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A member registered Jan 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Was getting some Depths of Europa vibes from them!!

This tileset is gorgeous!

Cannot wait for the full game - it's been a delight to play the demo!

Such a gorgeous looking game! Not got far with the demo yet, but it's brilliant!

Noticed pressing down+start with the map shows glitches black tiles for a split second before the map loads?

No worries! Will give the game another go tonight and get further than boss 2. The 2nd boss - I may have been bouncing and pressing left that caused the duck to move out if bounds?

Amazing demo - the grpahics and controls are first class. The music is brilliant! Played with headphones in, and the stereo SFX and music tracks are gorgeous!! Seriously addictive platforming. Can't wait for the full release!

Two bugs: 

You can hear the laser units fire off screen, but there's no laser projectiles till it's on screen. Is that by design?

One of the last rooms where you have to open the door with a swith on the top left - the camera panned left to give me more space when jumping left to go to the switch, but I fell to the lower level, but the camera remained 'left aligned' so moving right to get back to the top platforms, the camera gave you little space on right to see. (Hope that one makes sense??!)

Great demo, great game! Graphics are really styled well, and the music is banging! Played on GBA with headphones, and loved the music.

That being said - I've collated some feedback to help you.

  • Need a pause state/button for a breather.
  • Intro credit scene too short. Nice to be a little longer with a skip A button. I like to read the dev names, couldn't read them in time.
  • Enemy jump SfX feel a little scratchy?
  • You get hit twice with a falling screw or robot and can die instantly - could disable collisions for a second to let you get away from enemy.
  • 2nd boss I was able to walk left off screen and the level was then stuck - had to reset game.

Very handy!!

Hey, that's the file, but it's the part with all the rail corners. I've circled the pixels which are missing, coloured the BG Pink so they stand out. If you join a corner with a straight, there's a missing pixel of track.

I coloured these two pixels in the lightest shade, and the rails looked correct and connected.

Hey - so sorry, but spotted in file minecart_and_rails.png tile (x,y) 2,7 and 3,7 there's a pixel in each tile at the edge that's transparent, so it doesn't join up the tracks. Think it should be the light tone?

Oh wow, this was more than just a missing tile added - great work!! Good job I didn't start on any minecart levels! ha

Woop, awesome! Thanks for the quick reply!

It's an amazing tileset, really loving all the elements of it!

I don't know how to make terrain brushes in Tiled yet, so just picking and placing tiles using your examples to see which tiles are what - but it's working great! 

Keep up the great work!

Is there the tile(s) for the minecart track going into the wall hole/entrance? I can't seem to find it anywhere in the pack? Thanks

Game of the year for the Gameboy so far - and a tough one to knock off the top spot, I hope! Awesome gameplay, awesome graphics, addictive and challenging all the way through!!!

Fully behind you in this decision! Best of luck with the rest of the course - lesson 7 already sounds immense!

haha yes... time and effort only hold me back! Haha

thanks! Was a Jam entry, and I'd love to flesh it out into a full game... maybe this year!?


Purchased after I beat it on medium. Great upgrade to the Jam game! How did you do the clouds and Moon??!!

Great game to play - can't wait to review the project files for ideas!

Better looking than chapter 1, but a little easier. Great looking tiles!

Great fun, and quite the challenge!

Ohh what a surprise!  Your Jam version was a blast! Can't wait to try this one!!

(1 edit)

haha - thanks for the comment!! 

Pushing the limits of homebrew and GB Studio to the max - amazing little game that takes more than one go to crack it! Top notch - as always!

haha - glad you managed to get out without passing out!! Thanks for the play!

haha - thanks for playing, and the awesome feedback!!! I'm wanting to expand on this jam game to make a fully featured gam... one day!

do you use uge tracker or similar for music creation? Looking for a composer for some fun music loops.


Game will be built for the Gameboy/Gameboy Color, so would need to be in .UGE tracker format, and any SFX in format for GB.

Hey all - looking for a music composer for music and SFX for my game. Will be a simple puzzler game, themed to Autumn / Winter / Christmas - so happy 'loopy' festive style music needed, along with any good SFX you can produce. Would need to be UGE tracker based or Mod files?
Let me know if you're interested?! You can get credits in the game as the music/SFX composer.

Hey all - looking for a music composer for music and SFX for my game. Will be a simple puzzler game, themed to Autumn / Winter / Christmas - so happy 'loopy' festive style music needed, along with any good SFX you can produce. Would need to be UGE tracker based or Mod files?
Let me know if you're interested?! You can get credits in the game as the music/SFX composer.

Coming along nicely!

Excited about this series - makes a nice break from all the platforming and exploring! I've yet to make a puzzle game of any sort!

glad to be of help, looking forward to the polished game!

That write up was great! Very interesting!

Hey - played it on a GB and I was a lot better at timing the double jumps!! Got a lot further.

Would be good to see a progress bar or similar to know you had collected enough fuses maybe? Wasn't sure on what constituted winning, other than frantically jumping for fuse after fuse, lol!

Good demo though, and the anxiety driven timer is a good mechanic to go with. Maybe just some visual feedback of any 'progress' like mentioned above?

Keep up the good work!

That works a treat! Even works well as a mobile game - love the overlay buttons! Current room on the map is cool!

lol - I still suck on the keyboard! I need some practice!

Amazing work, would be cool to get the current room location on the map too, not sure if you can pull that from the game memory? Really cool though! (Make the Link Cable version now!!!)  :)

Just quickly tried it on my phone with touch controls. It was the 2nd fuse to use the spring platform and the double jump to get up to the platform. I'm getting old! Once I figured that out I could double jump about fine. But I think the touch controls didn't help much! Will give it a try using a keyboard, and on hardware too.