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Hey, thank you so much for the feedback. It didn't work to change fullscreen with the operating system shortcuts?

Also I assume you mean the third level, the idea is that you grab the box and you have to throw it to the other side to place it on top of the button to get the door opened, you can throw further if you hold the key down, that level is the one we've been getting the most complains and I am planning adding two more levels preceeding it to teach the players the grabbing and throwing separately.

I love how arcade this game feels, it's simple, it's short, it's engaging and it's really fun. The difficulty increases really nicely, not only because more enemies spawn and more frequently but also because your own shots can destroy the floor just like the enemies, making it unavoidable that the level itself becomes harder to traverse. Also thanks to the room rotation every so often it makes it so that you can't camp around, it forces you to move.

Astonishing job on this one.

Neat and simple game, dodge asteroids, missiles? and lasers?! Man, I don't remember this happening during the moon landing wow! Jokes aside, loved the different challenges across the level and how the game progressively gets harder, it has a very arcade feel. I only have a few small nitpicks, one is that I wish there was fullscreen, the game doesn't completely fit in height and I had to choose whether to be able to see my health or not being able to see my health, it isn't much screen that is missing but it's still a bit annoying. The hitbox seems a little unfair, a small tap on the CSM or the LM of one pixel means you get hit, like I get it, but I feel these games feel more fair when their hitbox is slightly smaller than the actual sprite. Finally no audio, I assume you didn't have time to add them in, but if you plan on working on this game after the jam is over, I highly recommend adding audio into the game for some much needed auditory feedback. Speaking of feedback, also having some visual effect when you get hit, like a very subtle camera shake, or a hit-stop or damage-flash effect could be nice, or you could also do the old reliable adding iframes after you get hit with a sprite flicker, that fits the retro arcade vibe (it's also my personal favorite) and it would make it so that players get some grace period after getting hit so that they can adjust themselves before getting hit again.

Overall, good job on this one.

This game is amazing, the artstyle is super cute and I love it. The controls make it hard to go full speed with the lightbulb which perfectly complements the idea and the theme. I loved the puzzles, specially using the boxes to trap the bots so that you can take the bulb through, those were my favorite ones. Speaking of the bots, they are all super cute, I love them all.

Man, there is not enough words to describe how much fun I've had with this one, amazing job!

I like the fast pace nature of this one, but the jump is very floaty and it doesn't have much fine control on it, it always jump the same height regardless of me tapping very quickly the spacebar or holding the spacebar, I think it would benefit making the jump height be based around for how long you held down the spacebar for more finetune control over your jumps.

 Jumps to be kinda unforgiving if you slightly miss, like when you jump towards a platform and the character feet are a few pixels below ground level, it just blocks like a wall and you fall, some edge nudging would be nice.

I also saw that you have jump buffering and coyote time, but the coyote time is kinda OP rn because I can abuse it and still be able to use two jumps. 

Pretty good job on the slopes, I know they are the vain of the existence to any game developer, they are still kinda wonky but they behave pretty good and don't make me slide and let me move up and down and jump which is all that counts. So good job on that.

Finally, this is personal suggestion, I think having a wall climb, kinda like Celeste does, could be super cool in the game.

Overall, nice game, nicely put together. If you plan on expanding this game, I can't wait to see what this game can become.

Neat game, love the visuals on this one. It's not very clear what I have to do and how I have to do it, I think it lacked a sort of tutorial level to teach the player the mechanics, then I guessed the idea was to get the balls into the basket, but then as soonest one gets in I get popup saying "Game Over" but I can go to the next level, so did I lose or win? I don't really understand.

The small slopes are broken and I am unable to place them or letting them go, they get stuck following the cursor, I am still able of grabbing the other pieces and placing them but the small slopes remain there.

Also, idk if this was intended or not but I can push the balls with the pieces when I drag them, but I think you should get rid of that and let the main focus be getting the balls into the basket by using the pieces to lead them there, not by pushing them while dragging it.

Neat idea for the game but the controls are really strange and not very pleasant to play with, the cursor is very weird, it has to be in a very specific spot to trigger the button you want to trigger, the buttons to add/remove code are really small in comparison to the cursor but also it seems the remove button is very sensitive, I was trying to rename a method and then bam, method deleted, and then I tried to add a new one to replace the deleted one and it deleted that other one.

