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A member registered Nov 26, 2016

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thank you!

How appropriate would this be for kids? As in like, is there sexual jokes? As a 28 year old I just think this would be downright HILARIOUS to play with my 7 and 10 year old nephews

Hi! Could you provide ALT text for the ".exe" parts of this page? I can't read the font very well.

Good luck! I could not be MORE hype for an expanded story! This is one of the most unique projects I've seen, with a style unlike any other. I hope you can find what you need,

AAAAAAAAAAA just such a good game and the art style and presentation style is something I've never seen before, I've never heard of Decker and to use it for something like this is stunning!

(spoilers sorta)

"the pain you feel inside you. the thing that holds you back. the thing that makes you feel like you are still 15. 

"it's you.

"it's just you.

"you don't need to hide from yourself. I think it is trying to protect you.

"it's still alive and you won't be able to kill it. it lives in another timeframe but it is still a part of you because you share the same body. i wonder what happens if you would hold hands.

"your past and your pain is something that belongs to you and you would be someone else if they wouldn't exist. you wouldn't be here.

"i miss you."

Reading this... feels like a therapy session in a way. I'm me because of what I've been through. It feels like my past, my fear, holds me back whenever I try to move forward. But I know it is just the fearful hurt me inside me trying to protect me from hurting again. But I cannot live in fear of hurting again. Because I will hurt again, and I will hurt others again, because I am only human and so is everyone else and to be human means making mistakes. And I have to try to find a peace with that and with the hurt child inside of me.

The next part, about the pain leading me forward, that's the part I have trouble sort of wrapping my mind around. It's something I'm gonna have to give a lot of thought. This game is definitely something I want to show my therapist when I get a new one. 

This is such an interesting project shown in such a fascinating and unique way, with such a touching message. Thank you for this. I will be thinking about this a lot.

True! Of course! I'm just saying that in any field of art, you can always trust kids to be pretty honest in their critique lol

Interestingly I think trying it out with a kid is actually a pretty good test lol, kids can easily see the flaws a lot faster than we can sometimes haha

It was still fun to try! Might be fun to mess around with and homebrew a bit on. If I try it out again sometime with some rules I make up and it goes better, I'll let you know! I get what you are going for tho and I love the concept

So, fantastic game! Love it, and I could easily see ways to expand on this concept. It feels like playing Among Us going around while trying to avoid killers. 

My only problem is the orange guys. For the life of me, even on easy, they are super hard to dodge! I've probably attempted the second-to-last level 50 times now on easy and those orange ones always manage to gang up on me! How can I stop dying?

So, I played this wi♦th my 6 year old nephew, letting him roll the dice and pick the cards, but we ran into some points of confusion.

  • here is no "Accessibility" version of the rulebook, so the black text on brown background was hard for me to read as someone who needs high contrast. Could you possibly upload a version with a white background? that would be very helpful! I didn't see the rules in the printable version
  • everything felt a bit disorganized. having to go back and forth trying to remember what to do after each turn, when to roll for items, when to draw enemies, how to fight, etc. It felt sort of... confusingly organized? I'm not sure how to fix that though, so I can't really give constructive feedback on that I suppose unf
  • there were a few vague things: 
    • I'm guessing that J♣ would be 11 HP, Q♣ 12 HP, K♣ 13 HP, and A♣ either 1 or 14 HP?
    • If it says I start out with a map (we had drawn a ♦ as our "you" card) what does that mean? It doesn't say.
    • What is the point of the "you" card?
  • A big issue I noticed is that you apparently need the deck shuffled/randomized to pick the "you" card, but then you have to separate them into suits after. This is tedious, to be honest. Having to shuffle the deck and then unshuffle it, I mean. Maybe you could have the starting item be decided by dice instead?

Ultimately the game seems fun, it could just use a bit of fine tuning and clarification!

amazing! just wish there was a respawn button for when a character or the piece falls off

Anna dear I don't think that's how elections work.... but who knows in this town?

