Thank you :D Maybe one day I will be able to expand on it!
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Thank you! I'd love to check out some more kits. I can't seem to find contact info on your website, do you have an email? Mine is [email protected]
Hi! Thanks for the offer, but I've already got someone doing art for me. I'd still love to see your shark if you want to share it on my discord server in the #fan_creations chat, that would be awesome!
Hello Developer!
Your game is a lot of fun so I made a video and my subscribers really seem to love it. Are you thinking of expanding on it?
Hello thought I'd share me having fun with the game. I can't wait for there to be more stuff to craft
I use to find games to play on my youtube channel a lot. The affiliate code system has been good to track people going through the links i put in my descriptions so far.
Do you have any specific plans for it? If not I'd find it really useful to get not only attempted and bought info but also a way of seeing how many people click it total.
On top of that, the money making part is cool and I think the best way of making it fair is implementing a slider similar to the "'s cut" bar on the developer's end so they can decide what I get for sending people to their game if anything.
I haven't thought on this long so I dont know what problems there might be but I'd love to see it expanded upon!
Hi all!
I cover all sorts of games and has been a great resource to me to find brilliant projects to cover.
My channel is and if you want to send me a message [email protected] (I know it's a silly email address) is the best place to do it :P