Camera movement is very dizzy, considering that I have to hold right click to move the cursor, the moment I let go camera goes flying towards new direction, I'd suggest doing something similar to what FNAF 1 does, getting rid of the right click to move the cursor around and just make it automatically be where the mouse cursor is, make the camera only move in the X axis, and instead of having that enter/exit screen move be clicking on the respective screen you want to interact with or keep the enter/exit screen button that can work too. That, I think, would still allow players to be able to see the methods running while running the game, which that is a neat feature btw, but less strange and not as dizzy.

Very neat idea for the theme, making the elements that normally kill you not kill you was really interesting, I found it quite interesting that in exchange for the not killing you made it so that it slows you down, which means you get a lower score. I feel this one would benefit of having a more speed focus, making the player accelerate to a max speed while trying to avoid getting hit by the obstacles so that they reach the end fast as possible, while challenging player to have fast reaction times, but overall, very neat.

The SFX of the sawblade is a bit loud and scratchy, doesn't really feel good to hear it, the rest of the sounds are good, it's just the sawblade feels like someone scratching a blackboard.

Amazing game with an incredible artstyle. The levels are really fun and the puzzles are very neat, loved the one in which the lever was inside walls that moved and I had to be creative on using the save and restore mechanics. Only nitpick is the screen resolution, the width is to big and doesn't scale down even when I went full screen I wasn't able to see the whole level, I got stuck on the first level because I wasn't to see the second door either way until I used the zoom out from chrome to be able to fit it in. Besides that the whole game is marvelously put together and enjoyed every second of it.

Neat game, I feel the controls are very floaty. I found some bugs, if you walk back towards the disappearing floor and appearing spikes you eventually get to a point where the disappearing floor/appearing spikes do their animation again and when playing again after beating the game the first level is labeled as level 4. Luckily none of these bugs are gamebreaking, just little bugs, so good job on having a really polished game.

The levels are fun, and the trolls are very easy to learn, I just wish there were more levels in the game because it feels very short. I hope you plan on expanding the game after the jam is over, because I'd love to be able to play more levels of this.

Amazing game, it's very polished and really nicely put together and it has one of the best implementations of the theme. Only criticism I have is that I feel it's not that obvious why you got caught at times, I suppose the idea is that throw the cheat sheet or copy when both teachers are facing away from the one with the cheats, that's how I practically beated this game, but one time I was going to throw the cheat sheet and both teachers were facing away and suddenly game over, idk if it was for that split second that I threw the paper one of the teachers suddenly turned around and caught me or if there was something else. Also another time I missed my throw and all I got was a exclamation mark from one of the teachers and nothing else, idk if that's a bug or if there are some sort of error margin.

Besides that, the game is really good with a very engaging and polished gameplay. Good job!

Thank you so much! We appreciate a lot the feedback. Yeah the music is our own, made by our music composer Chili Max, and he was really inspired by Chrono Trigger for it.

And the third level is the one we are getting the most complains, plus the fact that the more enemies appearing in the level after you die/respawn seem more like a bug than a feature, we are thinking of possibly adding two more levels before that one to teach one specific mechanic at a time, it was mainly a case of not enough time and not enough experience at level design from my part, I made most of the levels except the last one, which was mainly done by another team member and then I handplaced the tiles and edited some platform positions, while also adding the box trapped puzzle.

And how did you solve the third level if I may ask, I am assuming you didn't throw the box?

Really interesting idea, I simply feel the controls are really hard to get the hang off, like the tutorial is fine for learning to control one but then you are instantly thrown to two and the whole thing changes because you now have the rope, I think some easier levels, or having the tutorial be with the two astronauts right off the bat could help.

I personally think it would be fun if you could give a big push to the other astronaut if they are really close to one another, I think that could provide some interesting movement into the game.

Also love that you added voice acting into the game, really impressive, and it's really good, it feels like a mission control communications.

Overall, nice idea, I hope that you are planning on working on this game further in the future, because if that's the case then I can't wait

(1 edit)

The idea is neat, and I see lots of potential, but the game lacks some polishing. Controls feel unresponsive, the cancel build key closes fullscreen and doesn't cancel the building unless I click on the button itself, the camera movement with the mouse doesn't really work on fullscreen, and eventually the game breaks, the web build goes completely black and I am unable to progress, that usually happens after I've managed to build my third robot for some odd reason.

Some features of the game should be comunicated to the player, I didn't know I could sell stuff until by pressing right click to drag the screen I accidentally hover a conveyor belt and it got sold, that should be something important to tell the player and you should also make it so that you sell the items when you release right click within a timeframe that starts when you first pressed right click, that would solve accidentally selling stuff when you are dragging the screen.

