really dig this sort of honorable throwback to the theater and other similar creepypastas at the time. that's something you could already feel in DIGITALGODTOWER's other game ABSCESS but here it just hits a really prescient spot. good stuff !
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(This video serves as a more in-depth review of Sephonie.)
In hindsight, I came in with some crazy high expectations. Anodyne 1 and 2 were games that just really resonated with me, both narratively and stylistically. But man, Analgesic Productions went above and beyond with this one. Sephonie feels like a testament to how much they're willing to improve, innovate and reinvent themselves. And that alone, is incredibly inspiring.
This video serves as a more in-depth review but I really recommend you to play it by yourself.
I don't think I came in expecting having this much fun with fishing. Usually it's relegated to minigames or relaxing side activities. But Bryce Bucher managed to use that trope in such a creative manner, both mechanically and for story-telling purpose. Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia might not be a "horror game" per say but it hit the right spot with it's calming yet unsettling atmosphere. Can't help but recommend it, I had a great time.
This video serves as a more in-depth review but I really recommend you to play it by yourself.
Playing PsiloSybil was an absolute blast. It was tough but never felt impossible or cheap. The controls were tight and the level design made use of the moveset seamlessly. I felt actual joy after overcoming what seemed to be the hardest level yet, only to be thrown into an even harder one.
It's pretty rare nowadays to find a game that actually challenges me the way PsiloSybil did. Y'know, without devolving into either Kaizo Mario territory or just artificially increasing difficulty by giving everything bigger numbers. It was really refreshing to play through a hard but balanced game. And knowing that more's to come, it makes me really excited for this game's future.
This video serves as a more in-depth review but I really recommend you to play it by yourself.
I came into the game with very high expectations and still they got blown away. An Outcry went very fast from "this cool demo I liked" to this very impressive thoughtful experience. It's hard to summarize in only a few sentences how much this game means to me. It's character design, world design, music and themes just resonated hard with me. And I feel like it will resonate with many others.
Hypnagogia : Boundless Dreams was a beautifully crafted experience using some of the best elements from LSD-like exploration games and melding them with a really creative narrative. I came in with some expectations, especially after having played through the original Hypnagogia but this soft-sequel is just amazing. The music complements each stage wonderfully and the NPCs dialogue felt thoughtful. The characters and level designs were probably some of my favourite elements, entering each level filled me with a feeling of "Okay, what could possibly be here ?" and I just loved it.
This video serves as a more in-depth review but I really recommend you to play it by yourself, it's just that good.