Yes of course!
I hope to get to play with these tokens again soon.
Hi there. I just read my KS copy and wanted to report a couple things in case you want to update the PDF here =)
Got my Lulu copy today and it's ah-mazing. Absolutely worth the wait (but don't do that to us again, mkay? ;p)
Thanks so much, once again, to you and the rest of the team for a valuable resource for both silly gaming and the research thereof.
While I'm here, I've caught an erroneous page ref. (And let me know if you'd rather have these, should I spot more, sent somewhere else or not at all.)
p270, last paragraph: the 20-sided tables are on pp. 246-249 (and not 240-243).
I was browsing through FMC today and ran into that creatively explained rule again and was like "I'm sure I've asked about this somewhere, but why is it still unclear now?"
Because I'd forgotten about asking and never saw Marcia's answer, is why!
So please accept my apologies for my short attention span as well as my thanks for explaining, Marcia. And again, thanks for gifting us FMC. OD&D is a fascinating artefact and you've been doing great work to help us make use of it.
This is great! I like how the text doesn't imply the need for a GM, while letting you have one if you want.
I think a simple play example would be helpful, for instance explaining how a character would succeed or fail in a situation where they have applicable tags vs no applicable tags, especially if they have low Kismet.
I could picture myself becoming over cautious after rolling a 19 or 20 and not participating much. Unless I was told that I don't risk much rolling for something my character is really good at, essentially resetting my Kismet at a low cost.
The game for me would be to find such an opportunity for a low risk roll before danger shows up again.
How about a table of questions? 😂
But seriously, both work for me but not in the same way and for the same reasons. Questions are great when I want to expand on the world with my (and everyone's) imagination. They ensure that the game has bits we like, but we'll never be really surprised by every they bring to the fiction.
Tables bring ideas from the designer to the table, even if we adapt and interpret the result. They contain more _stuff_ than questions can (especially if you read all the entries and not just the results you roll). As Yukiko says, they're high potential gameable content (to translate roughly).
Hey, I think I just convinced myself that tables are better 😅
Je crois que j'ai trouvé :
C'est une histoire similaire mais j'ai l'impression que l'ambiance est plus horrifique.
La nuit des rêves perdus est un scénario qui tente d'initier les meneurs au jeu à l'ancienne et qui reste une bonne intro classico-bizarroïde pour personnages débutants même si le groupe a de la bouteille. En tout cas ça a marché avec mes joueurs ;)
Vous êtes remerciés dans l'ours, mais merci ici aussi pour la motivation, orgas comme participants. Maintenant je peux enfin lire vos contributions !
My thought was more like "Hey were's the CON class?" - that's why I made a mix of Druid, Ranger, and Barbarian. But I guess making all the AD&D (or even 5E) classes would be fun...
Keep me in mind if you want help with Advanced Hit + Die ;p
Glad I found you again btw - so many cool peeps I lost touch with since G+...
Dude, you forgot a class!
The Wildling
• Constitution grants a d6 hunt die (hd) for wilderness, animals & plants
• Berserker delays the result of a save vs. death until the fight is over, once a day
• Bloodhound gives you an edge when tracking known prey
• Pack lets you call on a wild animal for help, 3 times a day
• Items include hunting spear, shamanic amulets, precious furs, dried mushrooms
Bon, les game jams, c'est pas pour moi. J'y passe dix fois plus de temps que je devrais, et au dernier moment tout me lâche. L'électricité à la maison, les programmes qui ne font rien comme ils le doivent. J'abandonne pour aujourd'hui.
Le scénario sortira plus tard. Mais il sortira, parce que j'en suis quand même bien content.
Merci aux orgas, c'était quand même chouette. Bises et bon courage !
Pitin, 51,000 signes !
Demain je mets en page, je dessine le plan final et peut-être les PNJ... Si d'ici-là quelqu'un a envie de lire et de critiquer c'est ici :