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A member registered Aug 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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it's 3am rn and i thought i'd just be dipping my toes into this pool but NO! I WAS TAKEN BY MY LEGS AND DRAGGED INTO THE DEEP END!!!

i genuinely didn't expect to like this as much as i did-- i haven't even played most of the other endings and i already wish i could see more of these lil guys! (tho i don't think i have the heart to do the mean ones tbh..... T-T)

my heart yearns for Chris in spite of how much i thought i'd dislike him-- this man is a bastard the first time you see him and yet something about him intrigued me in a way i didn't expect... finding out about his damned backstory was just a whole ??? to DDD: kind of ride. the other romanceables were adorable too and i very much adore them, but Chris hits different. an asshole he may be, but he's my asshole now.

bless you for damning this sad, pathetic, wet cat of a ghost man into the depths of my psyche. i will be thinking about him and lovingly shaking him around like a maraca <3

I found the transcript for this on ao3 a few days back and couldn't help but be curious and holy fuck checking this out was the best possible thing I could do??  like, I did like Pesterquest a lot but some parts of it always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. so this whole rewrite project in general makes me  go ???? fuck it's so good?? what kinda magic hoo-ha are these people smoking????

MSPAR is just a silly lil creachur here and I can't?? maybe it's just my weird attachment to them but PQR's version of them makes me cry? it's not even just them though, all of these tweenagers make me cry in this rewrite. (is that too sentimental lmao?) either way, I'm absolutely bawling about this project. I want to frame it and eat it whole, thank u <3

but yes, again, this shit is great, i would eat the art, the kids are doing well, my crops are thriving and I'm hella excited for Damara to be free and well like every other bastard that MSPAR's gonna get their befriending hands on.

oh dip, another new twine game for more code practice, huh? god, i can only wish for your terrifying motivation, darkpetal... nevertheless!!! i'm a bit sad i won't be able to check this out for a bit considering my work schedule, but still, thanks for all these gems in the UT fandom. you're a doll and with every game you come out with, i'm starting to get real tempted to get my ass in gear and finally write down my own UT au twine game for my own practice haha.

// oh and btw, just as a heads up, tried to check this out for a bit on mobile but it seems a bit incompatible so far considering the layout is a bit blockier by comparison to the other games. it also seems to have a similar lagging issue as some of the others had stated in previous comments. 

// not that i expect a whole ass mobile layout on the get go, that's fine if there's none of that. i'll happily boot this up on my laptop. but yeah, i just wanted to get this out just in case so you knew. 

// im so sorry this turned so long lmao, hope none of you mind

oh my god this is a gem holy shit-- i more or less kinda wanted this sorta interactive fic stuff with canon divergence after chapter 16, which was what me and my friend considered an utter trainwreck in terms of what the fuck is happening and why (which is just my opinion haha, i might just be holding onto old memories of annoyance when i first went thru it. i just honestly just cant get over the fact that the demon dating sim cant let me do the haha mc now has trauma and needs copium lmao frfr n shit u-u). while all the fix-it fanfic on ao3 helped in that regard, it's nice to see some people got pretty dedicated to getting the experience we all probably hoped for in the actual game. 

i honestly kinda fell off OM after everything that happened in the following seasons (and the events... god the rapid fire events you legit cant breathe it was so horrible n so tiring for me.............) but i'm still pretty into this! i even got a bit to excited and read through what was the og build and honestly not even surprised i defaulted to leaning towards mammon during all of it-- once a mammon stan, always a mammon stan apparently.......

nevertheless! i still have! many!! thoughts!!! or, well, questions lmao-- i hope its okay that im pretty much spamming this whole comment section with my rambly ass because i genuinely cant stop ( T u T )

>>> rambly question time <<<

firstly, just to get this out of the way, i love mammon with all my heart and soul since he was the literal first pick i had at the start of OM since everyone else was Unavailable and Scary till some shit happened in-game and a certain season opened up a lotta doors to closet other chara simps. BUT ALSO--

barbatos........ him..... he..... <3

so while i know it's probably a real pain in the ass to manage literally 12 charas + seraphina (oooh interested in who she is tbh-- the one seraphina ik is the whole thing with levi), i just wanted to ask if the devious little creachur butler man could be fawned over by mc cause maaan i don't understand why i love him and his stupid cut... :pensive:

another question is more so due to what i saw on the old build.

as funny as it is in my head to continue playing with my chaotic hothead of an mc who would most likely bite back at any of the brothers should she consider it justified on her end (pre-getting to know them), would this have consequences like being barred from friendships? or is the intimacy point system (which will be implemented in the future im guessing) more so just flavor text kinda stuff?

