TIFA?!? OoO!?! Tifa=Love!<3 Tifa=Lust!<3 Tifa=Life!<3
Sexy Scourge Beast
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True, it really isn't one, but still, it's SOMETHING and that's what gamers love. I admit, I'm kinda meh when it comes to futa's, but still, it's in the game, and it's something the gamers will love, even if that love quickly turns to hate. Ultimately, it's a gimmick, a publicity stunt.
Maybe in the future they'll change it to be a legit full fledged option. But ultimately, that may be expecting too much from an 18+ game.
As for your avatar, thanks! I now have a new fav vid to watch! XD
Even if it isn't yours, you still put in the time and effort to make it an absolutely awesome avatar, so I still gotta say, premo work Cpt! XD
By the way, 1994 was a damn good year! ^w^y (Get's lost in my memories of days gone by, when cops was high and prices was low!) >;P
Yeah, I've been noticing all the half-assed, lazy made games to come out since the PS4 hit the market.
Trust me, I'm completely cool with you taking the time to get it done right.
That having been said, try not to have such a long dry spell people lose interest.
Well, take care, and for what it's worth, I still think this game was worth every penny.
By the way, awesome avatar/icon, She's cute, but damn if that Scarlet R doesn't make me think of Jessie from Team Rocket. (RIP)
I was going to buy this game for US$999,999,999.99 but then I saw it contains...
I'm sorry, but this good little Christian pervert just can't condone THAT fetish!
(I leave, taking my hundreds of millions of US Dollars with me, NEVER to return.)
Excellent work as always, sorry it's been so long, been busy with life.
Glad to see ya'll are still up and running! Hope all is well, with the game AND ya'll!
I did have one question; my daughter came up with it actually:
What's the (apparently older?) show that Anna's costume is from based on?
My first thought was a Mahou Shoujo series, but my wife says otherwise.
My twin sister says it's "Battle Athletes Victory" or one of the sister series.
Finally, my son wants to ask: Naomi VS Nezuko - Who's the best demoness heroine?
(By the way, the fry cat gets cuter every time we see it, the kids want plushies!) >;3
Ah-So! Thank you for telling me! XD
LOL! Imagine if someone made a youtube vid with Lulu using DDV's voice clip from that Snickers commercial! XD
MC-(To Lulu DiVito) "Lulu, eat a Snickers, you're not you when you're hangry!"
(Lulu DiVito eats a Snickers, turns back into her normal, Megumin-cosplaying self!)
I mean, I'm okay with Loki & Bartleby not showing up...
Though it WOULD be nice if Serendipity & Rufus showed up too...
I understand if the last scion doesn't make an appearance, but still...
At least, can't we get a special guest appearance by God & The Metatron?
Honestly, it's just not DOGMA without AT LEAST our favorite prophets!
#GiveUsJayAndSilentBob! #GiveUsBluntmanAndChronicVSLoki&Bartleby!
Sorry for the dozen days late reply, my net has been F'd UP since this seasonal storm rocked us like a hurricaine. (Not a real one, but still...)
You get the Lockpick by going to the house of the guy in the jail, his house is in the slums, do NOT go straight down the alley way if you are warned not to, or you WILL be killed. Take the side road and enter the shabby shack in front of you. You check the table, finding the tinder, which is basically matches for lighting candles and torches and stuff. There's also a fruit you can check to get a side quest for the doctor. After you've got the tinder, go up the ladder on the back wall of the house, and then use the tinder to light another candle. If you want to, read the letter, but it doesn't really do anything as far as I can tell. Under the bed there's a box, open it and grab the lockpick. Once you've got it, go directly to the wine cellar, and get the wine bottle, then go to the jail, and after meeting the red head again, leave the guy locked up and go to bed. If you decide to free him, he gets possessed/goes crazy and kills you. You HAVE to get the wine THAT NIGHT or you'll miss out on Molly.
Again, sorry for the late reply, but I hope this helps. Take care everyone, and please fap responsibly, you filthy perverts! <3 XD
The adults in my family all play eroge 2gether!
Besides, my wife is bi and brings other women to our bed, fully informed about me, her husband, and this often, though not always, begins ffm 3ways, and me, my wife, my twin sister, and her husband, my best friend and brother in law, all grew up together, so we've already been through the whole "gotta fap" stage together so fapping off together in the computer room is nothing new to our family. We're a happy, fappy family!
Does he stop being such a dick as the story progresses, depending on choices made, or is he always gonna be another Jackass Eroge MC? Sorry, but it's hard for me to enjoy ANYTHING where the MC is a douche bag. (Kappa Mikey is a GREAT example of this, Lupin III is another, great casts aside from the Titular MC.) All in all tho, I like this game, even if I never played more than an hour or two of it. (No offense!)
Here's some of the best news you could possibly hear!
Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love (youtube.com)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get Back To The Future
and finish playing the completed version of this game!
Until some samurai girl tried to split the melon! Okay, I can totes see Lulu (AKA Megumin) trying to do that with her broom after she hears about the popular Japanese summer vacation tradition from Jade, and Hachiko going "Ruh-Roh!" before hightailing it outta there at rocket dog speed. Hmm, beach party episode idea? Feel free to use it!
Actually, a Scooby Doo-esque quest would be cool, with the students working with a detective witch and her K9 Buffy McScruffy to solve a mystery. Maybe to find illegally harvested Fairy Dust and Pixie Powder?
Uhh, magic drugs are BAD, mmkay witches?
Stay in school and don't do drugs, witches!