Preg expansion, shop and upgrades, menu polishing. But now I'm working on a non-nsfw game, and after that I will finish up the next level for Love Machine, so you'll need to be a bit patient.
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Haha, I totally agree! This is exactly why I wanted to recreate it... with some additions, and specifically focusing on the vibes. Those were very tightly linked to the soundtrack (which I unfortunately can't use unless I probably pay Funny Death for the licensing rights) but I'm happy that the new public domain music also fits really well. Yeah I don't know what else to say except that you basically put my own excitement about this project into words, thank you!
Yes, well, DSW had a "gentleman's mode" where you game over if you destroy 30% of clothes. I think turning it from punishment to reward is a good choice.
Wow, what an essay, thanks! I suppose I shan't expect less from "animetiddyconnoisseur" lmao. Yeah most of what you mentioned is fair, gonna work on that. Didn't notice the odd proportions until you mentioned it.
And as for bigger tiddies, I do happen to have another project going with infinite breast growth... hint hint
The max sizes are lower on easier difficulties, but you're absolutely right that the container size is too small, that'll be fixed. And maybe other parameters will be manipulated in different difficulties, too. (At the moment it's just growth speed, max size and bottle size). Next update will be balancing difficulties for sure, that's quite overdue.
I'm also considering unique types/shapes of bottles for different levels.
Thank you for your continued feedback, you're literally free playtesting! Actually, I did realize while testing that the easy jar may be too small, good point. I can't seem to replicate the description glitch though.
I'm working on Charlotte now, but after she's done I'll get around to the other QoL stuff.