Love the video! More content and art iterations coming soon!
LCB Game Studio
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We're making our own take on visual novels indeed! We call'em Pixel Pulps (pulpy themes + pixel art). We're going to release several of them (+2 hours of content each) during 2022 (Mothmen 1966 is going to be the first one, you can already wishlist it on Steam!)
Jolly Laughter is a small playable thing we made in two days for Christmas. We really like what we came up with, and maybe we'll extend it in other Pixel Pulps (all of them share the same universe, at least in diegetic terms!)
Cheers and thanks including the game in the video!
Wow, thanks for everything you say! Really glad you enjoy our art direction (we call our games pixel-pulps, fast paced visual novels with rich pixel art.)
Shark Riders was made in 14 days for a jam. Although there are lots of thing we should have done slightly different if we had time, we're really glad with the results. And now we're working in new pixel-pulps (Bahnsen Knights and Red Dragon Down.)
Cheers and thanks again!