thank you so much!
C.T. Matthews
Creator of
Recent community posts
this game is great! fantastic writing, and beautiful ui and everything else.
it really brought back memories from the earliest parts of my game industry career, back when i was still optimistic about things and my soul had not yet been crushed (i'm doing fine now, i don't work for a studio anymore). it perfectly nails the vibes at those places, especially the bizarre attitudes that a lot of the people there have towards visual novels, right down to the hatoful boyfriend-esque example.
i hope amy gets to make games by herself one day, outside of a studio/industry environment ;_;
I offer Steam keys for people who buy my commercial games on, but I don't think I have permission to offer Steam keys to people who buy it at a deep discount as part of a bundle because I probably wouldn't be matching the bundle discount over on Steam itself. So if one of my games got selected for the bundle, ideally I'd still like to offer Steam keys to people who buy the game by itself but not to people who bought it in the bundle. Is that possible, or should I leave my game out of the bundle if I don't want bundle buyers to claim all of its Steam keys?
Thanks! The way I try to scope my own games is by making the smallest possible version first, and then adding more features or content afterwards if I still have the energy to do it. I started Ducky's Delivery Service by making a smaller version with a few levels and no story first, and then I added those later. My last game Chessplosion didn't have an adventure mode or online multiplayer until I had finished making the rest of the game.
So if I get to the end of making the small version and it took way more time than I expected, I have the option of releasing a small game instead of being stuck with half of a huge game that I don't want to finish. I ended up finishing the larger versions of Chessplosion and Ducky's Delivery Service, but I'm glad I made them this way! Maybe I'll get better at estimating the scope of large games in the future, but this way works fine for now.
My game Ducky's Delivery Service is out now!
Propeller-powered duck delivery action!
In Ducky's Delivery Service, you are a duck who uses a propeller backpack to fly around and deliver mail. Master the flight physics, grow your delivery business, fulfill special delivery requests from other ducks, and earn time attack ranks and high scores.
Trailer video:
You might have seen the game in Wholesome Direct this year!
There's also a 10% launch sale for the first week. I hope you enjoy the game!
Thank you! Yes, the game is also on Steam:
Thank you so much for playing the game, and I'm glad you're having fun! I've seen a lot of chess players and non-chess players play it, and the single biggest difference between the two groups is that the non-chess players all have a hard time visualizing knights and bishops at first. It's not just you!
One shortcut that makes things a bit easier is that bishops only hit squares the same color as the one that they're standing on, and knights only hit squares that are the opposite color to the one that they're standing on. But it still takes a while to get used to them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy puzzle mode and the rest of the game!
I hope you enjoy the game when you buy it! In the meantime, there's no demo on itch yet but there's a Download Demo button on the Steam store page