I cannot download this either anymore but bought it
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hmm it reminds me of some pixelartist here on itch, he had made like an asset pack, neat and small right but it was so close to supermario i never bought it since xD it was obvious where that inspiration was from and even though supermario is so long ago it was so from there ...
Thank you for your kind words by the way. You are a nice person.
You speak like this to everyone ? Not very nice or respectful. At least I have not relied on the new 8bit pack to get free attention .. I would have made a much longer story but I was under hard time limit pressure to do anything at all. I suggest you take your computer to a very stressful environment and see what you get done in 1.5 days. I succesfully edited rtp and made own music in this short time proving I do not burst under severe stress but people like you should be ashamed to speak like this to anyone. Im actually proud what I did accomplish in such a short time and rpgmaker wont be in my use much after this since better makers are coming out soon so pointless to learn it soon as its community will not be big soon any longer.
Hiya thank you! Yeah its quite a nice filter! I like it somewhat too! Did you notice I made it darker using rpgmakers own eventing system btw?
Anyway im still quite the rpgengine noob since Ive mostly stared at the engine since its one of those not easy at all anyway engines XD but still wanted to join this jam and the naming obviously is a flop since im a kind of itch noob too. Thank you for the feedback!