Mirren, and Rez have me in a chokehold. Really enjoyed what I’ve played so far and can’t wait for more.
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I’ve only done (most) of the pov and Levon specific routes and I adore him. X was suss to me the entire time so I’m glad I tried out a few of the other options after the
Spoiler warning
wedding one.Spoiler warning
CannibalismSpoiler warning
bad endings or get him killed.It took me a couple of attempts to get on the route as I must have made some wrong choice decision at points, but once I got on it, I greatly enjoyed what was available for Romulus, though I do feel bad about lying to him when he asked us about something near the end of the demo. Loved the art and the interactions with Cupid also. Definitely looking forward to more.
I was immediately suss of the other pixies but was not expecting that to go so dark so quickly, but it was great. My first choice was to Spoilers
confront Shyloh because I didn’t trust the others, - and seeing him come in for the rescue at the end was pretty sexy of him (even with the threat lol) so that was neat. Excited to learn more about Kai as I’m curious as to why he helped us.
I really enjoyed the demo. I played a Kinder MC at first who didn't blame Mathias for their past and it was all very sweet. After, I played an MC who whilst still in love with Mathias was also still angry and traumatized by past events and I really like how the (romantic) relationship differed between the two routes. Especially their alone time after the feast. 💕
Mathias was my favourite, but I really liked the side characters we meet and also how your personality can even change how they react to you. I still need to figure out how to unlock some of the CG's as I'm missing a few but I really look forward to the full release.
Also, I've never played something like this in black and white but it really worked for the game and I liked the aesthetics of it.
There's not much more about the world of Five Kingdoms I need to know just yet, the game hints at some things and does make me curious about others - I do hope we get to see more hints of the MC's past, maybe even how Mathias felt about the way they were whipped in his place. (I am a sucker for hurt/comfort and angst, but I do enjoy the soft fluffy parts that makes up for the sadder moments.)
I didn't discover the game until long after the Kickstarter had ended but I really enjoyed what I played in the Demo. Will there be any way to pick up the guide when the game releases or is that just a Kickstarter item only? I'm very bad at playing these sorts of games and then ending upset because one decision I made early game gets me killed or locks me out of a romance option many hours in or something. Totally fine if it's a Kickstarter reward only and I have to figure it out the hard way, but thought I'd ask. :)
Really enjoyed the demo, love the art and the music. Lux is definitely my favourite, I loved the rather sweet moment on the beach with Kay. 'Tien is definitely a close second favourite, I can't wait to see more of him. I felt bad for him after Kay shouted at him, and he seemed quieter and more subdued after. It felt like I'd (no pun intended) kicked a puppy, so I hope they can reconcile. I've no interest in Kali, or Shay romantically but they're also great. I'm definitely excited for future content.
I did Rashid's good ending first, followed by Harun's good ending, and I definitely enjoyed the latter the most. I kept wondering how they could have a happy ending given Harun's attitude during the game, so it was a nice surprise to see how it all came together at the end. I definitely wish we could have gotten more with him, but what we did get was nice and I think Harun's was my favourite between the two. (Halim is cute but I found the growing relationship with his guard friend rather cute so I didn't want to get involved. ^^)