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Truly didn't expect a horror game for the jam, but what you've done here is incredible! I think this may be my favourite interpretation of the theme and established the environment super well, from the flickering lights to grainy textures and creepy ambient sfx - you've done amazing! There really isn't anything I can say to improve it - with some further updates, I'm sure you could expand this into a winding, branching story possibly talking to victims/witnesses, also, with the bean intervening in some way. Some more options of noting down how the bean reacted could also be a fun change, but that's obviously up to you! Amazing work with this entry, you should be very proud of yourself!! :)
also BEAN
Wooah, this is certainly one of the most visually appealing entries in the jam!! I loved the concept although it was a bit difficult to follow with the control scheme changing every move - I'm not quite sure what a more intuitive method would be due to the irregular pattern of the playing space, but the tutorial was a great introduction to the game concept nevertheless! You don't need me or anyone else to tell you that the music, aesthetics, and overall level of polish are ABSOLUTELY bangin', and you pulled off the disco vibes especially well!! This definitely has a lot of potential for future updates, such as new level maps, colour themes/palettes, and maybe even enemies that follow certain movement patterns, such as going around the circumference map or appearing in checkerboard patterns. This could also be a cool way to link the movement patterns with the rhythm, but as it stands, I already love this game so much! Amazing work for such a small time frame, and including Ico in the game name? Best game name 👏
This is great entry!! Firstly, the art style really pops and the semi-3D approach works really well for this type of gameplay! I've never figured out how to pull off that 80s synthwave aesthetic but you've done a great job here, and you complimented it super well with the music and sfx, also. Your intro sequence was super polished, also, and I wish I could have seen more of it but unfortunately I couldn't complete all the rounds :P I see that you've added a boss fight after the wave system (which worked great, btw!), so I'd love to see some footage of that sometime. You've really put a lot of energy and love into this project and it shows!!
Some improvements I'd recommend is that the font is a bit difficult to read - with the time pressure of the jam that's obviously fair, but something to consider for future updates if you want to follow that ^^ I'd also give a bit of stun/freeze to the enemies once they hit you to give a chance for the player to escape, and that might also help with the non-regenerating health mechanic. Although that adds to the difficulty, I would've liked some (possibly optional) opportunities for health regen, or possibly other upgrades to max health, move speed, etc. But really, those are just small things - well done!! :D
Bbomb, this is fantastic!! You pulled off the heist theming especially well with the UI overlay and transition effects between levels, and JHawk's music also fits really well ^^ I can definitely see this idea being brought forward into some more difficult scenarios, but I love how much variety you had with the moving barricades and rotating lights/mirrors, also. Although I appreciated the symmetry and nice level design, it would be pretty cool to see some irregularly-shaped rooms and puzzles to add a bit more variety, and it would make the first and last halves of each level less alike. Perhaps some patrolling guards could be a nice addition, too, alongside some lore if that's the route you wanted to go down. Amazing work as always, and I hope you're enjoying your nature retreat!! :) ... touching grass :0
This entry is so much fun!! The character controller feels great to use (although a little sensitive at times for precise movement), but the squishy animations and particle effects really help to ground the player in the world! I really enjoyed reading the text each round, especially as it got more obscured by the level :P Talking about the levels, their design is great and allows for a really great progression and difficulty scaling throughout the game. I can certainly see this concept being brought forward into a fully-developed release if that's something you wanted to pursue! The colours and sprites work great together and it's really easy to understand what to do right from the beginning. The music and sound effects are amazing, too, although a little harsh (probably me not being used to chiptune games/music), but congratulations on creating such a polished game in a short timeframe!! :D