(2 edits)

Great game! But for the Donovan mansion, it kinda does suck that there isn't an optional save point between each enemy. I'm kinda getting a little annoyed having to re-fight each enemy when I die further in

Alternatively, you could maybe add a link to the options page from the start menu, so that we can toggle invincibility on and off mid game?

Maybe nevermind, I did get gud after a few tries. Difficult but fun! I worry I might struggle with future multilayered fights tho

(1 edit)

is this supposed to work with controllers? the controls page implies it should but it doesn't seem to be reading mine

Edit: turns out it does work, I just needed to go to the controls and switch the movement controls to my joystick instead of the d-pad. Or you can just use the d-pad, that's fine too

I'm a little confused. Is this a sequel game?

If I may suggest, the colors of the game's page here are extremely bright to me. It is kind of hard on the eyes. Maybe dulling it slightly would make it more accessible to read for others?

surely this ritual can only end well

haha! Nice, I feel that so much. Like, I have sleep disorders and one thing I've been trying to do recently is if I feel tired after like 11pm, I go on to bed. It suuuuucks and makes me feel like I'm like 50 years old and a nurse is going like "let's get you to bed, grand" [what is a neutral pa/ma? lol. na?]. but the nurse and the grandna are the same person so it's so hard

then sometimes I still sleep an entire day even if I go to bed at a reasonable time and I feel old then too. I'm yelling at my brain like "I'm 28!!! why do I need 16 hours of sleep, body!?"

just put me in the retirement home already lol

Is this one of those things where you play through multiple times to save all the patients, or is there only one playthrough?

this was really neat! I super don't get why that's the name of this at all though. Why this name? A beach didn't seem to be mentioned.

👍 Heh I only noticed cuz I was mapping my controller to the keybinds using Keysticks, otherwise I wouldn't have even noticed that it wasn't in the controls list


Nvm, turns out I had something in my hand. Also btw, the controls list tutorial doesn't list the x and y and z you'll need to play.

How do I make the terf cry? I also can't pick up the ketchup bottle? It just keeps saying press E to pick up but it won't let me?

this sounds hilarious! I'll have to give it a shot sometime. I could see it working with more than 2 players in a sort of SuperFight type setup!

lmao that is... so many dice! Thank goodness for virtual dice or at least dice towers and trays lol!

what a fun cute little game! If there ever does get to be more levels by chance, I'd adore it. So fun!

thanks! I can read it perfectly now

hi! If I may make a recommendation for accessibility purposes, can you maybe make the background of this page lower opacity, or change the text color, or something? Because this is how it looks on my screen within the itch desktop app:

is it single player, multi player, or both?

if played as a ttrpg, is it single or multi player?

I haven't played just yet but from the character images alone I can tell the art style is amazing!

The character design is really good for all of them! I mean it!

And every single one of them, without fail, looks so gender

Wow, wowww I watched Mayhemstar on YouTube play this and holy shit it was amazing. The second nearly had me crying, and the third had me audibly going "oh shit" 

I'd love to see more from this universe. Maybe not from this protag specifically, because I think this person's story is done enough to be satisfying. But seeing it from other "drivers" or something would be interesting. I'm just so intrigued by the world building!

I've never heard of that. It wasn't in any of the tutorial. The tutorials here all desperately need updates.... 

I'll try that tho, I'll see if 7zip has something like that

Uh yeah, I did (albeit 7-zip). Extracted it 

What do you mean?

Once I got into things, it wouldn't load the map, and a lot of the text wasn't translated. The "map" was white with gray spots here and there. Things were "there" to interact with (which would bring up Japanese text) but you couldn't see them. Even when I managed to get out to the hallway by moving and clicking around randomly, the dorm hallway map also wouldn't load. Oh, and the character portraits will load but the character sprites do not. 

It said I'm missing chipsets when I load up the game.

That's so odd. I've done the same thing but it says it's missing chipsets? And the maps aren't loading in

It is telling me there's missing chipsets, and maps won't load but character portraits will. any ideas how to fix this?