id blow you if i were gay, ty cockhole.

i refused to delete this game, even after 1 (ish) year, not many games that can make me feel they way i do about repeat. shirokoi does an amazing job on making the story humorous when it needs to be, making us laugh when we should, then almost flipping that in a instant into something i can only compare to pure unprovoked dread, that feeling that something is wrong and proving that something is, indeed wrong, then it goes right back to a humorous story with that same dread looming in the back ground.
TLDR: author good at feeling make me feel scared, happy, yes.
im a bit late to this but more than likely its a chain of wishes, jinnys wish would be to save the main character ( since you know) which would make it understandable on why halley can rewind time. the only problem im having is with the main character, all wishes symbolize their wisher in some way (echo has a noose around his neck not sure about halley bur bare with me) this makes sense. but halley in the start of the game said something along the lines of " echo is a useless wish " and "he would turn into something vile" or something along those lines, even though later she confirms she doesn't keep her memories. but echo also confrirms that remnants are " dead wishes " so wouldnt that mean, in some shape or form the remnant is the mc's " dead wish ". this would also imply that echo is going to (or already has) turn into a dead wish (since you know, grandfather paradox).
i had this same problem, solution? to get a character route you must spend every day with said character. some characters you cant find on some days which means you have to interact with anothing character to find them, check the 'steam community tab' for any help with figuring out what character routes need you to be where ( im sure someone made one if not ill make one in like a week) the way to tell if you got the 'good ending' for a character is the song 'victory day' will play during the concert, bad ending... well... you die. ( to get a good ending you have to hang out with the same charater for chapter 1 and 2 you cant just switch up, i highly reccomend you get every charater ending there might or might not be another ending :D )
hope this helps
I love this game. from the start of the game i thought " oh another NSFW harem game labeled as a 'dating-sim' where your choices mean nothing" but getting deeper into the game i found that i didn't come for the sex scenes (which in and of themselves aren't the best but i digress) but for the story which leaves you itching for more. first time playing i went for a po route because i though " haha funny kangaroo dog cat thing " but i found out his story was so much deeper after finishing his route ( in one night i may add ) i turned off my pc and went to sleep, next day i went to go and look for the second chapter and found out it cost money, which i didnt mind spending because the devs made a amazing game i do a play through that maybe last 4 ish hours but instead i do kaj route ( because he is best boy of course ) and it seems as if the 2nd chapter felt shorter than the first and i was more or less disappointed story was ok but felt rushed but the next day i get back on and decide im going to get my money worth and get EVERY SINGLE ENDING... best choice i made while playing this game because after doing po route after kaj i felt like the dialogue changed for (imma put reacted because i dont wanna spoil) so i went to test this by doing tsitsi route which confirmed my suspicions so in that day i got 4 out of 7 of the character routes and the next day finished it and the ending ( while a bit confusing and fast paste ) was amazing but after finishing the game a white screen poped up which ( i dont remember what it said i think it just said 'familiar travels' ) made me kinda cry because i knew there was not going to be another installment which was sad. the only game that made me feel the way i did after playing this was undertale. but its sad knowing more isnt coming as if your in the discord everything is quiet. so yes the game for chapter 2 cost but its a great ivest ment i think you should buy and thank you devs for the amazing game
TLDR; good game u should buy amazing story, yes