Is there an uncensored version
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Please nerf the bard if there is just one of them on screen the can cause all melee enemies to basically teleport to sophie causing an instant death also lower the health of pyromancers, lower poison damage to sophie because a single ranged zombie can take out a fifth of her health bar in one shot ,and limit the amount of summoned zombies also make it so predators prioritize human units over zombies and make the vampire chick have the undead trait, there should also just be a predator whose job it is to tank large groups of units and the burp spell should cancel bard charge, maybe make the charge instead attached to the jousting units and the bard just adds an attack speed boost to melee units ,you should also give us the ability to increase Sophie's damage as she levels up ,you don't need to add everything but these are just my balancing suggestions sorry for no grammar but my biggest wish is to add healing to the game in some way ,and please make it so palidins and engineers have different hats