Yooo, this is a really cool take on the theme! I love dice games and the story you added really helps to build an atmosphere around the game. The dialogue was funny and well-written but would've benefitted from maybe some facial expression animations and sfx. Some music and sfx to go along with the actual gameplay itself would also be really nice to see, but I loved how you incorporated patterns in a mathematical sense - great to go along with the different geometric shapes of the dice! Everything seems to work as intended, and despite the rng being a bit monotonous at times (having to re-roll constantly, possibly fixed by rolling more of your own dice per turn?), I really enjoyed playing through it! It also seems that you added a save feature to return to the game later to continue playing, which is a great feature! I haven't seen anything quite like this in a dice/strategy game before, so well done!! :D
I think this is purely the most fun I've had in any jam entry so far!! Not only have you executed the idea wonderfully, the amount of polish already makes it feel like a near-to-release game! The first few rounds were a bit slow and repetitive with the shooting SFX (as others have mentioned), so adding some random pitch variation to each shot or creating some new shooting SFX to pick between would add a lot. This isn't as much of an issue in the later rounds, tho, as the sounds from the siblings add some complexity and randomness. I also found the player's gun to be too powerful in the later rounds as I could essentially one-shot the green squares (which I assumed to be tank enemies), so that might be something to look at. As others have also said, there were some slowdowns later on which may be a result of the browser, so maybe some optimisations could be something to look into - I'm assuming it runs better as a standalone application, tho! ^^
I absolutely LOVED the small details when each enemy was shot and the multiple sprites you drew for each of them, it really adds a lot of charm to the project!! The particle effects also add a bunch of juice and the geometric + pattern theme was implemented in the best way possible. And, without the time constraints, I'm sure you'd want to add some music and possibly boss fights/waves and extra game modes, but you've already done so well with the progressive and interactive tutorial throughout each round!
I'm even happier that I could beat the game! >:D Amazing entry, and I really do hope you continue with this project! It surely has a lot of potential, and you're making me want to make a game similar to this now ^^
This is so cleeean! The gameplay feels super fun and smooth to use and the colour palette + aesthetics you've chosen fits the vibe really well. A great use of geometric shapes and patterns, also, and I loved the complexity of multitasking - trying to type in the numbers whilst still staying alive :P The enemies did feel a bit slow and high in health at some points, and so maybe some powerups or level obstacles could break up the monotony of continuously tapping to shoot. I see that you're looking at adding boss fights and a more interactive tutorial in a possible update, and I think they're both great ideas! The interactive tutorial especially would be great as the current one feels a bit wordy and most players, including myself, will skip it and only return when they can't figure out the game by playing it (also like myself :P)
Overall, a stunning entry! Great use of sound effects, and if you decide to go ahead with an update, best of luck! (better see some poppin', juicy particle effects, too!)
No worries!! This is already an incredible project, but knowing that it was a few of y'all's first time jamming, you've done a great job! The brainstorming was certainly effective (I know how painful it can be, though!) because the whole project felt super polished and well-thought-out. Looking forward to any future updates! :)
No worries at all! What's great about game dev is that we each have our own strengths and when it comes to such a short timeframe, our dev styles change quite a bit! :P
I hope the jam gave you a bit of motivation to continue this project or any others you have - I look forward to your future projects! I also just realised how cool your profile picture is, I approve 👏👏👏
Couldn't get 100 points D:
Firstly, LOVE the art style! I haven't seen anything like it before and it works really well for this type of simple game. The gameplay feels super smooth and I find it interesting how such a basic set of instructions leads to such interesting gameplay :) I did feel, however, that some of the sound effects were a bit out of place, but that's obviously just a small nitpick due to the jam's time constraints. I could definitely see this being developed further into a larger game, but as it stands (haha, stands? like the tower!?! haha!!!), it's already a greatly polished game! Some additional gamemodes with different colours/shapes/ground sizes could also be an interesting avenue to take it, also. Finally, I love the silly, wonky physics - it definitely suits this type of game. Well done!! :)