The visuals are lovely, and they are really good, and I love your cover image and what you did for the web page, like wow, it looks amazing, 10/10 on that.

I also like the gameplay loop, smelt raw materials and process them to assemble robots to defeat the swarm of enemy robots wanting to destroy your factory (I haven't been able to reach that point because game crashes but I assume that's the idea judging by the gifs), it's a neat gameplay idea, it has what I'd expect of a game of this genre, gather resources, build up and face a challenge at the end, and rinse and repeat while also upping difficulty.

Anyyways, I apologize for the rant and for not being able to fully experience the game, but I hope that you plan on working on this one after the jam is over, I can see it becoming a really neat and fun game.

Nice game, it was kinda unclear what I was supposed to do to get the game started, it says that I had to make sure to press play and not get lost, I didn't know I had to touch the right side wall. Then the puzzles are really interesting and pretty interesting trolls, having the blocks that you can move be slightly more spottable, not completely spottable to the naked eye, I feel that would defeat the porpuse of the game, but slightly easier than having to randomly move your cursor until you magically find something.

Fun game, I like how you handled the theme and the fact that you added voice acting into the game made serving the costumers the correct drinks easier. But I gotta say that the difficulty ramps up very quickly, like the fifth round was already pretty hard, but that might be skill issue from my part.

I love the atmosphere on this one, it has amazing pixel art and I love the lighting and the day night cycles. Man this game is gorgeous and that would even fall short of how good this game looks. It's very serene and calm, feels like I'd imagine going out hiking and camping.

Most of the time I've spent it with the fishing rod trying to see if I could fish something, but idk if I have to wait really long time or maybe it wasn't added. Then some time I've spent it trying to play something in the guitar, and finally I saw I could throw stones to skip on water, which gave me a huge smile.

Idk how could you improve on this one or even if you plan on expanding this, but if anything I'd love to be able to do more stuff in the area, maybe fishing, cooking stuff on the fireplace, but really I wouldn't really know because I think the game is good at it is, it's a nice break from the whole chaos.

Lovely artstyle and very interesting gameplay, I thought it would be very frustrating considering you are invisible and can't see where you are at, but it wasn't at all, as a matter of fact navigating around wasn't really hard thanks to the gizmos, I love that at the start of every level there is an arrow pointing to where you are, I think that helped a lot in making this game fun.
Only nitpick is that I wish there was a way to skip all dialogues, I do appreciate that if I spam spacebar I can basically skip them but a quick skip could be nice, specially when you fail a level and don't want to reread the same dialogues over and over, unless you plan adding some special dialogues when that's the case.
Overall, great game, can't wait to see how this one develops after the jam period is over.

Love this one, it has really cool pixel art with really fluid animations and a nice take on the theme, but it is kinda hard to beat. The second level is a huge step up from the first, I got stuck in the maze and unable to see where I was exactly, turns out I had to move upwards to unstuck myself, really hard that one, then I got stuck on the PC until I realised I had to rename the files and finally I got to the point of the flower boss fight (Flowey reference btw noice), in which I was able to make it step on the spikes once and then no more, but that might be skill issue from my part.

Love the take on the theme, but the game is a tad difficult for me, specially considering my up arrow key doesn't work so I don't have that movement available, but that's a problem from my end but I'd love for either keybinding remapping or an alternative control setup with WASD, but it's reasonable you didn't have the time to add an alternative control setup, that's ok. Besides that I found that SFX breaks eventually when the rounds become very chaotic, and I also think the game needs some more audio feedback, it feels like the music overshadows the SFX.

(1 edit)

It has a neat artstyle, it lacks proper rendering at times becasue I can be behind the boss and the player sprite would be rendered in front of the boss. You can get this by changing the Sort Axis Y to 1 and have the bosses, the logs with spikes and the player be in the same sorting layer and same order in layer in the sprite renderer, and Unity will automatically render player behind the boss or the logs if they are in a higher Y position, the only thing that could happen is that you may need to play around with the pivots but normally they don't give much of an issue usually.

The SFX from the main menu and the starting cutscene I don't think they fit the game very well, they sound kinda 16bit when the rest of the SFX feel high definition, I think sticking to the hd sfxs would extremely benefit this game.

Combat is really nice, it has a unique spin to the whole genre, in which I have to porpusefully get myself killed while a something is automatically shooting homing projectiles to kill the boss before I can get myself killed. I really liked it, but I feel the bosses are extremely weak and it's pretty hard to lose before they die, specially the second boss.

