Look forward to giving a 10/10 for ya.
Maybe, if it's good enough. It'll be an 11/10 or higher. Who knows. Only time will tell
Yours truly
-The Yeetus Lord
*looks at the character I used for this* ... She'll be aight
Welp. Great writing btw. Really liked it. As s Smut writer myself this is good quality stuff. 9.8/10
And I don't give that high a rating often
heyooooooooo. new updates again i see. nice
bet. and i definitely did enjoy
When I get home to the pc. I am DEFINITELY playing this. And gonna check if Eddie saw it. If not finna dm him
great new update. glad i could stick around
how to get moxie ending?????
Since all the games are interconnected. Imma call it the Nomnom-verse
Yooooo. New update?
Nice B)
Sequel when?
Or can I make a fan story of it continuing on a realistic note of how it could continue? :3
Sorry. Timezones are different so... Yeah
Weird? That's cool! I mean. It will eventually get patched cuz BUG
But it was winning lol
What's the knock order?
I'm struggling with that
I can
Yo. Anyone able to play rn??
The movement joystick is binded to the looking around. Make it a separate box on mobile for one side to look around, and the other for moving. Will work way better. If you can't figure it out I'm sure there are some tutorials out there.
Who said I had stopped :3
I have been feeding GAVRIL and Sobolan for days...
Huge achievement for me personally. Checked off the bucket list. "Be first to something"
To think I played the game just as it came out here lol- I think I was the first player with my friend
That part sent me to the moon 😂
You like femboys because of their feminine traits 🗿
You are straight
And yes, I'd just be a homie for him. Maybe even roommates
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Well. Technically he isn't. Because it's the goop doing the work. But also yes because it feeds him
Sorry. Felt a compelling urge to say that
It got removed :(
I go buy fuggin cheese 🙂🔪
nah. I know what to do to live. Just give him cheese. I have loads of it
It doesn't... So far I know
I couldn't agree more
B-b-b-but. Silly Rat boi 🥺
Holy shit thank you
How did you-
Thanks. Just thought I'd tell ya in case it was a bug.
How many endings are there... I haven't stopped playing... I need help
I have gone through many possibilities yet I can't find any more endings yet I KNOW there's more