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A member registered Nov 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Did uh... did I win???

There IS a sequel! =)

(2 edits)

As a big "CATASTROPHE CROW!" fan, I have to say that this official release of the game is weird, but in a good way! Some parts of the game just feel odd and out of place, sometimes even downright creepy. This is definitely a real treat! The game is loaded with content, and in a way, feels like more content than we have seen before. There is even an entire factory dedicated to the 'production' of the plushies that were actually on sale! I could tell you that I could have explored this for hours on end and examining every bit and detail about each level and environment. It is truly filled with a huge amount content!

It makes this game feel even more personal to Manfred. I can tell that judging by the later levels seen in the game that this was a much later build of the game when Manfred started working on the game by himself in complete isolation, or somewhere close to that time, because of the new content added. I could say that the game was probably in a beta stage at this point during development, and if one thing's for sure, this was DEFINITELY not a 'pre-release candidate'. Either an early beta, or a late beta. Probably more an early beta.

The only problem I have with the game is that the controls are a little bit iffy in some parts pf the game as you can tend to cling off the edge of platforms and some surfaces very easily. In my opinion, the controls need work in some areas to add just a little bit more polish. But even with all of the game's flaws, there is no denying that this is the definitive "CATASTROPHE CROW!" experience for anyone who is/was a fan of the original video.

Thank you Adam and OPUS Legacy for getting this out there!

This was definitely worth the 6-month wait.



Just one more sleep until Catastrophe Crow arrives!

Are you all excited?

(1 edit)

This is a MASSIVE nostalgia trip. I remember playing this game on my Xbox 360 in 2017, many years ago, while the Indie program was still active (not the new ID@Xbox program). This game might have been a low-budget mech shooter, but that didn't make the game any less nostalgic. I spent many days playing the first level of the game over and over again (because I had the trial at the time, not the full game). It's nice to see that this game has been saved on and preserved. This game seriously gives me insane flashbacks and seeing it again screams 'nostalgia'. This is a forgotten gem of the Xbox 360 indie lineup and I am sad this game didn't get the recognition it rightfully deserves. It is a solid mech shooter despite the fact it was made on a low budget.

Thank you for saving this game, it's good to see it again.

Thank you for the assistance, it worked!

Is there any way to do a complete wipe of game data? All that deleting your save file does is just wipes all 'story' progress up to that point, but it keeps all files downloaded, including the friend that you get early in the demo.

Despite that, I am really looking forward to this!

GTA 2 meets Fallout :D

(5 edits)

The only issues I have with the new PLUS release is that the intermission segment is missing, some of the text is way too big (on Level 2 after the first 2 questions, some of the text is overlapped twice), the audio segment is a little short, and the text-to-speech voice is gone. I hope you can address this and release a new version that fixes these issues, as the original PLUS release had a little bit extra content that is not present in the current release, and there are some slight issues with the current release as well.

I hope a new update to the game fixes all of the complaints that I have with the game. Still though, great game. None of the complaints I have really bring down my experience, I just hope that some of the bugs are fixed and content from the older releases are added back to FEAR ASSESSMENT PLUS. It would make it even better.

Also, one more thing. The Familiarity segment (Level 8) and Message segment (Level 9) are also missing from the game, and replaced by the Answer segment, and the heads.  I would recommend keeping the Answer level in the game, but I would appreciate the re-addition of these levels back into the PLUS release as well. It would bump up the total level count to around 12 - 14, and it would be a very welcome addition.

(Most of the stuff I want to see added back into the game are in the earlier July 2023 release of FEAR ASSESSMENT PLUS, before the expanded version was merged with the original game, and the separate page for the PLUS release was deleted.)

No problem!

I had to nope outta there as soon as it listed a file in my computer. Definitely gave me a good fright.

It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing!
You made me so scared I clicked off of the game.

Well done.

(6 edits)

I finally gave FEAR ASSESSMENT PLUS a shot after having it sit in my account, untouched, for 15 days. I got the game while it was on its big 100% off sale, and so, I claimed it, but it remain untouched in my account since then... until now.

And I've gotta tell you, this is the creepiest game I have ever played by far. I never thought that a game could traumatize and scare me like this. At first, it was weird, but later on, it got more and more disturbing, and I could feel a bad feeling in my stomach. I have never had a horror game do this to me before. I went in completely blind, and came out severely traumatized. It actually made me feel genuine fear the further and further I progressed in the game. The only thing that didn't really make me feel confused or scared was the fact it actually read my computer's internal system clock. Only a few games, like Hypnospace Outlaw, could do something like that. I just think it is a neat little touch.

Everything else, though? Complete confusion or fear.

