I believe so, because it's one of the "past" scenes and so doesn't have much affect on the main story. But i might be wrong.
Recent community posts
Please consider getting rid of the new game over mechanic where it loads your last save if you get game over. Before it showed a game over screen and then you could continue on. With the new way, if you accidentally stumble into a game over scenario and you haven't saved in a while you're just fucked because the autosave just starts you right back at the beginning of the game over scenario. At least that's been my experience on like four consecutive playthroughs in the last week.
That's a fair point. I had thought of that. It just seems to me that Skylar and MC are close enough that she would have told him that the man in prison isn't her bio dad, and Luna is close enough to Skylar who is an adult and probably would have told her that her "dad" isn't her biological father. Speculating way too much. lol *shrug*
Can't be Skylar's dad. She states clearly that he's in prison for selling weed. I was thinking the same thing until I remembered that she tells MC that in the park. I think the Luna thing is just that Luna remembers him from the diner and she's scared of him because while people can look very similar, it's impossible for people to look exactly alike (excepting twins) without very extensive plastic surgery. Also, she says she never forgets a face, implying that she might have a photographic memory.
The way I understand it is that MC's dad was either dating or married to Tiffany when he died. She's not his bio mom because she died when he was young. Regardless, since they're his step family they all see it as wrong even though technically they're not step family anymore since the dad died. But Tiffany took MC in because he had nowhere else to go. My guess is Jestur just didn't want to use the cliche of step mom/sister.