Really cool entry! Didn't expect to see many platformers in this jam, especially 3D ones, but the gameplay and space atmosphere makes for a really cool aesthetic here. The beginning was a bit strange as the only way to progress was by walking on the metal bars which I didn't expect, and I also found it easy to get softlocked at the pattern section by not being able to reach the next platform. A tutorial or opening message/controls could also help if you wanted to take a more lore-focused approach - it's certainly up to you if you decide to work on the game further! Thanks for participating in the jam :)
Always love to see short and sweet games like this! The movement seems to work as intended and the aesthetics are super clean, and with some more time in the jam, more levels would be really cool to see! A way to reset the levels would also be helpful, and getting stuck led me to realise that simply walking into the circle outline allows you to go to the next level which doesn't seem correct. Maybe some new mechanics like buttons, levers, and other shapes to push around could make for some more interesting gameplay ^^ The use of geometric shapes was charming and the music felt really well, although I'd make it loop over each level, not reset each time. Overall, great work! :)
This is a nice, solid platformer! I love the simplicity (dare I say, minimalism) of the project, and your music + sfx work great together! I won't critique too harshly since you wrote you didn't spend much time on it (and hey, fair enough!), but I would love to see some more mechanics to make for some more engaging gameplay. Things like moving enemies or rotating spikes would add a new dimension to how the player navigates levels, and maybe even some puzzle mechanics such as buttons or levers. I'd say the aesthetics work really well and you did a great job selecting complementing colours for the levels, and I'd recommend some animations for the player to make it feel a bit more grounded in the world. I'm a big fan of squeeshy animations but feel free to play around with what you feel is best :P
Always love to see a platformer in game jams and you pulled it off pretty well! I do hope you continue your development on this game and I look forward to any updates you may give :)
Woah, this is incredible! I was a bit unsure where it was going at first, but once I made that first connection to another square (great foreshadowing in the intro sequence, by the way, love that!), it all suddenly made sense! Not only did the platforming feel responsive and tight, but the puzzles also complimented the movement really well, too! I liked how you stuck to a minimalist style (quite similar to the original Pico-8 Celeste), and only used small sprites throughout the game. This really helps to create a cute and somewhat eerie atmosphere for you to discover. Again, the puzzle mechanic worked super well and I think it was a fantastic implementation of the theme and geometricness!
I did find the jump sound effect to be slightly repetitive and harsh, so I'd suggest adding a bit of randomness to the pitch every time it's played. Even a small +- 10% whenever playing the sfx breaks up the monotony and keeps the player a bit more engaged. And obviously with some more time outside of the jam, you could include some tunes and more details to the world, such as different colour flowers, mushrooms, small critters, and snowmen :P Overall, I really, really enjoyed this and like you said on the game page, I would love for this to be worked on more! Amazing effort for your first jam game! :D
Okay - THIS is some classic game jam epicness. The premise is super simple but is executed wonderfully, from the simple art style to chill music - it all comes together really well! It feels a bit like a Mario Party game and could see this being super fun in multiplayer, too. Your level of polish when it comes to animations and particles don't go unseen, and for less than 72 hours, this is really incredible to see. And that's not even mentioning a... *adjusts glasses* LEVEL EDITOR? Bro, this is awesome sauce!! You've really gone all out on this project and it definitely shows! I would've liked to have seen a losing screen that shows your final score + high score, but that's obviously just a small nitpick. On web, there also seems to be some strange tiling/positioning issues with the squares which results in white lines flickering between the tiles. Another great addition (which would've been too much for the jam time, haha) would be a local or even global leaderboard to add some more competitiveness!