The faces were some of the creepiest things about this game because of how strange and odd they were. They felt almost... completely unnatural. It's as if they weren't even actual humans, and they were specifically created in such a way for the test. The faces were almost on par to how strange and disturbing the faces were in the alleged "Wyoming Incident" hijack on ABC. To put it very simply, I was in fact very creeped out by the look of the faces on the screen. The first few faces just made me feel, sort of confused, but as the game showed me more and more faces, I could feel worried, because the faces looked sort of mutilated. How do you make someone scared at the sight of someone's face? I mean, they might not even be real, but FEAR ASSESSMENT PLUS managed to make me feel scared at the sight of just a face on a screen, which is well done game design.

When it turned on my webcam by itself, I had a bad feeling in my stomach. A really bad one. This game just, without warning, turned on my webcam. That moment definitely made me feel a bad gut feeling. I would have never thought that a game could creep me out as much as it did by just turning on my webcam automatically. While the effect while the webcam is turned on is pretty cool, I was more worried that the game automatically enabled my computer's webcam. I could literally see myself on the screen, with the effect on as well. It actually made me feel genuine fear. It truly scared me.

Not to mention, it listed one of my files from my own computer, and by God that made me feel uneasy. It's as if the game "hacked" my PC (the game doesn't actually hack your PC, by the way).  The fact that this game could pull random system files from your computer, AND list them inside of the game itself, is incredibly scary. While there are some games that can straight up corrupt or delete files, even just seeing a file from your hard drive get MENTIONED inside the game is horrifying. The game just picks a random file to display in the game, and the file's path name is listed. Seeing that pop up made me freak out. A lot. There are some other games that mess with the game files itself, but messing with or even mentioning a random file on the user's computer is a great way to enact fear in them. It was so scary I actually clicked off of the game entirely during the moment it mentioned a file on my computer. It freaked me out so bad I refused to finish the assessment because of it. I physically did not want to continue beyond that point. It had already scared me bad enough, and this was the moment I just had to nope outta there.

I felt pure, genuine fear while I was sitting through this. No other horror game has ever been able to make me feel this way. I felt true senses of dread and fear through my entire initial playthrough. I definitely will be sleeping with the lights turned on tonight. This is the first time a horror game has actually scared me and made me feel a strong sense of uneasiness. I don't even think I will ever go back to finish FEAR ASSESSMENT PLUS because of what happened. This game has successfully scared me so much that I now will probably refuse to go back to finish it. No game has ever made me scared enough to outright refuse to play it or even touch it in the slightest. I have never, ever been this scared at a game before. And this is also analog horror. The fact I got scared at analog horror truly shows the power this game has to invoke a ton of fear in its players, which it has successfully done to me.

While it did in fact scare me, and the fact that I'll probably never, ever touch the game again, this is one of the best horror games I have played so far, due to how much fear it gave me. Seriously, the amount of fear this game gave me is on par with the amount of fear I got during my first playthrough of Slender: The Arrival, which just recently got a 10 year anniversary update that improves the game's graphics. No other horror game has ever been able to scare me so bad that I would refuse to touch it again. I mean, I might go back to it at some point, but right now, that is highly unlikely. I mean, I eventually went back to play Arrival, so its still possible for me to go back to this game later on down the line.

You sir, have done an excellent job with this. You have managed to scare me and shake me down to the very core. This is immaculate work, and this is 100% worthy of the praise it is getting. I refused to watch videos on this because it would've ruined the immersion for me, and once I eventually played it, oh man, it was scary as heck. You have done a splendid job on making the player feel alone and scared. A wonderful experience that definitely frightened me.


It's real.

It was also a part of another big Catastrophe Crow ARG.

Took longer than Duke Nukem Forever, but it will be SO worth the wait!

Videlectrix, I just wanted to say that you all did a FANTASTIC job on Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate! I played it for the first time on Steam about 2 weeks ago and it truly feels like an expanded and enhanced version of the first game.  I loved the upgraded cutscenes and puzzles for Roomisode 1 and I loved that you added full voice acting. Not to mention, the sheer scope of Roomisodes 2 & 3 are just... my god, words can't describe it. They are way bigger than I thought they were going to be! And those cutscenes for those two Roomisodes are absolutely seamless. Not to mention, each cutscene directly takes place after the first Roomisode! My personal favorite Roomisode from this is Roomisode 2. I know we originally saw a glimpse of Roomisde 2 a while back, and actually getting to play it in this 3-part collection is mind-blowing. Not to mention, Roomisode 2 has some of the most unique puzzles in the entire game, and they were really a challenge for me on my first playthrough! The absolute hardest for me was the final Roomisode. I really liked that it was set in Perducci's restauraunt, and I liked that we got to see Killingyouguy as well. This Roomisode was my favorite in solely challenge. You had to really think about what you were doing and use your brain power to figure out the puzzles in this Roomisode in particular. But, the challenge is what is part of the fun, and it delivered in that department! Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate is a remaster done right. It takes everything great about the original Roomisode game and remasters it as well as expands it to include incredibly challenging puzzles, full voice acting, and great set pieces. This was DEFINITELY worth the $8 I spent on it on Steam. I am incredibly proud of the entire team at Videlectrix for what they've created. You guys knocked it out of the park with this. Well done!

