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A member registered Jul 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you! I put windows build on my todo list. I should be able to do that in the coming weeks.

I'll consider it, but I haven't been in a drawing mood as of late. Not saying never, though! Thank you for supporting :D

What an awesome game page! Thanks for sharing.

Go to sleep


Great game! My high score is level 22.

I am Peter Shorts.

Yeah! You can view the license in the "More information" foldout on the page. Should you use it, show me where and I'll give it a play. :)

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this is so silly i love it

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Hello! Could you try this on the new version? It ought to be fixed, I reckon.

Oh, strange! I have an S-Size Wacom Intuos which works in the yearlong update. Someone else reported not being able to use a mouse at all, so I wonder if there are some platform-dependent edge cases. I'll look into a more robust drawing system when I have time.

I'll take a look next time. I just personally have grown to despise use of Z in button layouts so I don't default to it. I wanted to have configurable inputs but ran out of time.

You seem to have encountered a progression bug in stage 2 there, oops.

As for controls, note that the alternative of x for absorb and c for shoot is also outlined on the tutorial stage. I didn't pick Z because I have a German keyboard, where it is in the place of Y on the English keyboard.

Yo! Thanks for the feedback. There was supposed to be a health up every 5000 points but I broke it like 2 minutes before the deadline and can't push a patch until next week :(

Ah! There's my misunderstanding, I think. The first boss said "Let's see how long you can hold out", and I defeated it roughly when its shield was the diameter of the remaining play area, so I thought the boss was survival and died to the walls. So when I got triple shot in the next level, I hung back, only hitting the boss with one projectile, not dealing enough damage to take her out despite a constant barrage.

I'll try a wiser strat next time. Thanks for the tips!

Yes! Though when going fast it's easy to miss, and sudden pre-release mouse movements may cause the arrow color to change before you can react. At least that's my experience with it.

This year I took last year's code and expanded upon it, resulting in an actually just 20 minute long arcade shmup where you use black holes to suck up bullets and fire lasers back at your enemies.

It's a bit harder than intended due to health pickups having broken last minute, but! If you perservere, you can make it far. I hope you enjoy!

Ikaruga! Neat!

But also very harsh on the ears and... surprisingly laggy. If it weren't for that, I would play so much more.

Great work! I love how silly the theme is, and getting a bullet ricochet is so satisfying it's honestly all I ended up going for.

So this is the dopamine game of the jam :p

More stages, please!

Pretty silly and fun. The going backwards mechanic is really creative, but I wish it was a bit easier to be sure if it happens or not.

Cute art

A bit same-y but the presentation is nice.

Really cool! Though I'm clueless how to progress further. The second boss's walls just became thinner than my hitbox.

This goes pretty hard, but I think it would go even harder if the stages were a little shorter. The amount of stuff you got done for the jam is remarkable, but the repetition does shine a bit of a shadow on the gameplay.

This could be a super neat skeleton to use for a future expansion or jam.

In theory the ricochet mechanic is fun but in practice all I really wanna do is shoot a million bullets that utilize it, so merely walking is a bit low-octane.

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Thanks for the feedback!

This lack of checkpoints would usually not be an issue if the current version didn't have a bug where the score-based health increments didn't... happen... at all.

I'll patch them in and make "Hard Mode" the default where they don't happen, so that the unintentional and caused-literally-last-minute "Jam Experience" stays playable, I think.

E: Oops nvm the organizers are my enemy 'cause patching is a no-go apparently.

Oh! I see. Thanks for the elaboration. I'll take a look for the eventual post-jam version.

Suck feature is mostly inspired from the "black hole" theme, but I later discovered that it shares some elements with a power from Drainus as well.

As for menu buttons not doing what they advertise - could you give an example? I haven't encountered that in any of my tests. Thank you.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoy!

Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

Tried one more thing removing a SetResolution call because that seemed like the only thing that could be possibly related. New web build is up. Would be very thankful for a quick test to see if anything changed on your end. 

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I'm still perplexed by that error. Trying the fullscreen button did not fix it when I briefly tested it. The game should always be 1280x720, so I don't understand why that's not the case in your browser.

Since some dark magic is likely at play, I'll re-enable the button. But I kinda really wanna know what causes itch to display the game wrong.

This game is an absolute delight. I enjoyed every moment of it. 🍄

Cool space shooter! The ambience is on point and the enemies are very threatening. I think I would find the game a bit more fun if the controls weren't oriented in the ship's facing direction, though. It seems a bit like difficulty at the cost of flow. The small hitboxes of the very accurately-firing enemies are plenty difficult to deal with, I reckon!

In any case, I had a good time with this game. Thanks for make! And thanks for the elaborate feedback on everyone's pages.

Making a game in a week is brave. Making a game with a boss fight in a week is even more brave. Unfortunately for this game, it suffers a bit from there-is-a-lot-going-on. The story has me intrigued, though!

Interesting concept! Shame you didn't get to fully realize it in time. I hope you'll tinker some more with it post-jam.

Interesting premise! The implementation is a little straightforward, however. The number of rooms, at least in the floors I was able to explore, never reaches the point where dragging rooms together becomes a strategic decision. I think if things could influence each other from across rooms based on their layout, that would be incredibly awesome!

Pretty fun gameplay! I can imagine this going hard with more juicy aesthetics.