and as for the final one, this one is less question and more so just me going on to say that i'm actually pretty happy to have found this-- like, so, i used to talk to my friend about asmo and how sad we were that the poor guy got literally no proper screen time canon wise despite how interesting he seems as a character. whenever we thought he'd get some character development, its like he (and everyone else, i realize) get reset to status quo despite there having been potential for more.... ://

we kinda just decided not to expect a lot from the om storyline despite it being kinda sad to drop into the whole mindset of "why did we expect more from a dating sim/otome" just to cope lmao-- so anyway, point being, thanks for this and i hope you/your friends/your team(?) take care of yourselves throughout this project! good luck on that and your many other endeavors! <3 <3

(1 edit)

// this is a real long one, i apologize, i couldn't help myself


I've finally finished my first run through of the whole game in about 23 or so hours and GODDAMN do I have some things to say after that! It's less review and more me screaming into the void about the game in a very incoherent manner.

Possible Spoilers and horribly long and non-chronological bullet points that are just me ranting about certain points in the game are under the cut.

[ Numina ] 

× it's rants all the way down... ×

First of all, rpg game is very rpg! I honestly don't hone too much attention on gameplay mechanics, but I'm very thankful for whoever thought we needed a story mode as a difficulty.  I get really dumb sometimes with combat so it's helpful to turn it on whenever haha

As for the music, I find myself partial to the end credits song (I'm guessing it's the one called Echoes)! It's all melancholic and stuff considering we just said Goodbye to Shawn and the gang and I really liked that.

The Goodbye Scene really did end up making me tear up though. Shawn and the gang are just so sweet it kinda hurts.

I'm gonna miss my first run version of Shawn and the gang. But like Naomi said, I can just keep coming back to them and she'll always be waiting. 

As a whole TLDR for what happened during my 19hr playthrough: I got the Noema end (Sarah ended up dying during the whole gate/fence thing so whoopsies, my bad) where I defeated Cealon and just destroyed the Guphs in finality rather than killing Naomi.

Unsure if this is a real Good End considering Raph still dies and I accidentally killed Sarah, but it's definitely a positive kind of end, so I'm content with this as of now.

At this point, I'm just gonna try to figure out how to get that very colorful question mark ending during my NG+ run. But I'm assuming that's just the end where everyone survives and the Guphs aren't sucking up souls anymore. Maybe Raph even EXTRA survives and gets a cure— idk, I'll find out later on. 

Anyway, Rant Time!

* Okay, first things first, fucking RIP everyone that was yeeted into the yummy fun magic making blender under the city temples. Especially the lil guy we were controlling at the introduction.



SKHDKSJSJ GODDAMN WAS MY TIME WITH HIM SHORT 😭😭 WHY WAS HE SO FUN WHEN HE WAS GONNA BE SO SO VERY DEAD LATER???? I mean I get it and I knew the portraitlessness of Masame probs meant SOMETHING but GOD was I not ready for that sudden loss.

* Moving onto other things, I think it's sweet how the guardian spirit and Shawn's relationship dynamic is like when you two just get along. I just love him to bits and want him to be happy <3

The whole relationship thing in game is cool in general. The highest relationship bar I think I had was either 3 or 4 hearts with every party member, feel like they could be higher tbh but ehhh...

Still proud I got a 7 heart relationship with Shawn tho. It was literally the one relationship I tried to maintain on the steady up and up in game lmao.

* As for the little things in-game? Well, I think it's pretty neat that Shawn absolutely doesn't care whether he wears the prince or princess outfit for the costume ball plans. He looks really nice as Princess Aurora! Or at least that's what I think his costume looks like. Really pretty either way!

But yeah, that one thing I fixated on aside, I love all the characters and their whole things!

Sarah and Jael's whole creator-created relationship and Sarah having found a family with Shawn and the others? Good Shit. 

Cassandra's disdain for the box that has cost her so much in these past days/probably weeks? Damn, I wish I could do more for you girl.

Aziel? My man, your whole existence is pain but thanks for weakening Kyade for me in that one battle. Davin? Perhaps in another life indeed.

The Ecclesia and the Rebels both being questionable as all hell with Cealon and Kyade as their leaders? God they always had me question where my loyalties should be during the run. Unfortunate for them that they lie only with Shawn.

As for my thoughts on the four party members? Well, the little moments that happen with Shawn and them are all very nice. I just like how easily they all ended up being friends— despite the looming terror of the Ecclesia hunting them down haha.

That and it's cute how the three have the possibility of having a romance route should you so steer Shawn in that direction. I was actually tempted to push him towards Arc buuut I held off a bit since I wanted to try a whole run without some romance sprinkled around for now.


There's something really funny about being blindsided in my post-narrative platonic route with Shawn by a confession scene by NONE OTHER THAN MYSELF!!!

I mean— I didn't mind the whole thing but WHAT????? I WASN'T INFORMED SHAWN AND THE PLAYER COULD END UP BEING A THING WHAT???