Definitely going to be picking this game up later on once my dad starts making better pay! (Yeah, we're kind of dry on money right now )=.)

I'm very happy to see Roomisode 2 finally finished as well as an extra bonus finale episode with Perducci and Killingyouguy!

I've been a very avid Dangeresque fan and I can't wait to play this later on! 

After playing the game for the very first time today, I have to say that Mower Mayhem is one of the best and most unique arcade racing games that I have seen in a very long time. The game combines the thrilling time attack gameplay of DAYTONA USA with the job system from Crazy Taxi, and sets it inside of a lawnmowing theme. It is one of those 'easy to learn but hard to master' games, especially since the two lawnmowers have different handling in contrast to one another. The game perfectly captures the authenticity of the classic SEGA Model 2 era arcade games, right down to look, feel, and thrill. If you told me that this was a rediscovered SEGA Model 2 game that never saw an official release, I would've believed you. It takes place in New Zealand, and the map design authentic to what a game from the SEGA Model 2 boards would look like. And the sountrack is excellent, it really feels like a soundtrack to an old arcade racing game. This is definitely one of the most unique arcade-style racing games I have played in a long time. I literally discovered this yesterday, and I am so glad that I did. If you love arcade racers and you love Crazy Taxi, you need to give this game a try. It's so unique, and it feels like its own game entirely. Definite 9/10 from me. Really makes me wish we had more of these arcade-style racing games.

You have core childhood memories with this. I used to playSF Rush Extreme Racing all the time on my N64. I am glad you are remaking this game. It's a classic that definitely deserves to be replayed again.

How does this not have more attention??? This is the most unique retro-style arcade game I've seen in a long time.

The game you are faintly remembering is Goldeneye 007. And yes, you are right, this was amazing!

You have just gained my everlasting respect by making this. I have always wondered what some of the fake games in "The Simspons" would be like beyond what is shown in the show, and Waterworld was absolutely no expection. I am absolutely amazed by how much love you put into this. As a fan of "The Simpsons", this is a game that we didn't really need or deserve, but you took time out of your life to make a fake game from "The Simpsons" not only playable, but also a full-on game with the nearly the same exact story from the actual film it was parodying. I didn't expect anything like this, either; it just came out of absolutely nowhere. My inner childhood self is screaming in happiness right now. Thank you so much. Never in a million years did I think that this would ever become a reality. Well, it has. Thank you for making this happen. You are a true legend.

(1 edit)

This game is amazing. It perfectly captures the aesthetics of those classic FPS games from the 90s. It feels very similar to Half-Life and all of the graphics really feel like this game was made in the 90s, both for the enivornment and enemies, as well as the weapons. The soundtrack is also some of the best music I have heard from a game like this. It's almost as good as the soundtrack in Hypnospace Outlaw. The enviorments were also unique on each level and not one of them looked the same. This is definitely one of the best free games on Itch.

(6 edits)

You sir, are an absolute genius. An absolute mastermind far ahead of your time. This isn't a game we needed or deserved, but you took time out of your day to make this genius prequel, and for that, I truly thank you. As someone who played both the original Stanley Parable and the Ultra Deluxe remaster, this game really hit me right in the feels. I now know what it was like to be Stanley, and how much dumb fun his job was. Pushing random buttons as they appeared on the screen was a lot of fun. Stanley and the Narrator were onto something here. Not only that, but you made it look nearly identical to how it does in the opening cutscene of the game. That alone is not an easy task. I expected something like a short narrative where you play as Stanley as he begins his career working at this... uhm, work place we don't know the name of. I didn't expect a game where you actually do the job that Stanley did before his whole world crumbled when all of his co-workers disappeared. This game makes me feel like Stanley before the events of the game happened. I was able to finally experience the feeling Stanley felt and the delight that his job brought to him each and every day. Pushing every button that appeared on the screen was not boring. It was actually a lot of dumb fun and I really felt myself getting immersed. Pushing each button as each prompt appeared on the screen felt like I really was Stanley. Each time I pressed a button after a prompt appeared made me feel, well, happy. Just like Stanley did. There is nothing more comforting than being right there in the moment, feeling the exact same happiness as someone else did. This game truly delivers a powerful message. A message that needs to be heard by everyone: enjoy life while you can, because at any moment in time, your whole world can crumble upon you without notice. The message is super powerful. I actually felt very safe while I was playing this. This feels more than just a simple game made in Unity. This feels so much more than that. It feels like you're actually there, in the same building, in the same cubicle, doing the job that the protagonist was doing in the story. Each time I pressed a button I felt like I was truly there in the same "427" office cubicle, doing the same job Stanley did. This game is a masterful vision you have brought onto the world. The entire game was aesthetically appropriate to the tone of The Stanley Parable, and it completely shattered my expectations straight into the stratosphere. You are truly a genius for making this. Now everyone can know what it is like to be Stanley. Definite 10 out of 10 from me! Amazing work and I wish you nothing but the best of luck on any future projects you have planned. You were truly onto something with this. You're just an absolute genius! You should also provide a download for this so we can play it offline. I would love to play this if, say, I don't have internet. Thanks again, and I hope your career continues to succeed!

