Thanks for the feedback, will tweak the aiming in putt mode
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textures not loading first time is a classic unreal thing, will be fixed in next version.
dotted lines and falling through the floor a bugs that will be fixed.
The durability will play a big role but currently it's not really implemented, you will be able to get a repaired shotgun.
Sorry for the bad tutorial, it was all thrown together in haste.
the randomizer is currently awful, in future updates you won't be able to get the same course twice.
Thanks for playing and for the feedback!
Great atmosphere. Very creepy, love it.
Some issues I had.
1. The fonts used are horribly low res and blurry. I was struggling more with reading stuff than any other thing in the game.
2. Equipping useable items should be button based. Like zelda when an item is assigned to a specific button.
3. The game works great with controller except some inputs aren't supported. I feel this is one of those games that would work best with a controller since there isn't any free aiming.
4. Camera position is awkward at times. The camera looking up instead of looking down on the player feels weird and makes it easy to miss stuff on ground.
5. Ship level softlocks when you leave the different rooms.
I know I said most of these stuff before but always good to have an reminder.
Keep up the good work, cheers.
Loving the atmosphere! Nice blend of horror/mystery combined with exploration. Needless to say it needs an art pass. Didn't have technical any issues, ran great on default settings.
Some feedback.
1. Jumping feels inconsistent at times. Feels like there's too much drag and you lose most of your velocity once you're in the air making jumps hard to calculate. Might be an air control issue.
2. I would like to see some kind of health indicator. Like changing the glowing color of the tail.
3. When throwing a spear I would like it to switch to the next item automatically.
4. Even when my inventory was full I could still spawn spears from the sea urchins, I don't know if this is intended.
Keep up the good work!
Amazing looking game that feels great to play as well. The game is overall super polished.
There are some things that are my personal thoughts that you might agree with or not.
1. I would like to start automatically at the last save when I die and not have to go into the menu.
2. The first boss was a bit annoying because it was impossible to know if it was going to do its jumping attack while being off-screen. Some kind off-screen indicator would be nice if it does a lunging attack.
3. Crouching and then jumping for super jump felt kind of awkward, I would rather have a double jump.
4. I played with a controller but it felt like not everything worked with controller only, like menuing.
Other than that great game, keep up the good work!
Really nice game, polished.
Both fun and challenging. Didn't stumble upon any technical issues.
Only gameplay issue I had was that I can't move while cooking making it impossible not to be hit by ranged unites if you want to change your attacks mid fight.
Solution would be to add slow down timer or make it so the player can move while he cooks damage types.
This game is reeking with soul! I had a lot of fun with this one. I had a couple of issues though.
- Firing cannons, while being fun feels luck based since it's impossible to know if you are going to overshoot or undershoot. With a third person view of the ship this would be easier to judge based on the waves, but from a top perspective this is impossible, even when zoomed in. My suggestion is to add maybe a third person camera or some kind of projectile indication, like you hold down the fire button and you get an rough indication where the cannon balls will land.
- Getting hit and hitting enemies should have more effects, like smoke and sounds of wood getting torn apart. I was often left wondering if I hit the enemy or not.
- The mines sometime stops homing in on enemies and seems to be disabled.
Keep working and add polish on this and you'll have great game in no time, the foundation is there.
Good graphics, fun mechanics and really nice music and sound effects. Loved hacking the car.
Some feedback.
1. Some levels can't be completed if you kill a guy without connecting him to a door, effectively soft locking the player. I get the idea but this could be very frustrating.
2. Going into rewire mode feels very OP around enemies. Maybe add a timer for how long you can be in rewire mode if you have been spotted or have some later enemies that can counter-hack you?
3. Enemy hearing senses seemed kind of random. Some enemies could hear me from what felt like across the map, other were completely deaf.
4. The graphics are great but I would probably tone down the post processing a bit? Might be me, but I prefer the raw pixel feel over the fake CRT filter.
5. Need more stuff to rewire, like security cameras, alarms etc. Maybe rewire cleaning bots to distract enemies?
Other than that great work! Cant wait to play the next version.