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A member registered May 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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Really fantastic illustrations.

I did a translation of Cairn in french (see, for non-commercial use only.

Currently, I'm working on a correction of my translation, with a alternative layout and I was wondering if you would allow me to use some of the illustrations from the Illustrated Bestiary, still for non-commercial use. Only to share free on the net.


je viens de mettre en ligne une nouvelle version corrigée. Les règles d'utilisation des Actions étaient incorrectes. Suite à des précisions de l'auteur original, j'ai apporté une modification et des exemples d'application des règles d'Action. En espérant que ce soit un peu plus clair.

Yes. Thanks for the explanation and the examples. More clear for me; I have to correct my translation asap :-)

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de mon côté, uniquement lues mais l'auteur de la VO semble avoir fait plein de tests.

J'ai trouvé les règles suffisamment sympas sur papier pour prendre la peine de les traduire. 


A translation in French is available here


The distances for the ranges of the missile weapons are mentioned in which unit measure ? Inch ?

I want to convert in meter.

I also saw the note about "Major update to damage scaling"

So If I understand, each HD allows to do an action, and an action can be an attack. Each additional action can be an attack or something else. Is it correct?

Sorry I just saw the release note about the removal of fumble and critical success. 

Just a little remark : in your video, there rules about fumbles on double 1 and critical success on double 6 but in the PDF, those rules are not mentioned. Is it normal ? I like very much those rules. They create surprises during the session.


I have questions about the rules. In the section below

"Characters cannot melee the same enemy multiple times per round, but can opt to focus multiple actions into one attack, which if  successful, will deal normal damage + extra actions."

That means a character can fight only one opponent in a round BUT can use his multiple actions to do more damage, if the attacks succeeds ? Right ? How does it work ? The player can roll normal damage + a damage roll per additional action ?

Another question, about the following rule:

"Missile attack damage can be focused with actions but missile attacks cannot be done multiple times per round, even on separate enemies."

It's the same rule than previously but for the missile attack. Right ?

Maybe if you can provide some example, it would be clearer for me.



Yes of course


Very interesting rules; I think to use them as combat rules for a future campaign. Very quick and intuitive. Good job. Are you agree if I propose a translation in french ?


jeepee (from Belgium)


A l'époque le jeu était gratuit et ne faisait que 4 ou 5 pages. Je suppose que depuis, l'auteur a un peu étoffé son jeu et l'a rendu payant.

Je n'ai pas suivi de près l'actualité du jeu en question.

Sa simplicité tout en étant assez complet, les conseils pour et les Joueur.euse.s, le fait d'avoir tout ce qu'il faut pour jouer en seulement 24 pages, l'illustration de couverture aussi (je l'ai trouvé assez classe et elle me fait penser à la forêt de ronces de la Belle au Bois Dormant.

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Hello, I have just put online a French translation of Cairn; it is a first version. There may still be some mistakes, but it's already a first step.

The translation is available on my blog for the moment:

Also available on my page

Thanks a lot.

Still another little question: what is the font for the Cairn title, used on the cover?

Thank you for your agreement.

At first, I prefer to start on my own to estimate the translation to be done and perhaps do a first draft.

I saw that there were several translation projects on the site. I don't see a French translation project; that will be the occasion to launch it once I have a first version to submit for reviewing.


I am considering using Cairn with my group of players but I would like to translate it into French.

Would you agree that I produce a French translation and offer it online for free?



Thanks a lot :-)

Nice game... but is there some rules for the character improvement?



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Great game... download done... I'm reading...

I did a review (in French) about ORBITAL on my blog.

There is a real interest about Belonging Outside Belonging games for French players (France, Belgium and maybe Quebec)


Your game is really excellent and promising, just already with the playtest kit.

I really liked the No Dice No Masters system and the way you integrated the Dream Askew principles into your game.

Really, a very good game. I'm looking forward to the full version.

And a very nice alternative for playing in a SF context.


I'm reading the game.

Very cool and original approach, mixing cyberpunk and Filipino folklore. 

Good point concerning advices to take care about the emotional security of the players and the game master !

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A French version of Sprawl Goons Upgraded is available here

Also on

Thanks to Geist for his kind permission ;-)

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Very cool game and very cool stuff.

I'm talking about on my blog here:

Would you agree that I publish a French translation of the Sprawl Goons Upgraded rules, for free of course?

I've already done this for Tunnel Goons.



Je me suis bien amusé à le traduire, tout en regardant la 1er saison de Buffy.


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Lancer RPG seems to be a great game. This first book is impressive.

I'm looking for a character sheet for Lancer RPG.

Is it available somewhere?



Hi Fred,

I just translated your game in French.

For the moment, it's just a single PDF file without special layout but I intend to rework this to come up with something as good as your layout for the original game.

Thanks for your game

Merry Xmas + Happy New Year !




I just finished a translation of your game Adrift in French.

It's available on my blog at

Really a very good game, Gravity-like. That inspires me for a game, still a project in my mind, about the survival in a hostile space environment or planets like Mars, reference to The Martian by Andy Weir.

Thanks for this great game !



Your solo rpg is very funny but also a little bit desperating :-)

I'm working on a translation in french. 

Would you agree that I post this translation on my blog?

Of course, your name would appear on the cover and in the credits.




Nice and tiny game :)

I'm talking about it here

Comme je l'ai précisé sur Twitter, c'est assez classique et sans doute linéaire mais c'est très orienté initiation et découverte et je ne voulais pas m'embarquer dans une histoire trop complexe. Libre aux joueur.euse.s et au meneur.euse d'étoffer le truc, d'y ajouter monstres et péripéties et d'exploiter le cadre de jeu proposé.

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Voilà, je viens d'uploader ma contribution à la jam: le Sanctuaire de Bronze, un scénario d'initiation et de découverte, l'exploration d'un donjon, le tout motorisé par Tunnel Goons mais adaptable à votre jeu medfan favori :-)

C'est aussi ma première publication sur

Je suis content :-)


Sinon le récent Tunnel Goons est bien aussi pour motoriser une partie Old School à moindre frais :-)

Qu'en pensez-vous?

A very cool and nice RPG. I'm talking about it on my blog (in French)


I have just published Mordheim Goons, a hack of your game in the world of Warhammer.

You can download the PDF here

Direct download:

If you don't know Mordheim, see

It's a tactical skirmish game in the streets of the cursed city of Mordheim. You built a band and fight against others bands.

The initial game is too tactical but the context is very inspiring.
So, in this hack of Tunnel Goons, I introduce players in this setting.
I hope to complete the game with additional pages explaining the different factions and rules about the corruption of the chaotic magic of the Warhammer universe.



Les grandes idées se rencontrent :-)