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A member registered May 08, 2024

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Hello there! I love the concept and I don't know if the first stage is final in its design, but the boss is wayyy to dificult to beat. It would require an enourmous amount of grinding and the fact that the game freezes when you you're not actively on the browser tab makes it an almost impossible achievement. I would have to leave the computer open with the game tab focused for 2 days probably :)) 

Nice work so far regardless!

It's a great concept but unfortunately the game freezes a lot, at random times. Restarting it solves the problem but it happens within the first 5 mins of gameplay so it makes it an unpleasant experience. 

I just wanted to say this is a very cool concept and the implementation of it is pretty good for this stage of development. As others mentioned, it can be a little tricky to figure out what to do exactly but it's very doable (took me 2 tries to understand what to prioritize doing). 

As for constructive criticism, if I may: 

  1. Compared to knights that go out the gate and fight monsters consistently, archers tend to follow you around more; this means that if you're inside the farm, archers are generally inside the farm too and they're trying to attack monsters from inside the farm, which deals 0 damage because of the farm fence blocking projectiles. I was expecting archers to go out and get busy by themselves :)) 
  2. Related to point 1, a good quality of life improvement would be to have the option to instruct troops to either guard the gate or guard the miners for instance, I usually have to guard them myself. Or, for healers, I would want to direct them to heal the knights instead of following me around when I'm busy upgrading the base.
  3. I upgraded the 2 farming spots to the point where they expanded outside the farm wall. This resulted into the farm helpers to go outside the farm wall and remain there. I was unable to bring them back and they were not working because of it. The only solution is to expand the farm fields even more outside the farm wall and the farm helpers would work those tiles that are outside the wall. 
  4. The final and probably the most important aspect: I ended up killing myself after defeating the second or third boss simply because it was too repetitive and there is no end goal or no intermediate objectives. Whatever you have in mind for the "endgame" would be a good addition compared to the current state. 

Also looking forward to see how this grows :) 

Good luck!

(1 edit)

For context, in that run I had 4-5k dmg / armor and I let the stamina run out to be able to finally die. I got about 6k gems/diamonds at the end of the run and reached level 25/30 if I remember correctly.

I just wanted to say that after a certain point you are able to always buy everything from the store each time and you will never lose. I have all 5 relics decently upgraded but as the user below me says, even in this state of "invincibility", I'll never reach the distance quests, too much manual clicking involved and too much time needed. 

Otherwise, great graphics, great feeling of the game, great stuff! 

The fix worked (For Mac users like me, it's FN+Left arrow key) :) Thanks for the quick update and will keep you posted if I find anything else. Just trying to max out everything for now, hope you will make an update here on itch later on with more content before the official launch as I don't have a Windows machine :D

Maybe there is a bug here, I can't tell exactly: the iron cost to reduce the tick interval for Energy Amp skyrocketed at some point where now it's just unattainable. Compared to the Speed Boost reduce tick interval upgrade cost, it just feels like it doesn't have the same cost progression.

Very rewarding progress curve! Favorited & wishlisted!

I've completed all objectives, reached 50 in all areas, now just waiting for an update too :)

Since posting that, I cleared area 1 completely. I'm at 39/50 of area 2. 

All equipment is maxed out except for the Magic Bracelet. 

I'm just leaving the game open on idling mode, not doing anything special. The progress is pretty consistent by itself. 

You can go further (I added some screenshots here) but where I'm at, I can only advance in terms of levels and max stage reached on each area. I don't have any more objectives to look up to. 

You can make yourself more powerful by:

- increasing the level of course

- upgrading all equipment (you can unlock all 10 pieces) 

- upgrading the pet

- and, notably, just killing thousands and thousands of monsters as you will see in the Bestiary that each milestones gives you more stats

I assume it's possible to reach all the way to 50 in each area if you keep on grinding. 

Just wanted to add this tip, for Challenge 3, as I couldn't find it myself either when I was looking for it. Just reach as high as possible in terms of income then be on the lookout for when the multiplication is super high. When you see a very high number (into the millions), then time travel exactly at that point. I was stuck in Challenge 3 for 2 days and I thought of this trick and immediatelly finished it after. Hope it helps others as well!

This button is inaccessible after the first upgrade, it stays up there :D 

Otherwise, very nice concept!

Hi nadukkon! I'd love to buy your game on steam and continue there but unfortunately I only have a Mac. Are there any plans to release it on Mac too in the future? Otherwise, it's been a good run :) 

scratch that, maybe it's actually not that bad. I've reached A37-38 since my last post (12 hours). 

I jumped the gun too quickly, it seems to be pretty balanced considering the world tier too.

Have no fear, transcend away! 

Now that I've experienced the first transcendence too, I can say that it took me under a day to get back to A30 so it's pretty fast, I don't have the feeling that I have to re-grind everything all over again.

But with the current mechanics, I don't think there's any chance for us to get to the higher T levels just yet. It took me 1 day to get from A0-A30  again and it's gonna take another day to get from A30 to A33, with the later levels being even further apart. I don't think I'll be able to get to T2 anytime soon (meaning A60). The gold/xp diff is just too high right now (and I'm pretty far ahead in the corrupted nexus + talisman, I have at least elites for all the pets + min 60 corruption on all of them, etc.). 

But overall I think the transcendence coupled with auto-ascension is a good system to have!

Thanks for another great update and congrats for going live on Steam (soon). I just hope the save I have here will work on the steam one too. 

Otherwise, looking forward to see what the Transcendence looks like. I've been grinding hard (all pets to Elite, all pets corrupted (almost)) and doing all the dailies and boss fights too but I'm barely at Ascension 28 -> 29. 

It's a hard grind especially because of gold but I think in a few more days I'll be Ascension 30 . 

Great job all this time, congrats again! 

Now it started working for me too. Not sure if you did something or not but thank you :D 

It's still happening for me. Now I got this error, on top of the one from above. 

Ohhh, ok! Makes sense now. Thanks for explaining it!

As another user mentioned, this is fixed now, thank you!

I also have one more question please, whenever you have the time: 

- I have a Sandstorm Swine pet which I upgraded once to "Elite" I think. 

- He is now level 51 and there is no upgrade option for him, he keeps on leveling

- Reading through the change logs, I think he should be eligible for another upgrade when he was 50? Am I mistaken? Just curious to see if I understood the pet level upgrade limits correctly. 

Thanks a lot!

Awesome update! Everything works really well together, I was not expecting a new mechanic entirely. 

The only note from me: I noticed that the level of the medallion is not increasing (the red number from outside the medallion icon, not the level from inside the mouse-over tooltip) however if I refresh the browser window, it updates correctly. 

Same here, I'm eagerly waiting for the next update. 

I've reached ascension 20 but the only way to progress realistically right now is through quests & events, just killing monsters is not enough. 

Anyhow, take your time, nadukkon, you've done a great job so far! 

Just wanted to say I really enjoy your game and you're doing a great job with the updates. I've been playing since the very beginning :) 

I'm looking forward to see where this goes!