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A member registered Aug 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Is there a way there could be like a freeplay mode after u get all stages and things because i finished like everything but am still missing many stickers due to my bad luck lol, and what can you do with the duplicate stickers?

(1 edit)

so happy for the new update, though I am sad that there is no difficulty setting still but oh well, you did say it would take a long time afterall.


ok thx for replying!

Will difficulty ever be added like the last game? :crying:

What codes are there?

great work!

i was mostly wondering if this game will become more like now that its 3d thx for responding!

i see, well thx for all your hard work!

can u do that to the player?

love your games!

cool i haven't seen it until now so i assumed sorry for doing so!

i know this game was only made 7 hours ago but.. could you add bigger everything in the near future for this game?

I love where you're 3d ideas are going! but i would like if you can make the 3d bellies and boobs and butt even bigger if possible thx for reading if you did!

when will the wight gain update come?

will inflation ever be added?

thx for replying! it was around wave 9-11 but i'm kind of a beginner, I hope this helps!

I'm just saying this again after 7 months, but will there be a difficulty update? The slimes can get overwhelming a lot of the time, also some want an even harder challenge than this! But there would still be normal, and peaceful too for those who want the story not the fight.

will there be a difficulty choice,  like the last game?

Will Chateau get a new outfit?

Also will there be anybody that can hold more people in them than 7 like dusk lamia? id like if you added one with like 10 max!

could you now add the inflation content?

Yes it was about almost  15 minutes in I couldn't get ready in time they broke everything like how I had barriers the starter ones don't have enough health and upgrades are hard for people like me who arn't that good at game like this, timed ones so I failed and had to restart, that is why i'm so happy to hear your gong to add them back!

Thx for replying to my post btw!

Could you add a no enemy diffculty like in the last game i keep dieing and just want to see story plz!

This is great iv'e been waiting! btw could you add a way to have the fighters stay full or make ones even bigger? thx if you read this!

How do you keep your save when updating or does it save itself?

Update the list! btw the maid outfit and nail don't work.

can we get dufficulty settings back i had lots of stuff and it got destroyed by slimes in seconds

This is great!

Ps: Can you add difficulty options back?

How do you beat the 4th level?

Can you make the maid outfit re buyable please? mine got lost

Another I found is when you make the guy that is sleeping next to the tree outside the town too big and let him lay down again he gets glitched into the ground and you can no longer fight him.

When is inflation mode coming out?

btw a bug is if you get too big and go to the replace point for 100 coins place where the plushy is you get put back right away because your character hits the leave tunnel zone.

Please make Beth's milk can, bubblegum's maid outfit, real smiths big upgrade materials  refillable Thanks soooo much if you do because I lost my maid outfit and cant get it back!

Its the cave next to the exit of the town you take a turn to the right

This is by far my favorite game, but I would like more like even more team point upgrades and new upgrades for growing stats over time when not in battle and a new area like a second town would be nice.