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Fox Chaotica

A member registered Jan 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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If you go into the options menu, there's a reset button in there

hey there, thanks for playing my game, and i'm glad you enjoyed it, despite some of the bugs in it!

Hey! So glad you enjoyed my game!

Hey! Hope you're enjoying the game!

As for the route apparently not lining up in that puzzle, it does line up, but there's a little trick to it. I'm not gonna explain here, but if you shoot me an email through my website's contact form and I can explain the logic

I'm glad you enjoyed my game!

I'm super happy you enjoyed it!

i'm glad you enjoyed it!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

And yea, looking back on it, the hints weren't as helpful as I wanted. At the time, I restricted myself to 4, 5 and 6 words each, thinking it was a Creative way of limiting it, but it only came across as unhelpful to basically everyone

¡Hola! No hablo español con fluidez, así que estoy usando el Traductor de Google para ayudar, así que perdóname si la traducción no es perfecta. Además, ¡me alegra que estés disfrutando de mi juego!

En cuanto al rompecabezas en el que estás atascado, es uno de los 3 rompecabezas con los que no estoy particularmente contento ahora, así que estoy más que feliz de decirte que la respuesta a ese es "SNOWFLAKE" ["COPO DE NIEVE"], para ahorrarte el problema.

oh, so it is! ^-^;

Thanks for letting me know!

i don't understand what you mean with "i can't figure out word grip"

Thanks for the heads up. I don't know why that's the case


You can reach me through my website's contact form

Thanks for playing my game, I hope you enjoyed it!

There are alternate endings, but no secrets after those

The answer is 7 letters, you're missing a single letter hidden in there. Go over them carefully, one at a time, that might help

thanks for playing my game, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

thanks for playing my game, i'm glad you enjoyed it!

the save data can be found in AppData\LocalLow\Chaotica. it's called "Kryptic.dat"

I'm glad you enjoyed my game! thanks for playing

I'm sure you'll be able to make it through, don't give up!

Two of the orbitals are filled with red herrings. Instead of going from side to middle, try going side to side, that should unlock the right answer for you

oh, that's just a joke. the entire intro sequence is based on how old computers boot up

first off, thanks for playing the game, i'm glad you're enjoying it

as for the puzzle you're stuck on, it's a 4 letter answer. perhaps that'll help, given what's seen in the puzzle

You don't need any tools to solve that puzzle. i'll tell you that the answer is 10 letters long.

given there's 10 names, maybe that'll help you out

for some reason, the Z key is the "accept" key

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! I'm impressed that you managed to complete it without solving all the puzzles in your first playthrough!

As for the puzzle you're stuck on, perhaps counting characters in the username would help

thanks for playing my game, and i'm glad you enjoyed it!

hi! first off, i hope you're enjoying the game!

as for those symbols, you most likely don't have enough information to complete it. the game is non-linear, and some puzzles available earlier can only be solved with information from later puzzles

The game doesn't rely on any YouTube videos for solutions, so you've most likely accidentally interpreted a base 64 string as a YouTube URL.

The game is intended to be solved with basic knowledge and some logical leaps, and perhaps only a couple of instances of looking up the name of something. Hope that helps!

Sorry, mistake on my part, I added a space in my username when there isn't one

I'm glad you're enjoying the game!

As for why it's not on steam, there is a developer fee of $100, which I didn't have at the time. I might try and get it listed in the future

Happens to all of us, don't worry!

With hindsight, I do wish I had picked a better font, or even made my own that specifically disambiguated 0 from O, and I from l and 1, specifically to assist with the base 64 puzzles

I'm really happy you enjoyed it! Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Do you happen to have Discord? If so, feel free to shoot me a friend request and DM me, and I'll be able to help you out there. Just look for "Fox Chaotica"

first off, thanks for playing my game, and i hope you're enjoying it

now, regarding the authentication on my website, that's because i had been receiving way too many spam emails from bots saying they can improve my website for a fee, so blame them.

as for the puzzle itself, given there are a number of players going through the game and posting here, i can't really spell it out here, or give too many key details that would ruin it for others. if you do try to go through my website again, i'd be happy to explain how it works in more detail there, instead of having to rely on thinly hidden coded messages

first off, thanks for playing, i'm glad you enjoyed it

as for those two occurences, quite simply one is a mistake, and the other is me not being aware at the time that there's a specific function in unity that allows for that

Try looking carefully at how each letter changes from line to line

(1 edit)

Brute force for any puzzle wasn't really my intention when making these puzzles, but some of them may have unintentially ended up being solvable by brute force. If you're struggling with any puzzles, feel free to reach out to me via my website and I can give you a nudge you in the right direction

(1 edit)

Actually, every cell in the mostly blank grid in "10", with the exception of the one filled in to begin with is just 1 letter