Holy crap. This was a freaking creepy experience, and I am not kidding when I say that. I thought this was gonna be a funny, silly parody game about Twitch or some other service. I did not expect a literal horror game about some form of an online cult, and for me, that made the game very disturbing, and the puzzles are very challenging even for a long-time puzzle game player. I actually felt physically uneasy during some segments of the game. I felt like pits in my stomach, and that is not something I say lightly. While the game's puzzles were challenging and rewarding once you completed them, the overall tone of the game made the experience very atmospheric and dark, henceforth evoking physical signs of uneasiness. When he used the saw on his arm to do... something (not saying what it is because it is highly disturbing and I'm not gonna spoil it), I felt my hairs stand on end. His screams of sheer terror as he uses the saw on his arm were incredibly realistic and I was incredibly disturbed by it. This game is one of the scariest horror games I have played in a long time. As a person who played this game blind, this really got to me and invoked a lot of feelings of uneasiness and scare. Man, I thought it was gonna be all innocent, not a freaking horror game about some sort of online cult. This is one of the best horror games I've played in a while. I felt scared and uneasy during some of the game's segments. As such, this is a definite 8 out of 10, definitely would recommend this to people who love horror. As for people who aren't a big fan of horror? Um, just stay away from this if you don't wanna have nightmares for the rest of your life.

This is actually pretty good! I love retro demakes of modern games, and this is one of the best. I am impressed with how much work went into this. It's amazing. Keep it up! 💘

God damn, I remember playing this game such a long time ago back during the late 2010s, when MLG memes were all the rage. Remember those old MLG memes, like Snoop Dogg, 2spooky4me, and all those others? God, those were the days. I used to watch MLG memes up the ass back then, they were so random but so enjoyable. MLG memes kind of faded out over the next few years, and barely anyone is talking about them, let alone making them. This game takes me back to those good old days, but I actually tried it during the peak of MLG memes. I was watching one of Vsauce3's Do Online Now Guys (DONG) videos (specifically the video Play With Your Mind!), and during the video he mentioned this game. Damn. I had to try this to see what all the fuss was about. Sure, the game's difficulty was a little bit over the top, but who the hell cares? This game was the tits back in 2016. Anyways, I remember beating the entire game back then and seeing the epic plot twist (I won't spoil it because you gotta see it for yourself) and was surprised that *they* were actually one of the higher-ups at the Illuminati. It has been so long since I last played this game, and I still had fond memories of playing it all those years ago when those MLG memes were at their peak. I decided to download the game again and see if it still held up even in 2022. Well, does it hold up? Yes, it does. This brings tears to my eyes just seeing those memes again. It takes me back to those fond memories of when I watch MLG memes during the start of my YouTube career. The game holds up in both gameplay and memes. The gameplay is what you would expect from an over-the-top insane FPS game like this: a simple story but with insane physics and a crazy soundtrack. I still can't get over how good the soundtrack of this game truly is. The soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece even to this day. The game still has its brutal and unforgiving difficulty, however, but I am not complaining, since it makes the game more enjoyable. It's truly astonishing that this was authentically made during the absolute peak of these historic MLG memes. I still feel a soft spot for this game even almost 5 years later. Nevertheless, the game holds up extremely well, and the nostalgia factor brought tears to my eyes. It truly felt I was right back there, in 2016, watching MLG memes by YouTube creators like Materialisimo. 8/10 for the nostalgia factor alone, and an extra 2/10 for the amazing gameplay, memes, and soundtrack. So, this game gets a PERFECT score from me - 10/10.

I feel like TGNINESOFT is a complete scammer. How? Well, the unofficial port is paid, and it is made by a unknown company. It's blatant copyright infringement. Now, if it were made by the actual creator, then I could probably see why it is paid. But no, so avoid it.

Yes this is exactly how you use a PS5 😂😂😂

Bro, you guys should make a full version of this, with tons of new levels. This is a creative concept,  and it's no wonder why you were in the top 20. Truly a masterpiece. Please consider my suggestion.