An incredible foundational text for the Belonging Outside Belonging system. The 2 settings are deeply evocative and interesting. Game play is crisp and was a wonderful decompression tool for me as a burnt out forever GM.
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No, minors attend SCA events, Festivals , and Renaissance fairs all the time in the company of their parents, and adult extended family.
I do not encourage minors to play this game without the supervision of a parent or guardian. This is in addition to using safety tools. In future editions of the game I will see to it their is a sidebar that addresses All Ages Tables. For now I advise using a rigorous Lines/Veils structure to build Faire Season into a game more appropriate for the minors at your table, as not all youth are at the same level of maturity regardless of their actual age.
Faire Season, a Belonging Outside Belonging tabletop roleplaying game about Middle Ages Historical Reenactors going on mythic quests over the course of a week long camping event.