Thank you so much! Very kind of you to say.
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Thank you! There is a remake version on Steam with brand new stop-motion style nightmares:
Thanks for playing and glad you loved the environments!
I've started and stopped several iterations trying to find an interesting direction I could expand the concept into. Latest version has some much upgraded visuals and Fatal Frame style mechanics for dealing with ghosts:
Not entirely happy with the concept of fighting the ghosts tho so I want to finish up a much smaller sci-fi project I have first and come back to it again with a fresh pair of eyes.
Thank you very much and so glad to hear you had such an experience with it! There were plans to expand it into a more fleshed out experience but they are on hold for the moment. A toggle for playing rather than holding it would be one of the first things to add! The song is free to download on here and on Youtube if you want to listen to it without straining your finger :)
Really nice work, the dog monster looks spot-on! Shame you didn't do the burn in with blue fog for the title tho, it's so iconic and you have volumetric fog there. Also you might want to disable all the VR plugins if this is not going to be a VR title. UE4 has them enabled by default on new projects and it causes Steam VR to try and launch the game in VR.
Sorry for the late reply, I was away travelling. I haven't tested on the app but you should be able to download the zip files directly from the game page:
Hope that helps!
Thanks! I stumbled on this youtube channel and just studied their footage of the little rover at extreme depths: Main thing I noticed is that there are little to no specular highlights underwater so reducing them really sold the look.
So glad you liked it and thanks for sharing! Couldn't agree more, my girlfriend and I are having our Halloween date seeing some cathedrals and graveyards and it's nice to know we're not the only weirdos out that that do this! XD There's a longer version of this in the works, but I'm sidetracked with another project right now.
Thank you so much for playing and sharing your video! It's really great to see people appreciate the beautiful side of horror. If you liked that then I'd also recommend my game Daemonologie - it's a 2D folk horror about the witch trials in Scotland and great for streamers as it encourages you to talk through your thoughts about the characters and who you trust.
Thanks very much! The violin is a VST instrument as I can't handle playing real stringed instruments without frets XD. It's Spitfire Solo Violin. I have the Cello as well and they are both fantastic sounding and very easy to play, switching between longs, shorts, trem and legato notes depending on how you press on the keys instead of clunky keyswitches.
Really excellent work! Everything is well polished and the direction is excellent. It feels very professional in all aspects. For non-vr projects remember to disable the Oculus and SteamVR plugins in UE4. I have no idea why Epic have them enabled by default but it launches SteamVR when you start the game because of it.