Aiming for a demo release for June. It's just some of the promised features and the new ones aren't completely working as intended yet so still trying to fix them before then.
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A lot of the points you brought up are spot on actually. The movements have been reported as looking a bit weird since many of them were just default supplied Unreal ones which are kinda hit or miss for some people.
Voices is also a valid point as I only had two specific archetype voice libraries. Which were tough quiet dude (not really matching Kyosuke and more Taichi) and oneesan voice (def not Chiyoko and more fitting for Sayaka) but it's all I had on hand at the time since the aforementioned voice libraries were actually for the protags of another game I'm working on (and there the libraries fit the personalities). I suppose I could have left them silent.
Combat was as good as I could have gotten it in such short notice. You should have seen the very first iteration of it before the jam got a 2 day extension that allowed me to turn it into the current one. I'm not disagreeing with you however, it absolutely can be improved with more time.
I'm not sure if I'll turn this into a full game or make a sequel. If anything I mostly wanted feedback since some of the concepts I applied here, I will be applying to the other aforementioned game since they have slightly similar concepts and feels to them.
Thanks for the thoughts and thank you for playing.
It's kinda expected tbh. You have to go into making games with the expectation that it'll probably not get much attention. So when it does, you're pleasantly surprised. And if it doesn't, well you were prepared for that outcome so the disappointment is more manageable.
Just never give up. My first game took almost 2 years to even get to 280 downloads. My newest one got to that amount in just over a month.
It'll get easier the more you try.
Hey there. Could I trouble you by asking if you can try my recent game and give feedback?
I was trying some new stuff I want to implement in a later game down the line so would like to see if they're worth porting over.
Thank you for the video! I noticed the small bugs you mentioned and I'll fix them. Ending C is bit hard to get so I'll spoil it.
- Kyosuke goes to the bath and dies.
- Lead the fake Sayaka out from the dojo.
- Outside, instead of going back inside to Taichi, check the water near the dojo and the big tree. There will be something there that wasn't before.
Hmmmm. I did some research and not entirely sure if I can solve it (since no one else seems to have had that problem) but I'll be putting a new build up in a couple of days that will hopefully solve it. As well as fix a couple of bugs, some more freedom to explore during certain sequences and possibly improved combat.
Thank you for playing. :)