I love a good, goofy acronym.
Recent community posts
I was waiting in the hope of possible seeing community copies, but after taking a closer look at the previews (and also getting paid a good amount for once, that helps) I am gonna buy this. The art and the idea is so fun, especially because I loooooved Control and enjoy this take on that style of game/world.
Heyo, like my comment over on the main game, just sharing some mistakes, typos, and inconsitencies I noticed!
- Flock's Call to Feast doesn't list Self as range, and Effect: before the effects.
- Carniphagous Owl's Machineheart upgrade probably has the wrong name.
- Here's some others with capitalization inconsistencies:
- Flock's "Rabid" upgrade description
- Siren's "Ear Splitter" upgrade description
- Carniphagous Owl's "Circling" and "Flesh Sacrifice" traits, "Bone Resonance" upgrade description
- Haruspex's "Flesh Sacrifice" trait description, "Call Flock" SOUL description, "Priest of the Hue" Bonus Trait description, "Bloody Rain" and "The Hook" ACT Upgrade descriptions, "Sudden Twitching" and "Carrion Burial" SOUL Upgrades
Heya, if we wanted to bring attention to some typos, inconsistencies, and such where should we post about'em? I'll post'em here for now, but will post them where I should when am told. Hopefully it helps either way!
- Clarification on the CARCASS mechanic Headshot: does it trigger only on a naturally rolled 6, a total of exactly 6, or as long as the total is 6 or higher?
- Ammo Goblin's Vomit Bullets upgrade description shows a (6) as the effect trigger...is this supposed to be 6+, or Headshot?
- The CARCASS Tyrant's name is listed as EGIS in the book, but the icon/portrait files say AEGIS; which is right?
- Operator's Akimbo's effects are on the same line as range and tag, doesn't match with most everything else.
- Warlord's Superheated Chainblade's effects are on the same line as range and tag, doesn't match with most everything else.
- Leech's Pandemic upgrade doesn't mention what it is actually upgrade.
- Plaguelord's ACT Upgrade Vermin Form has "and and" in there.
- Chosen's Kidnap ACT says "Curset", I believe it's supposed to say "Effect".
- Vizigheist's Horrendous Shriek ACT says "Curse" where I believe it should say "Effect". Addditionally, the Condemn upgrade simply says "Shriek" when it probably should say "Horrendous Shriek."
- Dark Priest's ACT Upgrade Frozen Hell just goes right into what it does, but I believe it's supposed to say "Effect:".
- Zealot's trait Zealotry says "When MOVEing again...", but doesn't specify just every single turn after, or on the same turn, and the Smite ACT is missing the "Effect:" before the start of it's effects.
- Inquisitor's unit art and portrait are named as Exorcist.
- Exorcist's Starmetal Godsword's effects are on the same line as range and tag, doesn't match with most everything else.
- Overall there' a lot of capitalization inconsistency in the following (but not limited to) locations:
- Ammo Goblin's "Vomit Bullets" upgrade description
- Operator's ACT Upgrades "Grenade jump", "LV4 living cannon", "SG88 two barrel shotgun", and SOUL Upgrade "Bullet hustle"
- Rotten's "Catalyze" upgrade description
- Leech's "Massive Swell" upgrade description
- Host's "Swarm release" trait
- Plaguelord's Bonus Trait "Pollution shroud"
- Banshee's "Bale scream" ACT
- Zealot's "Punisher" and "Fiery Chain" upgrade descriptions
- Antipriest's "Cleansing Prayer" description
- Holy Body's "Miraculous flesh" trait
- Stitch's "Genestealer", "Spread Mutate", and "Warping Mutate" upgrade descriptions
- Homonculus's "Absorb" ACT description, "Meld" upgrade description, and "Form Carapace" upgrade description.
Downloaded this to give it a shot sometime in the future, always love seeing Freelancer as an inspiration...need more games like it!
Somewhat unrelated to this, but if you like Freelancer, check out Underspace. It's got that same open-space vibe but with spooky stuff too (not sponsored or anything, just a similar vibe game!).
Heya, I finally picked it up and I'm so glad to have it!
I've got a problem regarding the autofillable sheet though: Using Acrobat Reader you can't seem to remove a tool's weight once you add it in. I can change it back to [Tools] and it erases everything, but then it kicks up an error and leaves the weight there. I know you can just ignore it, but it'd be nice to be able to have the autofill empty it out!
Heya, just reading over the book and love the simplicity of it for a quick op, and also lends to letting people run a longer one if they want.
Quick question: When it comes to equipment from the Quartermaster, one option says "Armour plates"...is that one pair of plates that prevents 1 damage each, or is it just one plate (so you could take it 3 times to prevent 3 damage)?
Looking for a little clarification regarding Breakout Stars fighting over the rank: it says the loser moves up the scale to Villain Edit...does that mean they simply go up to Drama Score 9 or are they moved all the way up to 13?
Otherwise, this game is adorable and hilarious looking! I got friends who I think will looooove this, so I gotta see about getting a game going!
A question on a rule! When establishing an outpost, the wording is confusing me a little, does it mean that...
- You can only have one outpost at a location at any one time, but can have as many outposts as you have spare crew.
- You can only have one outpost anywhere at any time, ever.
Otherwise I've been getting stuff setup on my solo Roll20 table to play, excited to give things a shot!
That makes sense, I just wasn’t sure if it was a toony “this is totally a snake not a lizard ha trust me :)” critter or something like you said. But otherwise yea, with the custom perk suggestions it does seem easy enough to make or modify your own!
Future animals…I know it’s easy enough to make our owN, but would be interesting to see official stuff for aquatic creatures like fish, rules for playing Bliffs (like golems, robots, etc), rules ideas for bigger critters if you miniaturize them (like horses, hippos, giraffes, etc), or even fantastical critters (chupacabra, kobold, etc).