thanks! I thought it might have been something I was overlooking, thanks for clearing that up
Sammy J
Recent community posts
Had a really great experience with the demo overall! I love how the game controls and how the combat feels and I especially like how much variety there is with the amount of spells you get. I really dig the art style and the symphonic sound track, takes me back to the old school Castlevania days!
A couple of points to raise that were not big issues as such but I feel could be looked at:
I could only look around the map with the d-pad which felt slow and clunky, would have been much better with the control stick. Until you get used to it, the menu while selecting subweapons and alchemy spells feels a bit confusing (that could just be me). Also in the cave area, I could barely see anything around me so was taking a lot of hits all the time which felt a little unfair.
I wish the devs all the best with the full release because I very much enjoyed the demo and I love the idea of being able to create your own maps in the full game for other people around the world to download and try!
Hey! I will be uploading a couple of videos I made on this game, I really enjoyed it but I think you should know that the controls weren't mapped to my xbox controller properly. to go right I had to push up on the joystick and down to go left, also I I had to push right to go up ladders and left to go down.
Hope that helps.