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A member registered Mar 20, 2021

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I did not reach portals in my plays. I use both magic and non magic attacks.  And I tried - when I'll get some spare time this weekend - to map correctly the academy.

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I mapped around 16-17 rooms before getting killed by a demon. Not bad for the second play :)

I'll try to do my best in another play :)

Edit: I  try twice to make a map of my play,...
But I got some rooms where there should be not... I'll wait for a map to be published... 

Or I'll try a third time to make a working map :)

As I bought the physical version, I got an early access to the game. It is as good as - maybe even better - than Evil Dungeon 1 and 2.

I recorded a small video - gameplay starts at 09:50 - of it. I died after 10 minutes of playing.


Well, I'll try them when I got some time, but as my spare time is really scarce actually... Ouch!

Indeed. Very great feature.

Just downloaded it. Looks like this adventure engine will help me enter orders in a really quick way!

Made it to level 6, but I kept on falling on spikes. Really good game, awesome for the ZX Spectrum 128 :)

And correct me if I'm wrong, ordering the physical version will give a digital version to the player until the box arrives?

So for me, Evil Dungeon 3 + the suitcase will be my choice.

Can't wait to play it. Both 1 and 2 were awesome, so number 3... :)

J'ai rencontré un bug : tu peux valider un nom de joueur vide. Tu es au courant de ce fonctionnement incorrect ?

Excellente idée pour le port. Je te ferai de la publicité dès que possible.

You don't need to kill everybody. Just fight when you need too.

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Great! I was waiting for it since the craptastic contest.

Made it to level 18 on first try. And I hide the password. Getting to this level is not that hard after all :)

Now, I'm pulling my hair on level 18 :]

I'm a big fan of Tetris, so every clone I found, I try to test it. Yours is in the top 10% of what I played.

Thanks for making then sharing it here.

Wishing you the best for 2025.

Well, it is a good tetris clone. The speed cannot be managed on level 8. Well, on the first run, I managed to go to level 8. Not a bad score :)

Tout de suite les grands maux ;)

J'suis nul en marketing !

Je fais juste connaître ton jeu, voilà !

En complément de la bande annonce, une petite partie du jeu avec le port Vic20. Et oui, je me fais lamentablement tuer au niveau 2, comme d'habitude :)

I reached neutral ending. At least, I finished the game :)

In the start, it was a Vic20 only game. The C64 port was made after the first beta if I remember well.

It's not the beta version, but version 1.0 you played.

Indeed a great achievement. And yes, I enjoyed the game, even if sometimes I found how to solve grids by sheer luck :)

Well, I'm happy. I finished all the levels of your excellent game. The last remaining levels made my brain melt, but it is now old story. The mandatory screenshot. At least, you've got one player who finished your game.

Excellent from start to end.

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Un jeu petit mais costaud et d'une difficulté non négligeable. Ne serait-ce que la version Vic20 est impressionnante.

Ajout: je viens de le finir avec la version Vic 20, le dernier niveau étant assez coriace. Ainsi que la version C64. C'est plus simple quand on sait comment agir pour se débrouiller par la suite.

Ajout 2 : voici le longplay de la version Vic20. Ne regardez pas si vous ne voulez pas vous gâcher le plaisir de finir le jeu par vous même

J'ai bien aimé le jeu, même si certaines énigmes sont parfois déroutantes. Bonne réalisation, graphisme sympas, ce qui prouve que le CPC en a encore dans les tripes :)

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It helped me a lot. I made the mistake of joining both triangles using the last row. What a twisted level!

And don't worry for the late answer. I worked on finishing 7x11 with walls levels. 

Only missing 20 for now in this category :)

Edit: Reached the 400 levels finished. Mandatory screenshot :)

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Hello. Once again, i'm blocked. I'm playing at the same time 7x11 and 7x11 with walls.

This time i'm stuck in level 46 of 7x11 grids. I tried to solve it during 15 minutes, but no luck. Maybe a little too twisted for my brain?! :D

So, sorry to ask for help once again. I'm sure with your trick I'll manage to get the solution.

Have a good day.

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Thanks. It will be ok for finishing the level starting with that hint.

Once again, thanks !

Edit: I was useful! Finished this level which made my brain melt a little :)

Looking for some help. I'm stuck at level 20 in 7x11 with walls grids. I'm left with an empty space, in the top left corner. Bug? A very twisty solution?

Thanks a lot for your answer.

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Well, yes! But I can tell you that 7x11 grids are making my brain melt :)

I do love challenges, so I accept to finish the remaining levels. And I could the first to finish the game :)

Awesome.  You mastered it!

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Another progress. I finished every 5x8 / 6x10 with ou without walls. Only remaining, the 7x11. Even if I finished a few of these ones, I don't think I can finishing the remaining levels before early january 2025.

It is small even on the simulator with a zoom x2 on the screen.

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Well, I just play with a zoom x2 for the screen. It helps. But I won't be playing both large and huge mazes... Even with a zoom x2, it is hard to see where you are.

And not for people over 50? Well, I'll be 51 in february 2025... So :)

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You're a dot in the top left corner. Using dpad, you make your way in the maze until you reached the exit in the right bottom corner.

A? It magically solved the maze.

Simple but addictive. A casual game when you want something to play with for a few minutes. 

Highly recommanded!

Thanks. I found two or three secret room, finding the machine gun in one of them.

But finishing the game without dying was m'y goal... I really thought I'll lost at least a life... I was lucky.

This game shows what the Pet can do :)

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Thanks. So I went a little farther than I first thought? Good news!

Edit: just finished it on "I wrote donkey.bas" skill. I know, it is easier, but challenging anyway. I finished with 20% of health. So easy skill? In a way yes, in a way not really :)

I played it using keyboard so I took easily some damages :(

Yes! Can't wait to see the finished game.

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I'm impressed. Even if I do not find the elevator - for now - it is a little great game. Awesome!

Edit: I made a 5 minutes long video of the game, using the skill "I know the killer poke" and xpet emulator.