Is this a solo ttrpg or for groups?
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This is good for when you intend to use art of things which already exist. But in order to make original art (that is, images which have not been created and have important details which you won’t be able to find on any pre-existing image collection) with low budget the only viable option is AI. Collections of images are limited, but AI (and people) allow for boundless posibilities of images to match what one is especifically looking for in the image.
This argument above isn’t a moral one, just an examination of facts. You can still declare that AI is morally wrong and still agree with me on this.
As a side point, I myself think that it’s not wrong to use AI in a moral sense. For those who want to know why, I think that this thread explains it well: Before it I was kinda neutral on the topic, but after I had read it I got a decent basis to hold the position that I have now.
Thanks for the repply.
If the information is not helpful, then it is the same as if I had rolled a 10+. No information is ever bad. Imagine I was running into a trap. Falling into a trap is bad, but the knowledge of it is not bad, as I have a bigger picture of the situation to come up with a solution. The last sentence is a circular argument.
I don’t know cause depending on which approach is taken the Destructive Moves become better (in the sense that I get more chances to succeed), worse, or equal to the default moves. On the first the players are “tempted by the dark side” as it gives more power, on the second the players go on a negative character arc as they accumulate Destructive Moves, and on the third there is a re-flavored of the approach of character and it’s personality as it is forced to take those moves over time.
The concept of the Contrite isn’t clear enough for me to understand what happens if the price is not paid, nor if the elements of the list are what the character should maintain to be a superhero or what they have to put aside to be one.
Ok, got it.
There is no discrimination based on colour, species, appearance, disability, faith, sex or gender in a game of Greenjackers!.
Do you mean that:
a. all of these do not exist on the world of the game (hard-line)…
b. it exists on the world but it does not appear in play (soft-line)…
c. that it should be faded out (veils) or…
d. does it just mean that there should not be discrimination at the table by players?
Hello, I have played the game by a bit and I got some suggestions:
- Keybinding: Make it able to use other keys such as the mouse wheel, right click, MB4 and MB5.
- Switching: I feel like the game could be more accesible to play (and the action reflect what the player wants to do) if you made the character have “all weapons out at the same time” so that each key is shooting a different weapon (instead of the way it is now that you have to swap, then shoot). That way deflecting proyectiles with the 3rd weapon can be done in time, and thus make the game go in much a faster pace.
- Models: Right now the weapons look too similar. Consider differenciate them more in terms of shape and/or color.
- Ammo HUD: An indication of how much ammo each weapon has without needing to swap to it would be great. :)
Tip for players: Bind both shotguns on E so that when you’re using one of them, you press E and swaps to the other. You make combos much easier.
I still only got to the 2nd level (again, I have just played a bit) but the game is really good! I see a lot of potential on it.
EDIT: also i have noticed that weapon switching with key binds is slower than with the mouse wheel.
Good read. I have a few questions:
From the move Look From Answers, how is the “You unveil an uncomfortable truth.” a bad thing? It’s extra information.
For Destructive Moves, are the statements below each questions an automatic +1, nothing, or a question (+1 or nothing) too?
From the Contrite what does the “What will this cost you?” mean?
How is the Authorities move “Introduce an ally” a bad thing?
What even is a “system of power”?
One more thing I wanna mention about the Militia card is, that guerrilla warfare (in real life) is not built around traps. Yeah sure, if the enemy gets into their controlled territory tunnels and other traps are commonly used. But the essence of guerrillas are hit-and-run strategies, to debilitate the enemy when they are weak, and to take their arsenal for themselves as the only stuff they can make themselves is homemade weapons.
Read it. I don’t like it.
Plus making a citation of yourself to give the impression like it has reputation is kinda lame. Plus the argument you are pushing in there is like saying “Into the Odd is a good TTRPG, ergo good cooking books can come out of it”.
If you really want to make a wargame, I think the first step is to actually play them. Here I have a list of ones I really like so you can read them, and most importantly, try them:
- Gothic-Punk, aka: fantasy and gangs
- Guerrillas, aka: plastic soldiers
- OPR series (Grimdark Future, Age of Fantasy, & Warfleets), aka: the standard wargame
- Brawl Arcane 28, aka: wizard duels
- Beast Bash (expansion)
- Mud Gore, aka: minis get traumatised
- Insomniacs (until Abilities), aka: individual superheroes
- Per Dolorem Silentio, aka: :skull:
- PDS Roster Cards
- PDS Paper Miniatures
- Freeform Skirmish Referee, aka: two commanders and one GM
- Very Simple series:
- Very Simple Generic Miniatures Rules (VSGMR), aka: the OG simple
- Very Simple Skirmish Rules (VSSR), aka: the new simple
- Confrontation, aka: wargame with chess pieces
Hola, yo y un amigo nos hemos echado 2 partidas (modo Eliminación) de Guerrillas (la primera sin ventajas/poderes y la revancha con estas).
La 1ª estuvo muy dinámica y fue divertida. La 2ª se hizo más larga ya que como mi oponente tenía oportunista mi única forma óptima para avanzar era mover mis 23 en la punta de la pared de la que se esconde su 123, poner uno de los dos soldados a la vista (pero con 3d6 de defensa claro), recibir su tirada oportunista, y atacar.
También note un problema porque no sabía que acción tenía más probabilidad de éxito: golpear o D.C. (3d6 vs 2d6).
Aún así gané la 2ª por tener buena suerte. Pero sigo pensando que Oportunista necesita algún cambio, ya que mi oponente, en muchas ocasiones saltaba su turno ya que era la opción más óptima.
- 1: Escalar & Disparo múltiple
- 2 & 3: Protegido & Angel guardián
- 4: Rápido & Mano a mano
- 1, 2 & 3: Armadura & Oportunista
- 4: Resucitar
El mapa (24x24’’):
Yo abajo y mi oponente arriba.