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A member registered May 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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zeno1124 - Sorry but i don't have it anymore, i deleted it right away after finishing it, waste of hdd space 🤣

No it proves that you people are extremely easy to scam just by putting together stolen assets with awful gameplay/animations and textures lmao.

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Judging by the dev's previous games you can forget about "updates" cuz they will never come lol plus this isn't good at all and it's just a mix of stolen assets... even the animations are bad, just saying...

Nice game, i made some screenshots about it :P

The new design is fine...

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Bagelsworth - Proof says otherwise, i'm sorry to say this but you clearly need a pair of glasses, it's the same character, you are just being dishonest clueless troll 🥸

To xjkytq = 😂reported, have fun keyboard warrior.

That's cuz he changed it back to "Name your price", even if we ignore the legal/illegal aspect it's still a terrible fangame, everything about it is bad including the animations/textures, this ain't Dino Crisis at all lmao 😂🤣

Yep he changed it back, it was 1€ some days ago.

😂 Dude, it's not my problem that you are pro illegal stuff, i respect the IPs and the devs plus as a "fangame" this one is horrible in literally every single aspect, i'm sorry that i'm capable of being honest/objective unlike you 😉


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In the description there are the credits for the model parts aka what he used to make it, the dev of this game used that xps model, in other words this game is using Christie from Dead Or Alive as the main character, that's not Regina :D

Nothing about this is legal, it even uses stolen assets...

(6 edits)

Dude, that's "clearly" Christie from Dead Or Alive, this specific dev is notorious for stealing assets and characters from other games btw.

EDIT = Here ya go, the "Ultimate Proof", read the description under the picture

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Lmao you people have lost the debate after being proven wrong with proof and now you are using insults 🤣😁, pathetic, maybe i should tell Capcom and Koei Tecmo about this 😉 oh wait a sec... i already did 😁, have fun drone 🥸

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Nah "YOU" need to get your eyes checked, the 3D model is literally (and clearly) Christie from Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round and there's nothing on my profile that can suggest "the opposite" about standards, nice try troll, look at the screenshot and compare it to Christie's pics, you are clueless lol.

EDIT = Proof

What milestone? stealing assets from other games? Regina is Christie from Dead Or Alive, what hard work and dedication? everything about this is awful, including the animations (expecially when the character is running, look at the seams on the character's 3D model.

Ofc and i agree, btw i suggest you to try the 2D one from arminiuf, this one is really good

You clearly have no idea what copyright is, also the model has seams on the arms, he didn't "modify" nor "reinvent" it, you have no clue what you are talking about, also how is saying how things really are me being a "D"? the gameplay is horrible just like the animations and the textures, there's no effort about putting together stolen assets lmao, again you are completely clueless and you also don't know the history of this specific person and how many times he has been banned for stealing stuff, i don't need your useless lecture, you know nothing about me nor about the context here, ah btw, the game is "name your price" aka he can make money out of it, get a clue and refrain yourself from wasting my time next time troll with low standards ;)

Ma quale passione e dettagli??? sono quasi tutti assets rubati 😂🤣, risultato finale? textures, animazioni e gameplay sono orribili.

Yeah talented at stealing assets and making horrible gameplay, there was a huge gap under the password locked door aka the main char could have crawled thru easily but she didn't, also the one in this game isn't Regina but Christie from Dead Or Alive...

I actually dislike it also because it's awful, have you even played it? it's not my problem that you have extremely low standards unlike me :D

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Saying how things are isn't "being upset", try to use your brain sometimes ;) 

P.S = Here's proof

Yeah hope that Capcom hires someone that steals assets lmao, you people are soo easy to scam lol.

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The title screen alone is already enough for a lawsuit by Capcom for copyright infringement lol, also the girl isn't Regina, that's Christie from Dead Or Alive (another copyright infringement), unbelievable.

I will probably make a video about it but for now here's some screenshots that i made :P

I made some screenshots :P :D

Save her from what? the player needs to be saved lol

Live forever in my painting, be happy, be enchanting :3 - i made some screenshots :D (to the dev = Feel free to add them to the page if you want and if you need more let me know, to the others = if you use any of these please credit me for making them).

I made some screenshots :D

I made a few screenshots :D

After years i'm back with 2 fresh screenshots by me :D

After years, Aniliade's #1 fan returns :D (my screenshots making skills have improved "a lot" since last time)

Best if you have extremely low standards lmao, try more videogames in your life muh dude, you have no idea.

Ah ah, brilliant XD

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Hello dear dev, you probably don't remember me anymore, i'm one of the very first people that played your game on Youtube (and i also posted some screenshots about it at the time), well i'm here now with some fresh ones, again you did a good job, i look forward to the full game :P

Resident Evil 4 Remake is a cringe worthy shooter with terrible writing and voice acting that has nothing of Resident Evil tho, this one is horror, can't even compare the two tbh but yeah people are playing that mostly cuz ofc it's "the trend" atm.