Overall, good game with lots of potential in the future with a good artstyle. Good job

Lovely artstyle, I like your take on theme. The combat is nice, it has that Undertale feel that I love.

I tried to do the bookless run, but the eyeball fight is incredibily hard, there is a ton of them and it's pretty much impossible to dodge them unless you get a really lucky fight, which makes it extremely frustrating.

I'll keep trying if I manage to complete the bookless ending, but so far the game is really good, but the fight with the eyeball needs to be tweaked.

Beautiful masterpiece with amazing visuals and an awesome narrative, surprised you managed to pull it off in one week. I love the puzzles, I got stuck on one until I realised I didn't need two of the torches lit up to have the bulb on, huge epiphany there, I love that, that's the feeling someone should get when playing puzzles, that blissful moment.

Main nitpick is that I don't really like that you need to right click to explode the lights to kill the enemies, like I got stuck in the midst of my first run because I forgot that I needed to press right click to explode them and I thought the projectiles were really incosisntent, I then restarted and remembered I had to right click. I think it makes more sense to have them explode when they hit an enemy.

Besides that, everything in the game is pure perfection.

Game is really fun, and I love you can't spam jump to avoid obstacles, that would have been very OP. Also love that it's not instant death, you can swim up to get back on the floater but there are also obstacles underwater that may cause you to drown, like it happened to me in my second run. One criticism from my part is that when I started playing it was kinda hard to tell who I was playing as, I didn't know I was the racoon until I fell off the floater and had to swim up.

Besides that the game is really fun, I was able to get to around 2500 points, with a bit of luck ngl. Idk if the game has a finish line, but even if it had it, the game is really fun as it is and trying to get further than you did in the previous run is still a fun time.

Very charming game, I wish there were more chaotic things to do or more levels, but even so this is a perfect small masterpiece, enjoyed every second of it.

I wish I had some feedback but I honestly don't know what to suggest that could help this game, I think the game is perfect as it is, only thing is what I already said, more chaotic things and/or more levels. Can't wait to see how this one develops after the jam.

Game is really interesting and fun, I feel this one could have easily become an extremely frustrating game but it's actually really enjoyable, I also love that the title most of the time tells you exactly what you need to do, I loved the check the instructions one, that was pretty clever.

I think this game nails every aspect, but my main critique is that the movement feels like you are on ice and the jumps at times are really hard to predict where you are landing, but maybe that was part of the design choice.

Lovely game, the music is very catchy and the game is really polished. Movement is really good and responsive, normally I would complain about floaty jumps but in this case it fits for the chicken, and even that, it isn't extremely floaty that you take ages to fall, so good job on that. But I don't really see the theme in this one.

But bsides that, the game is really good and I wish it would get expanded after the jam period is over, it's pretty cool.

I love this one, it's quick, it has a fast pace nature and the game is extremely easy to understand, shoot the guys, make a mistake and a hostage could die, the thing that's tough is to master, but that's only if you want the good grades, you can beat it with a basic understanding, which makes this game a 10 in my book.

Loved kicking doors and just blasting and asking questions later. I am ashamed to admit that I might have killed a few hostages with my blasting, also one time I bonked one hostage with the gun and they died.

Gotta say, pretty underrated game, it's really good and really addictive to play, I wish there were more levels to play, but the ones you have are really good for just one week period. Good job, can't wait to see how this one develops

Oh! I see it now. Didn't see it the first time, tbf, I didn't pay attention to the numbers and simply assumed I had to do the things displayed quickly or else the plane would crash.
Also, idk if you are planning on expanding this game, but I can perfectly see an endless mode for this one. Like you have the lights from above that display which error is triggering, you could make the error you get to be random and you have the manual that you already have in the game telling you the solution to that error. 

It's very simple yet very fun, it's very similar to cluedo. I found the pins and the notes not very useful, outside of roleplaying, I simply used the maps, the markers and the CCTV and the Log system to figure out who, my first run was pretty lucky, I did spent it most of the time figuring out who the game worked and I tracked the position of everyone during all the five hours, but once I got it it was pretty obvious who it was because there was no other possible candidate, but then the following runs weren't as lucky and I had the ?:00 which made it more interesting, love that randomization, you can get lucky and have it super easy or have something more challenging yet not very difficult.

I'd love if you could copy and paste markers, it got a bit tiresome clicking marker and selecting the name I wanted, also if they appeared at the center of the screen view, they appeared at the left side which was a little annoying, but no biggie.

