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A member registered Aug 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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thanks for the feedback!

Hi ! 

I just release a project that I have been working on for the past 3 months and I really enjoyed making 3D assets for it.

From blender 


I also made the villa from Porco Rosso.

Adding just a little bit of texturing can go a long way!

So if you like my work and want to  an assets just contact me on discord or twitter!

Discord: BOUDDH4#6179


the arrow keys and ZQSD

Thanks for your feedbacks! 

We might add a map to help with the objectives and a tutorial.

That was one of our biggest inspiration!

thanks for the feedback and the video!

A map might be a good idea!

Thanks for the feedback!

It was don't with GODOT actually! I haven't tried to do that yet.

1) We are planning on adding stuff in the world to make it more interactive.

2) For the A key that's my bad (my keyboard is AZERTY) 

3)That's fixed xD

4)We're not sur how to tackle the camera situation yet but we get what you mean It can get a little jarring 

Love the visuals! It too me some time to understand that we could move eel with the mouse but overall very polished game!

the pixel art is top notch!

we probably need to fix the falling problem xD 

we probably need to fix the falling problem xD 

Thanks for the feedback! you're right we need to make it easier to understand as well as making a proper story xD 

We are also looking to make it easier to glid through the map to have less walking time and more gliding!

Thanks we'll try to fix bugs and add more contents!

btw what kind of bug was it?

thank you so much! We'll try to add more stuff in the future and fix bugs 

you could change your keyboard setting to AZERTY xD 

Thanks for the feedback! 

In the next update there will be rewards!

that's because it is! xD 

Yes you can! and there is an Item that can make you jump indefinitely

Sorry xD time was too short to make a proper stor

Thanks for the feedback! I'll try to fix the WASD issue (My keyboard is a ZQSD xD) 

We're trying to redesign the UI to make it easier to understand.

The game look amazing! A bit too difficult for me 

We've posted an updated version in addition with MacOS and Linux support.

AikoUpdated by lucasblondin (  

The dog is terrifying! Love the animations for the dog

 I could only collect 5 items 

Love the game! I was a bit lost at the beginning with the mining machines

Thanks for playing ! 

You're right about the reward we were planning on adding rewards like speed boots and a torch as rewards but no time was left.

Sorry for the ending xD we'll updated it after the game Jam

Glad you find the feather! I was afraid no one would find it xD

Nice visuals everything looks well polished! I liked the pokémon fight against Cthulhu! 

Love the music! and good Idea to use real drawing for the menu

if you make a linux version I'd like to play it!

the game look stunning unfortunatly I don't own a pc

Thanks! for the feedback in the futur we want to add more stuff to do in the map  

love the sound and graphics, the camera can get a little finicky but over all great game!

Looks stunning

Love the art style!

Yeah I should fix that xD

Thank you!

Thanks!  we are going to add more stuff because it feels a bit empty for now

Liked the esthetic very much! 

Funny game it looks like jump king! 
