This might sound weird but.
You might wanna remove the exclamation (or alter it) on the top of this site saying
"Play our free Demo"
Since there is no demo for this game anymore on itch.
Plus it confuses people who wants to try it on itch and not on Steam.
Recent community posts
Dont get me wrong i like what is going on in the game, and its really well done in how the rooms are build, but there is something i dont really like even though you have a flashlight, and that is...
Not enough light in some areas.
Like the office buildings that has no light or a lightswitch to turn on the lights. Do people just work in the dark?
Not to mention the main big area, it has very few light sources, but im pretty sure there should be more light in those places because i got lost in finding out where i was heading because i could only rely on my flashlight to find my way.
(Except when power is out, because i have no other means to see)
Maybe its my computer that is set differently in brightness, but most of the areas feels more dark.
There are plenty of games (even sexual) that is free, but that goes the same for games that is not free.
You clearly have not seen many porn games being put a price tag on. But then again, there is plenty of websites that pirates other games and put them there as free, because none wanted to pay for a game.
But then again, you not here for a game, you here for a game that is free.
The reason Kincaid is not being payable, is because they still working on the game, and want it to be like that until its a finished product.
Its just a matter of perspective on what is best way to have the game as. Paid while being developed, or free until its complete, while having donations or subscribtions for supporting the game like Patreon, Subscribestar, and PixivFANBOX.
If people could just use their eyes, they could notice that that's what they already did many years ago.
Even when they announced that their new project is up, they already made it clear that its being reworked.
Not really the devs problem, just people skipping the details of the site.
Edit: Also for clarification, the rework is the new project, while the Fazclaire game will not get further updated on because as the devs said, it s getting a rework. (and apparently its completed)
Hence the new project they announced.
You did not read what they said in the v2.0 Relase.
But let me quote on what they said.
"On a sad note, this will also be the last update made to this game. Outside of fixing some critical bugs in the coming days, this update is meant to be the polished final send-off for this project!"
In other words, this is the last update, and seeing i can read in the *More Information* that it says "Released", means that its aleady finished.
If you don't belive me, then check the dev log and read it properly.
I really hope there will be more patterns and body parts to change in the game, because honestly i felt there was so much that was missing in the current version.
Like more scales, stripes, spots and ect didnt have all of them for all parts of the body, so it felt a bit boring.
Not to mention there definitely needs more species in the game.
The problem for now with mind is that its related to struggle and getting back up when downed, and since you cant kill your targets because there is no death in the game you have to bind them to avoid getting constantly attacked by them.
Ofc thats probably gonna be added further down in its development because its a dungeon raid type, so there is bound to be leveling up and earning exp and so on by slaying and other neat things to do.
Im guessing its because they wanted to develop a new gameplay style, but want to use what they made in DKH.
So basically its like trying to learn what they did on their current development, and then try build on it on the other at the same time to maybe spark new ideas.
But i totaly get what you saying, because if i was going to make something i would probably just stick to one thing first, then work on something new when its done.
Yeah, the mind is a bit too easy to deplete when its all based around struggle or trying to get back up on your feet, while the only way to regain it is to masturbate.
For my point of understanding it feels very unbalanced at first, but it is a very early build and not easy to add a character into a world where the old core mechanics are still in the game.
Like for example some dungeon parts are not available, so you get these short rooms with nothing happening in them.
Some are even with prison barred loot boxes and other stuff, but there is no way to open them.
And lets not forget about that the movement are taken from the other game and slapped to this one, because there is actually no real free movement, because your character sometimes wont move to certain location because of how a NPC would want or not want to move in the game, and that goes for the player too.
Exp can be gained by:
-Combat against invaders. (Captureing invaders might not give exp)
-Collecting gold generated in the Throne room.
-Working at areas that generate stuff you can collect like gold, medicine, food, and research.
-Finding treasure, gems, prisoners, and technology from sending them to the surface for expedition.
-Expanding your base.
Jails and other rooms that does not generate items will not give exp.
Interesting game but there is a few things that i hope gets added to the game, and thats better FOV and possible for longer days (maybe on easy mode "green smily").
Other then that the game is fun and did enjoy the funtime with the one lurking in the dark, and the one at the drop zone is cute but wish i could interact with them or have fun with them too.
For what i found out is that when you engage in combat and try do sex actions against the invader, they can for some reason ignore your turn and keep attacking you. This only happens if you are nearing climax with the invader and do the sex that they are for some reason able to attack regardless of their stamina and mana being at 0.
For what i can understand from how money works in the game is that it entice stronger enemies to invade your dungeon, and that it also gives better items to buy at the market.
For the probability of getting raided seems to be more about how much time has passed without getting raided. So it might be because that since you always get raided or tempt invaders, it lowers its chance of being invaded.
Yeah i figured it would be a problem once you guys reach the end of the original version for the remake. But thats what happens when you remake stuff so i already knew it would not get far unless the original was already a completed version.
Happy new year anyways, and i hope you can figure something out to fill out the blanks in the future.