Geez :-:
I just hope the creator is okay, I loved that game. I only realized that she was gone when I went to renew my subscription with her on Patreon
Eu amei esse jogo, amo a Misaki e angel:
Will the creator come back? Or did she really leave the game?;-;
Amei o jogo:3! Não acho que o marido merecia morrer, mas ele traiu a esposa no final das contas no ano novo, então ele também não presta.
Muito bom, eu amei:3
Hi:3! I'm a big fan of your work and I'd like to know if one day you'll also make your game work on Android phones?
I love it: 3
do you intend to make the game for Android one day too?
do you plan to release it for android too?
eu simplesmente amei! eu não abaixei por aqui,eu abaixei lá na play store:3