Hey! This is a fantastic request and an excellent use case. I will see about attending to it this fall. I will update you in this thread when it's done!
Alexander Cobleigh
Creator of
Recent community posts
https://herman.bearblog.dev/ (has <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="/feed/?type=rss"> in <head> but not pulled down)
This has now been added! More details in the devlog https://cblgh.itch.io/rad-reader/devlog/689209/bug-fixes-galore-and-osx-builds
I'm happy to share that there's now OSX (and M1/M2) support! You can read more in the latest devlog :> https://cblgh.itch.io/rad-reader/devlog/689209/bug-fixes-galore-and-osx-builds
Thanks for the report and subsequent poke! It WAS actually a bug in Rad Reader, and now fixed thanks to your help ^_^ See the screenshot below.
Apologies it took some time to get back to you, there's been a lot on the work-front recently. Gearing up to make a new release of bug fixes around the new year for Rad Reader :)
in regards to specific feed-related issues, it seems to not load the two latest entries on my own feed @ https://heckscaper.com/rss.xml. a couple other readers i have on hand seem to be parsing it without issue. i don't think it's an issue with formatting on my end, but it would be great to know what end the issue is on.
thanks for this, it was on my end! thanks to you the time parsing routine is now a bit more resilient in terms of handling different representations! :)
Yes sorry! Rendering of the app is attempted with the system's webviewer, which in the case of Linux the program tries to use webkit (as noted). I'll try to do some testing on one of these distros where it is not bundled coming up, but I'm not sure I can promise a good fix for this as it's central to the construction.
The drawback is needing that dependency installed, but the benefit is that it's only installed once: binaries never need to include it, and if other programs attempt to use the system webviewer they will also rely on the same instance.
Perhaps I should list the dependency requirement somewhere so that it is more explicit.. What do you all think?
Entries within a feed should be reverse-chrono! Do you have a feed for me to try that seems to not adhere to this?
In case this is what is happening (don't think so, tho): when first adding a feed url, it will appear at the top as a way to give the user feedback that "ah, yes the feed was added!" but it will be resorted next time a fetch happens.
We *just* released and it seems people are having a blast exploring websites and feeds! Let's use this post to gather any bugs you have found hidden under rocks, feeds that might not be behaving / downloaded as you might expect. I intend to fix the things that have been uncovered so far and scare away the little bugs that have yet to be found as well.
Thank you so much for buying Rad Reader and for expressing such overwhelming enthusiasm, it is really a lovely feeling after working in the dark for quite a while!
There is no integrated way. But since Hypercard is completely read/write, you would simply choose the button tool, select the link on the zettel you want to remove it from, and delete it.
Backlinks are represented as text in a field, and they are a bit more cumbersome to remove. To remove a backlink you would need to select the field tool, unlock the text of the backlink you want to remove, and erase its characters.