agreed, this game is never gonna be released. A shame, I really like it :c
Recent community posts
I don't care for Jane, she seems like a self centered person and a bad friend so I wouldn't be interested in a friendship route. That being said, if fans really want it, it's no big deal if it gets in the game. I can only hope that if she does get a route it gets done after all of Isaac's routes since he's the reason I'm playing and I have no interest in Jane aside from her being a side character. Love the game! <3
lmao, you really took that personally even tho it wasn't directed at you. I'm imploring you to get a life, loser, instead of replying to months old comments to someone who doesn't care about you at all xD That's little pp energy to me, but you can say what you want and so will I. Take ur essay elsewhere, i'm not reading all that. I'm right and people agree with me, so get over it.
Sorry if you're so fragile that you can't play a horror vn and is triggered enough to whine in the comments about a few scary themes, that's pathetic and it doesn't warrant a negative comment like the original poster. You are a sad, no life loser to respond to a comment that's months old and wasn't directed at you nor does it have anything to do with whatever you're crying about. Please get offline and touch grass c: i'm not arguing with you, cry if you think i'm so mean, poor wittle baby ;-;
why are you playing a yandere VN if you're sensitive to bloody themes? I'm not trying to be mean, but it just seems whiney and rude on your part to leave a complaint like this. When you willingly played this game knowing what it is. It even says in the description of it quote:
- This demo contains depictions of mental instability and mentions of animal death.
- It also contains shaking transitions, which can be turned off in Preferences.
I suggest you stop playing horror VN's if you're gonna rag on a good game over some scary themes, which should've been expected with a game like this. Jesus, grow a backbone.
I got all three endings and I gotta say, I enjoyed myself a lot more then I thought. it's a well fleshed out demo, and Friend is such a dreamboat! I'll definitely be going with the boyfriend route first haha
The only critique I have is the same as one of the comments below. Just a few changes in dialogue to make it more gender neutral, because it does feel like MC is a female even when you choose the male options.
Good job! I'm so excited for the next update, do you plan on releasing this game in full or doing it day by day? :)
the artwork in this game is amazing! I find the atmosphere genuinely jarring and suspenseful, even the creepy piano music is a good touch! I can't wait to see where this story goes with Riker- also, Riker is super hot and I love him already. I'm definitely going to play nice with him at first. Please let me know if you get around to making a tumblr blog so I can follow you. <3 eagerly waiting for day 3~!