This game has it all - engaging gameplay, great aesthetics, boppy tunes, intricate patterns, and best of all, SQUARES! Massive well done!! :D
Okay, now THIS is some AMAZING creativity! This is the most atmospheric and professional-feeling entry I've played thus far, and I got SO close to 5000 points (4980). The lore, graphics, and music makes for a really cool environment and you've executed it wonderfully, I can already see this being worked on further for extra content and polish and be placed on Steam for a good price. I'm not usually a huge story person when it comes to games, but I got really immersed in the world that you made and I felt like a true detective! :>
Overall, incredible work on this entry and well done for implementing the theme so creatively! I'll definitely be coming back to beat my high score :P One thing I'll add is that I could only pick up items about 30% of the time, and this could very possibly due to the web/engine performing strangely in the browser, but is something to note. I'd love to see this game worked on further! :)
Wow, this is really cool!! I don't think I've seen any game jam games made in this framework, and you pulled it off pretty well! Firstly, I gotta say that I love the music - I feel like it works really well with the liminal feeling of the game. I also really enjoyed how the only controls were with the mouse - if you instead made it mouse to select and WASD/Arrow Keys to move, I think it would've felt disconnected, so great decision on that part! With some updated animations to the UI and game sprites, I really think this could be brought further into a full release :D I can certainly see how the puzzles could be expanded to make them more difficult/engaging, and I see you have plans to work on the game more, so I'll definitely be following your progress - great entry!
Um... EASY?! (Maybe for an epicer gamer than myself...)
This was SUPER fun to play, I love the whimsical combination of music, graphics, and animation - it works really well! The hands felt pretty silly to use with their slipperiness, but that only adds to the charm of this cute little project. I think this game could benefit from a small tutorial (unless I missed something), as it took a second to realise that space would grab the shapes, but not very consistently. This may have been intentional for the fun, rage-y aspect, but with how tight the timer is, it felt a bit frustrating when I was spamming space near the shapes but wouldn't pick 'em up. Overall, you did a great job with this game - I love it! :D
I can't even begin to describe how gorgeous this is! Not only did it teach me that I should probably go back to 9 years old to learn simple spatial reasoning (don't judge me, I've never played a tangram thing before), but it was wonderfully calming! The colour palette you created works super well and you've done a great job of combining patterns and shapes into a fun and engaging puzzle game. Some simple controls/tutorial, even if it were a few lines of text, would have been helpful in the beginning, but I do have to say that I absolutely love how you kept to a theme of animals for the puzzles. This all works really well together and I'd love to see it be developed further - well done! :)
Hahaha, this is the funniest and most charming entry I've played so far!! I love Dave's facial expression and adaptive music to his anger, it really adds a lot to the humour and character of the game. The art style is also oddly appealing, it reminds me a bit of those rhythm games in its simplicity. I'm not sure if this was intended or if anyone else experienced it, although I couldn't feed Dave in the incorrect order (not that I would EVER do that to him), and I found this strange as he seems like the pickiest eater around. Other than that, everything was presented really well and it was a super clever implementation of shapes and patterns - well done, team!!
Yooo, this is fantastic! I think this party-game concept is really cool on its own, and with the addition of cute little animations, the game earned a bunch of character. It was a bit disrupting to stop and read the small category text each round, but scrambling to get the little guys and shapes into the correct sides was undoubtedly a lot of fun. With some polish to the artwork and music (which was a great addition to add to the whimsical intensity), I could see this being even more great! But overall, amazing work - I loved the small details of the characters wobbling around when you pick them up, very good :P
I really enjoyed this!! As others have mentioned, it was a little confusing to begin with (how and why triangles are collected in certain ways), so maybe a tutorial with an example could be really helpful. Other than that, though, I thought everything worked really well together! I loved the giant world/bug/insect theme you had going on (especially after I've just finished playing Hollow Knight, haha!), and the platforming felt nice and snappy like it should. I'm guessing you had some ideas for more levels and level mechanics which would have been super cool to see, but time restrictions are gonna restrict :/ Overall, I really like this project and I think you did a great job :)
This is really fun! It took a bit to understand what was going on (maybe I should have read the tutorial, lolol), but once I got into it, I saw how engaging it was and could definitely be expanded into a full project ^^ The audio was a little crunchy but this was overshadowed by the sheer amount of depth and customisation the player can take. Really great work - an excellent implementation of shapes and patterns! :)
I really enjoyed this!! The implementation of the theme wasn't even something I considered at the beginning of the jam but it was executed really well. The music and art gave the project a nice, calm feel, although I did find the player movement a bit difficult with the start/stop mechanic. However, that's just a small nitpick - overall, great work! :)