this is literally the opposite of cool you fool
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This game taught me to appreciate everything i have
This year, i've truly felt in the gutter for months. The isolation i've recieved from the faceless voices online i'm so desolate to call "friends" had driven me to a state of lunacy; a state of melancholic madness. A place in my mind I wish to never face once more. I felt absolutely heartbroken that the people that I've given every last straw that makes my frail strawman self would not bat an eye at the desperate messages i delivered to them daily, from morning to midnight.
In the middle of my scrolling and searching, looking for something that would distract my empty mind, I stumbled across a so called "Another Doise Mod". I was interested, it looked like a promising short experience to burn a few minutes. I was dead wrong. The moment I opened the game I was perplexed, what happened to the intro? To my surprise instead of Pizza Tower's sprite based opening, or anything alike, I was greeted from the very beginning with an hour-and-a-half long feature film titled "Free Birds". After watching such a fantastic and hilarious movie I could only imagine what wonders of joy and humor lied after the so called "introduction".
Disgracefully, I was fated with being dead wrong. What waited for me was the most abominable monstrocity that I can only describe as a Squeenolike.
Words cannot describe the agonizing torture that was to clear all of the atrocious horrorshows labeled as levels. It was as if I had been reincarnated as the holy Jesus of Nazareth, only for the moment he was lead to the crossed. Ruthlessly insulted, spat on and whipped relentlessly. As if they stripped me bare of all that makes me and held me up in that wooden cross. This atrocity was made with all the acrimony and malice a human can withhold. Vile is an understatement on every miniscule aspect of this work of hatred.
After what felt like days of the most nefarious, vicious torment I finally was led to the light. The pearly gate that shut when I first set a foot on this rotten marsh had finally opened up. And when I looked up to it, I was free. Never have I felt so alive, I finally have opened my eyes to see that every cloud truly has silver lining. I finally understand that my solitude will not be eternal. And sooner than I know it. I will finally talk with those people that taught me to feel love again.
1/10 this game is dogshit
this anti-leak on 1.3.1 is the DUMBEST shit ever. I'd understand if it was checking your Steam library but NO, it checks if you're in his server.
I don't like Loypoll but he did indeed make a good mod, why'd he do that?
Someone in this comment section posted this build with the revamped Vigilante and (debug exclusive) cosmic clone so there's that ig.
1.3.1 w/o "anti-leak" posted posteriorly