I found the best strat it just forgetting about everyone else, just track the spy during all the hours, then use the CCTV to see the rooms the spy was in at each time and see who was there.

One bug I've found is that the music seems to reset everytime I click, and the volume slider doesn't seem to really work, like at the start I set the slider to 0, and the music doesn't plays, as you'd expect, but eventually the music does start to sound, despite the slider being at 0.

Anyways. really fun game, like, I couldn't stop playing it.

The game is neat, but the fourth puzzle is really hard to figure out the last two puzzles, I solved it out of pure luck after restarting and pressing a different first button every time, like, I might be blind but I didn't see any clue to what DUP KEK KEK could possibly mean. After that the fifth is pretty easy actually, it's challenging which is what you would expect out of the last one, but it wasn't hard to decipher, it was just me being stupid and forgetting that DUP is a single number not that the whole combination, so I was trying to do the combination again and dying but then epiphany hit and I beat the game.
Overall, nice visuals, gameplay is fun, but the fourth puzzle is very tough to figure out what it could be and it seems the only way to solve it is dying over and over again and trying again, or because of sheer luck. 

Oh, yeah that was intended, we made it that way so that it wouldn't feel floaty.

Yeah, we are realising that the third level has a lot of new mechanics to teach the player, there was the grabbing, the throwing and the buttons. We will probably add one or two more levels before it to teach grabbing and buttons idependently and then have the current third level to just teach throwing.
Also, what exactly do you mean with low feel?

Love the arcade feel of this one, it's simple, it's fun, the gameplay is straightforward while also giving the unique spin to the already stablished formula. My main critique is that I wish there was a way to change states the other way around, because if I wanted a car to stop from regular, I needed to click to make it go fast and click again to make it stop. But besides that the game is really solid and is very polished and well done, and considering you did this in 30 hours, really impressive work here.

Controls feel a little weird and I don't really know how I can die at times, like is it a timer, or just falling a lot, because if it is the latter I fell off practically from the top to the bottom and didn't die, I don't really undestand how the dying works. I love the visuals of this one, it's pretty cute, and I got the reference fellow JJK fan.

But overeall the game is pretty nice and has potential, I could see this game grow after the jam is over and become a game of the likes of Getting Over It or a Difficult Game about Climbing

Great take on the theme! I've managed to complete the whole game and the extra levels around 130 deaths, I gotta say the last two difficult levels had me go into pro-gamer mode because I died a ton of times in there, kinda frustrating but it fits with the precision platformer going on here, if anything I feel some levels are easier than the level that precedes it, like level 6 is easier than level 5 in my opinion, and level 10 seems pretty easy comparing it to all the previous levels when it is the last level of the regular ones. And finally the jump feels quite floaty, but maybe that was part of the design idea, but besides that the controls feel really good.
Overall the game is really good, loved to played it.

Pretty nice take on the theme, having to change the falsified events our enemies to the actual events that our great goverment has done for everyone. For freedom, democracy! Main nitpitck is that I can't seem to be able to move the task I have to do somewhere else because it overlaps with the text I have to edit, and there doesn't seem to be a way to tell how good or bad I performed, but besides that, the game is pretty neat.

It's a bit slow for my liking, but that's personal opinion, objectively this game is very polished and has very nice gameplay. I do like the formula and how you decided to take the theme, pretty innovative, plus very accurate to the printer lore xD. I extremely love the visuals of this one, it has that pop art style and very vibrant look which I love and the music got me nostalgia of back when I was a kid and watched tons of videos in YouTube, that music was everywhere. Nice job on this one.

I like it, it's pretty addictive and really fun once you get the hang of it, but the process of getting it is pretty long and tedious. The tutorial doesn't really communicate that well what I have to do, and also the game itself doesn't really tell me what I did wrong, so I ended up failing and failing over and over  again. Took me several runs to get the hang of it. I feel like a popup on the screen telling you what you did wrong at that moment, like the sanctions in Paper Please, is extremely needed here.

Besides that, I love the visuals of this game, the UI is really clever and how it fits really well with the setting, and the theme is really cleverly implemented by making the screen randomly popup error minigames.

I enjoyed this game a lot, it's extremely fun and very polished. It's basically Papers Please but with babies and parents, and I really enjoyed the dynamic of Papers Please and so did I in this one. My only nitpick is that music a bit to loud, and that I'd have liked to be able to spread out the different documents for how to be able to tell who are the parents across the table, but at least the things to memorise aren't that hard to keep track off and it lets you well enough time to get used to each one before it brings out the new feature.