The fact that Shawn x Player can be an actual thing if you push through with a save that's only purely platonic for the gang is just— Oh my god??? Why would you do this to me??? I have so much Brainrot™ for Shawn now I can't— 🥺

Absolutely horrible how I just finished my first run of the game and I had to finish it while bawling. 

The fact that Shawn and Player confess possible romantic inclinations for each other in post-narrative hurts in this really bittersweet way that has me wanting to make fanfic so I can soothe that pain.

I hate this and how much I wanna write a drabble to say how sad I am that I'm never gonna see my Shawn and his endearing dork ass self again. (only technically, but y'know.)

Ahhh, but no joke, that was a really interesting part of my ending and I very much appreciated it despite this relationship being so short for Shawn and his Player.

But yeah, the whole rant about only a few parts of the game aside, I seriously wanna thank you for the wonderful experience this game has offered me in the span of 24 hours. It was a wild ass ride and I'll cherish the memories I gained dearly and will keep them close to my heart.

Again, thank you so much for Numina <3

(1 edit)

I've been following this game for a while now and the demo immediately stuck with me at the time since I just like the idea of your player character and you having this sort of bond. That and RPG has always had a bit of a soft spot in my heart. 

But yeah,  I've always planned on buying it once I got the money to do so— and guess what? I was able to get Numina on Steam! And Part 2 came out just as I bought the base game, so Extra Fun!!! :DDD  I'm so happy you were able to get this out!

So haha, yeah, I'm pretty excited to go through the whole game since I just think it's really interesting and cool. That and I love Shawn and Raphael, they're darlings! <3

Sjhdkshs anyway, I just went to the page for the game since I just wanted to thank you so much for making this!! I'll treasure the many memories I'll get with this game! <3 <3

fell based aus are always so beloved and god are we eating fucking good today boys

darkpetal you're a treasure but man do I absolutely hate you for dragging me back kicking and screaming into my sans fucker phase all over again thru ur good af interactive fanfic >:(((

(but yes thank u for existing, i will eat this shit the fuck up thx) 

just finished the update for the finale earlier (passed out lmao, it was like 4am haha) and i'm just so, so hnsgshsggsg ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ u kno???

its so nice and cute and wraps things up in a cute and neat little bow! 

I've only finished sans and gaster's routes so far because I, used-to-be sans and gaster fucker, just can't help myself haha— but yeah, the fact that you still wanna add more tidbits? omg author/game creator i love this and u but pls do be taking breaks in midst of these lmao, you pop up with updates so fast I get whiplash when I'm at my itchio feed sometimes

(you even made a NEW ONE WOAH WHAT THIS HMMM? 👀👀)

legit tho, it's been fun and if you're adding some added fluff and shite like that, I'd love to run through the IF again since its just fun n shit <3 <3

Just found this whole thing and I feel like it reignited that old Undertale fan in me and I feel so, so nostalgic about it. (then again, I practically grew up with it lmao) This feels like a sweet love letter to the Underfell AU and I'm absolutely loving it! 

I really hope I'm doing well through my first run though, haha! 

also, while sans may hold a soft spot in my heart, what's this about a possible gaster route, hmmm? 👀👀

finally got around to playing this thing days after valentine's lmao. it's v cute and incredibly fun :D

1. i love everyone but my favorites were def al (because i'm absolute tsundere trash u-u) and mc (i love them, they're chaotic as hell and i find solidarity in that)

2. oh to pick only one scene to be a fave u.u ig it'd be the al interactions, specifically the bits with the first scene and the rooftop scene. those were fun

3. ye! :D i'd love to see more of these boys and chaotic mc

I didn't expect this game to make me cry about how soft it was, but GOD THAT WAS WONDERFUL.

Honestly, I came into the with absolutely no idea what the hell to expect, since I played the demo last year back in November and have no recollection of it despite following this game since then. But damn this was amazing and I wanna thank you for making this and reaching the release date.

[ Some Spoilers ]


Other than me completely going soft because of the moments with the local bone boy (somewhat ashamed i felt like a damn schoolgirl but it was too cute damnit), I liked how everyone felt very in character and how they kept getting a reaction out of me. Admittedly, the whole bit with Undyne, Alphys, and Paps probably made me more embarrassed than it should have, but it was still very amusing. 

But since I finished the game with True Love, it feels very wrong to reset everything just to milk all the possible content, despite how tempting that missing music and CG is. And while that secret route might be calling out to me, I'm pretty happy about the end of True Love, it felt very final for the lovebirds and I don't wanna ruin that for shits and giggles.

lmao this is the most eloquent i can say what i feel about this game

The game's finally out, so now it's time for me to hyperfixate on this game and talk my friend's ear off about it afterwards uvu