The Playful Void wrote a review of this adventure! Give it a read if you'd like some in-depths thoughts on it.
Also, many thanks to the lovely folks who worked on this! It was so fun to build this with y'all.
I just ran my first ever game of Mausritter. Ran this as a one shot. It was immensely fun! Delightful concept. The way the 3 factions are set up is great. They were super easy for me to understand and run as the GM. It was interesting for the players as they were able to interact with them and make deals. Had lots of adventure, but not even one combat!
Overall, greatly pleased with this adventure. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to run Mausritter.
Thank you so much for putting this out under a creative commons license! That is so generous. I used some of your spells (with attribution!) for a Bard class I wrote for The Black Hack 2e. I love that so many of the spells are built as interesting tools rather than magical weapons.
I just want to say thanks again for this fantastic spell list. I used many of them (with attribution!) for a Druid class I wrote for The Black Hack 2e. They brought so much flavor! I love that the spells aren't really damage based.
I also threw a couple dollars your way as a thank you.
My group finished playing this tonight. Took us 2 sessions. We used a system called Dark Streets and Darker Secrets, which worked very well. We had a lot of fun and I'd totally recommend this adventure!
The adventure can go a number of different directions, depending on what choices the players make. I think it will have great replay value.
I would recommend playing it as a one-shot (as we did). It may be quite difficult to get all the PCs out alive from this scenario (3/4 of our PCs died in the end).
Beautiful product for a lovely cause! I don't even own Lighthearted yet (I will before long) but I had to buy this and I'm glad I did. I've never seen an RPG adventure like it. As someone who struggles with depression, I deeply appreciate the creator's willingness to handle such weighty subjects. Thank you!
My one bit of feedback is that Millie is referred to in the text as a she, but has they/them pronouns listed. I would recommend choosing one or the other, personally. Not a big problem though. It's easy for a GM to choose.
My group played through this game over a couple of sessions (could easily have gone longer). It was an absolute blast! Our first foray into GMless games. Never had to wonder what to do. There's always something interesting happening for you to interact with.
It does take a VERY different mindset to play than D&D. So be aware of that if you come from D&D or similar games. But give it a chance and I'm sure your group will love it!
Also, I'm now using Starflung Missives from the bonus material for a letter writing game with my penpal. Lots of fun!
I played through this over the last week. Took 5 or 6 sessions. I loved it. I wrote a 5000+ word story of a ship. It took twists and turns I'd never have invented on my own. The story prompts were very inspiring (especially those in the Bonus Content). I loved writing a story from the perspective of an object within the space. I'm going to have to play Artefact soon!