Thanks for dropping a comment MadMilligan!
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Hey Anna! Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!
Towerbag was made in just 48 hours for a game jam, so it's definitely rough around the edges. The reason for having only one turret was actually tied to the jam’s theme, which was literally "only one," so we ran with the idea of a Tower Defense with a single tower.
We’d love to revisit and improve it at some point, but right now, we’re focused on other projects. If you’re interested in something more polished, check out our latest game, Islets Defense! There’s a demo available on both Itch and Steam, and you can find the link on this same page.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts!
Hey Floof Audio! Glad that you enjoyed it! Means the world to us!
And yes, I wish to eventually make a longer version of Towerbag! You can follow me on social media to get any news about this! Also, we are crafting a new Tower Defense game, completely different than TowerBag, but might catch your attention! It's called Islets Defense, and it's Demo is available both here on Itch and Steam!
And check out our next game as well, it is also a Tower Defense! Completely different one, but might grab your attention! Here's the link!
Thank you so much for your comment! It makes total sense and the zoom thing was a bit of an aesthetic decision on our side, as we tried the game with full zoom-out all the time and it felt very flat and not that dynamic. With more time put into it, we would probably have tried to find a good solution for this problem, but completely agree that it feels frustrating.
That being said, again, thanks a lot for all the kind words! And super sorry for the late reply!