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A member registered Feb 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Great updates ! Congrats !

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Best penguin & shark on itch ! Congratulations ! Even if I think the tail is too big, but wooooow anyway =D

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Here comes a new challenger !
Congratulations ! This character is awesome ! We want more =D

hi ! you're in the wrong category, your game is in the assets ;)

Merci beaucoup

Instant buy, even if it's free =D

Merci beaucoup, pour le P90, c'est Alb_pixel Store qu'il faut féliciter =D

Merci beaucoup !

I've heard 3 seconds of the first track of the free version and said... ok, let's pay !

Too bad, I can't pay on bootsy... it refuses my VISA. 

Amazing pack, as usual but... in the "idle" position, I think the gun should be of the other side of the hand... on the left.

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Woooooooow... Amazing pack,
A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! You are officially the king of Itch... well, my king of Itch =D

Great pack, nice vibes !

Oh mon dieu... c'est là depuis si longtemps et je ne le savais pas.

Thanks a lot !

Next month... I'll buy this ! =D This is amazing !

Hi ! Great pack, but there's a little problem with the ship number 6. You have mirrored the sprite to make it turn to the right but the helix is mirrored too. So, when your ship turns to the right, te helix turn in the other way.

Here I come, as I told you =D
First of all, good job again, great character !
I've bought the ninja pack 5 days ago and 294 days ago but i only have the previous version of this character, when she was in red.
Do you think it's possible for me to get this one for free ?

Very nice pack ! I don't need this now but I'm pretty sure I will buy it later !

Don't worry, i will buy your actual bundle (but next month) because i bought the first very cheap (16,60€), there are many updates and new characters but i have some previous characters that are not in the actual bundle, like Yumiya ninja, legendary hero cage, kara no gabimaru if i'm not wrong... or other characters that are not available now (like female fighter), If you update them later, maybe i will send you a message ;)

This is the first time i see your assets, great job !

I really like your assets, you're a great artist but... I don't understand. You make assets, you delete them, you put them back with some differences and ask  full price for the update. This is not very fair... even if i can understand.

Simple, propre et efficace. Bravo !

merci FL8 ;)

merci, un jour... peut-être que je reprendrai tout depuis le début pour le terminer correctement. Il est trop difficile =D sinon, pour les additions, il y a gumbers deluxe ou europanic 2, je m'en sers souvent en classe.

merci, c'était pour une Jam ;)

Je ne pourrai jouer que dans une heure mais je sens déjà que ça va être incroyable !

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Ça force le respect ! Bravo ! Hop, j'achète ! =D

Woooooow... here comes a new challenger ! Instant buy ! I love your style !

Good job ! Thanks a lot ! If i manage to release my game, i'll buy it !

Nice but... hard to read this page ;)

Aaaah, voilà pourquoi je pensais reconnaitre FL8 =D

Faut que je me trouve des potes ! Bien joué Fax ! et... ce ne serait pas de la musique de FL8 ça ?! =D

Come back Gustavo, we miss your assets ! =D

Hi ! Other characters are gone ? Aas i remember, there were 4 characters before... am i wrong ?

Great ! I love when educational games looks like games =D

So inspiring ! Thanks !