shifting between movement and aiming (more of a guessing) golf/worms/artilery style is interesting, albeit I personally cannot get over the dissonance of the two playstyles.
Platformers without direct movement have been showing here and there, with the biggest of late I can think of is Dandara.