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A member registered Aug 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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This is phenomenal :O  

Thanks, A lot of things I ran out of time to do and it's missing a lot of polish.

Awesome work! my highscore was only like 20 but, it was pretty cool! I wish there was a way to get more bombs it often takes 2 of them to break through to another area. I also had an issue where I would fall through the bottom floor of the cave. Keep up the good work!

Thanks Gav! Yeah, our Jam games are pretty wacky and we really try to create those moments where you can't help but just chuckle. 

Yeah this was a jam game made in a weekend. So we didn't have time to make more :)

Hmm interesting. What antivirus are you running out of curiosity? This is just a Unity3D build. So I can't imagine why it might have been flagged. 

Oh bugger! I'll look into it! Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks for playing leafo! We're super happy you gave it a crack!

Thanks! We're glad you like it!

Thanks for playing. You would be correct. ;) (If you could edit your comment to hide that *spoiler* it would be much appreciated!) <3

That was great! Thanks for playing!

That was really good! Thanks for playing. We were thinking about what an expanded version would look/sound like for posterity sake.It could be very interesting indeed!

Haha great ending! Looks like you were in a bit of rush! Missed your orders in the briefcase!

Hey! Thanks for playing! Perhaps we need to hint the player towards the headphones more! 

Nice work! In our new update we have changed a few things around and now have a proper win state.

Thanks for letting us know! This should be fixed now.

Thanks for leting us know! Hopefully this should be fixed now!

Hopefully this should be fixed now! Thanks for letting us know!

This should be fixed now, thanks for letting us know!

Hi Adam, I can't seem to reproduce this. Do you happen to have a Controller plugged in? The thumbstick might be sending movement inputs to the game.

haha nice. Yeah there is a few fixes coming in soon!

Nice work!

what's up mate?
