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A member registered Jul 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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That is great! Thanks for playing!

Hi AxalKay,

Thanks a lot for trying my game and for the feedback! 

I've done the getting the ship down so many times during production that I forgot to give better clues as to what to do at that part, it probably isn't very logical right now so I might have to add some text or something to make it clearer!

Good choice on the planet of pillows, chocolate and three hour naps, I can't see anything wrong with that choice! Thanks again for your postitive comments and feedback :).


I have been making a point and click game called The Spaceman.

It is a small adventure game that takes around 10 minutes to play if you don't get stuck. As I have been making it and testing it regularly I don't really know how long it takes to complete as I can speed run it!

I am looking for feedback on how it feels to play and if it is easy to understand what you need to do. Also it would be good to know if it is too easy.

If anyone wants to give it a go and give me feedback that would be great! The link here -

It runs in web but you can also download the windows version from the page.

One issue with web games is custom cursors changed to default if it gets too close to the edge of the screen, so don't be alarmed if this happens to you! I think this is unsolvable and is a security thing to stop webpages taking control of cursors.

I like this, especially the art. The music gives it a cool weird vibe. I got 0 -3 first time and 2-3 the second time. The boss guy was funny.

Nice game. I like how the end score causes damage to your opponent, gives a nice spin on hit or stand.

Thank you for playing! I am glad your wife was able to see they are biscuits, Ginger Nuts to be specific!

Okay I just tried Hoyka as I felt bad and they pummled me (I won 1 match) but looked great while doing it! Nice game mate.

I keep getting beat up but this game looks great. The illustation and animation of Stella are top notch! I tried it cos it looked great.

ohh sorry I misunderstood. Well it could be anything that starts calm then something big and powerful happens. Maybe a game where the player has to prepare in the first part of the game before something big happens in the second half. I immediately think of preparing defenses for an incoming invasion of somekind, zombies, aliens or even just human war.

Think of games you've played where its chill and you can use that for a calm aspect and then think of ones that have been exciting, stressful and urgent for the second half.

I am pretty sure you can interpret the theme how you like for the jam so you need to narrow that down for yourself as too much choice causes problems, atleast for me anyway! I haven't got any solid ideas right now myself but hope this helps you think about it!

One way I get ideas is I like to think of a small mechanic I want to learn and try to fit a game around that. 

Like if I was learning to make enemies shoot and follow the player I could make a action gun game, or if I wanted to learn a level up RPG system I could make a very basic RPG game focusing mainly the leveling up system.

No problem! I think its hard to ensure not glitches in a game jam! Good work!

The game has atmosphere with the steps and dark music and I like the concept of running out of light in a dark place. 

I did have a glitch where if I walked too close to a chest I walked on top of it then didn't drop back down after so was floating around a little bit.

This is a cute little game. Simple idea with cute art!

This is cute. The drawings are great!

I love this. The dice look really cool and rolling them is fun. Great idea!

I went through all the rambles. It was actually interesting to hear your story and thoughts. I couldn't read the text that went up the screen though that was too fast.

Keep making games!

I played this on my mobile and I liked the room of people giving advice. It was uplifting like a room of supportive people.

This is a nice game! The graphics are what made me want to try it, it looks great! Good conept too with the tool changing between emp, teleporter and grapple hook type thing.

That is a good point, it makes more sense to be able to use both. I'll note that down thanks for your feedback and for playing!

Wow this really looks fantastic! The texture of these images makes me feel something, its looks so tactile. I don't know how to use Blender, but when I do I will try this.

This is a cute game. The puzzle idea is unique!

If someone explained the idea of pinball rougelike I'd not be too sure about it but you've implemented this idea so well that it is fun! It looks great, the animation for hitting the enemies is statifying, the music is lovely and the leveling up is fun, I also liked the buttons. I thought the animation on the end boss was cool and looked good. Great job!

I just tried it again and the sound is great. The simple noises work really well and I like how the tone goes up with each hit. Good work!

You might not need any more powerups, its quite a statisfying gameplay loop as it is. I think the only thing I feel is missing is sound during the gameplay like little beeps or dings. I think you've got something good here though!

This is really cool. I think you've hit on a fun take on the ball and bat game style. I really like the colours and the powerups are great.

this was great, it made me laugh to myself!

this is funny and true!

Hi Wasabi,

Thanks a lot for the feedback it is useful, and for playing. I have replied on the game page.


(1 edit)

Hi Wasabi,

Thanks a lot for playing and for the feedback, it is useful!

I am trying to balance letting the player know what to do and to let them find out on their own. I don't want anyone to get stuck and bored but also don't want to hold their hand too much! So it is a hard balance to strike.

I have noticed the multiple clicks thing and I can't work out how to fix that, it is essentially the same code as picking up objects except without the put down aspect of the code, I think that might be where the issue lies but I'll have to look into it.

Thanks for the feedback I'll keep a note of it and see what changes I can do and thanks again for playing.


Very cute and it felt innuative and  intuitive! The music is great and the music when he performs is amazing!

Hello, I have been working on a new game in Godot 4 for the last 2 months. I used this project as a way to learn how to use Godot.

It is a simple and short game where the aim is to tidy up. You click and drag objects around the level and place them in the correct position. The first level is the Desk level. I plan to add more levels and to flesh out the Desk level a bit more. I want to have some ambiant music or just ambiant background noise.

You can play it in browser. I used Firefox to test and some friends used Chrome. I think Brave doesn't work and maybe some other browsers. I am limited in what I can do in terms of Godot exporting it. You can also download the PC build. If you have any trouble please do let me know.

I have a few things in mind that might improve the experience but please let me know what you think. I'd like to know if its fun, statisfying or interesting to play. If you are interested in the level and want to explore more levels! 

Any feedback is welcome and thank you if you give it a try!



Hi EriOo,

Thank you for your feedback and thank you for the advice I am going to look at this an implement it!

I realise now i should of put a link to your AGS page in my devblog as that is how it got the game to play in the browser from the advice of potajito on itch. I will add the link to your page as it helped me a lot.

I am planning to repaint the backgrounds as I go, my first thought was to make more rough paintings so I don't get bogged down in detail. It is helpful to hear that is hard to judge where you can step I will keep that in mind when I refine my images!

Thanks a lot for your reply.


Thank you for the nice feedback! Glad to hear you liked the art and music! 

Yes for sure I think several paths would be very interesting. I will definitely be looking into making more paths to the Alien city and inside it.

That's perfect thank you, you are a star! I have been googling all day to work out how to do it. Now my game plays in a browser :D!

I got the pictures now in your game and finished it. That is a nice way to tell the poem and the backgrounds all looked great! Your Father's delivery of the poem was very good!